The over-the-shoulder throw of housekeeping skills was directly displayed!

The black-clothed man standing on the sofa drew a circular arc and slammed heavily on the ground with a bang.

The entire spine was broken into several sections in an instant, and he could no longer get up.

Everyone around looked at this scene in a daze.

The man in the black top hat spoke intermittently: "I have to... install the bomb, hand over the boss,... and the gems, or I will ask you to... die together!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "To die together is to think too much."

He kicked directly at his suit pocket, and the remote control of the bomb was kicked out. Nakamori Ginzo quickly picked up the remote control.Then he leaned over to where the man in black was originally seated, and took out a kraft paper bag under the seat, which was the so-called bomb.

Obviously Mori Kogoro remembered how many gunmen he had watched before, and he solved six of them in the background, one pretending to be Kidd and the other Snake.

The last person left is this guy.

Snake is quite shady, he is worthy of being a poisonous snake, and he knows to keep a back hand for himself.

If the mission fails, the person who intends to let his subordinates hold the entire banquet hall hostage with a bomb, in exchange for getting out of trouble.

It's a pity that he was taken away by airlift, so he naturally had no chance to issue this order.

On the other hand, Kataoka Renka stared blankly at this scene, her deer-like eyes fixed on Kogoro Mori, turning with his figure.

Chapter 0153 The Girl's Mind

It turned out that they were not looking for me, they were looking for bad people, but this is too powerful. They just came back and found someone.

Am I saved?This is too fast, I don't feel any danger!

Sure enough, the uncle who knows martial arts is really super handsome, and he beat the bad guy to the ground with a shoulder throw.

But why does he ignore me?Is it because I don't look good?

Girls have a lot of things on their minds, and in the blink of an eye, countless small thoughts have flashed through Kataoka Renhua's mind.

Mori Kogoro turned around and asked gently: "Are you okay? Hey, I remember you, you came to the office to find someone!" Hearing this, Kataoka Lianhua instantly jumped up: he Recognize me!

The young lady who dreamed of becoming an actress in the troupe stood up and said, "I'm fine, Detective Maori, thank you for saving me." Kogoro Maori shook his head and said, "It's not a rescue, it's my approach. What made the gangsters violent, actually surprised you."

Kataoka Lianhua shook her head: "No, because the process was so fast, I didn't feel any fear. I still have to thank Detective Mori."

Saying this, the girl bowed to her.

And Nakamori Ginzo rushed up quickly, and took the rope to control the fainting man in the top hat on the floor.

Then he came to Mori Kogoro's side, observed the contents of the cowhide bag, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly asked his subordinates to take the bomb out first.

However, the bomb had already been dismantled by the Ant-Man robot arranged by the Red Queen, so it naturally exploded unexpectedly.

Mori Kogoro will not sit back and watch Xiaolan and the others in a dangerous environment!

"Xiao Goro, thank you again. If the bomb really detonates, with so many people, Tokyo will be shaken three times."

"Hey, it's really you. How can you tell there's something wrong with that guy? I've been guarding here for a few minutes, but I didn't find anything." Sonoko on the side came up and put his arms around Kogoro Mouri's arm, with a look on his face. Speak proudly.

"My uncle is so smart, of course he discovered it at a glance. How can you compare with him?"

"Ito-san, and Miss Kataoka, you two are also coming to the magic show, I remember you have a show tomorrow?"

Ginzo Nakamori, who was choked for a moment, saw all the girls approaching, couldn't help pulling the fainted prisoner away with resentment, and guarded him with another prisoner pretending to be Kidd.

At this time, Tamanosuke Ito seemed to have just recovered from the shock, and greeted him: "It's Sonoko and Xiaolan, yes, there is a performance tomorrow, and I wanted to relax today, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing .”

"Lianhua, look, this is Xiaolan who I told you looks a lot like you. Uh, classmate Xiaolan, are you triplets?" Looking at the three similar girls, Tamanosuke Ito I was a little dizzy for a moment.

Xiaolan then said, "It's not triplets. We are often asked this question, but in fact there is really no blood relationship, it's just that we look alike."

"Hello, Ms. Kataoka, my name is Mori Ran. The Mori detective who rescued you just now is my father."

Saying this, Xiaolan put her arms around Mouri Kogoro's other arm.

Mori Kogoro immediately felt full of softness!

But Mira smiled lightly and said, "We got together because of a special fate. You can call me Mira. In fact, I am a foreigner. It is beyond my imagination that I look so similar to Xiaolan."

Aoko said, "The policeman who took the prisoner away just now is my father. My name is Aoko Nakamori. But with Ms. Kataoka, it seems that we will be misunderstood as quadruplets in the future."

Hearing this, all the girls laughed.

After greeting each other, everyone knew each other.

Tamanosuke Ito invited him: "Detective Maori, you saved Lianhua. Tomorrow our troupe just has a performance. It's the show of 'Bamboo Tori Monogatari'. Would you like to come and see our performance? It's a little thank you , Of course, everyone can go here."

Hearing this, He Ye showed a bit of interest in his eyes.

"Xiaolan, I have been in Tokyo for so long, and I have never seen a local theater company. I remember that our theater in Osaka has many mechanisms and effects."

Tamanosuke Ito explained: "The drama here in Tokyo is more based on the performer's acting skills, so the routine will not be too fancy." Kogoro Mori saw what Ye Du said, and he agreed.

"Okay, I'll be waiting to enjoy Captain Ito's drama tomorrow."

Hearing that Mori Kogoro would come tomorrow, the inexplicable Kataoka Renka felt a little bit more happy.

"However, too many things happened at the Hong Kong Island Hotel today. For your safety, follow the evacuation of the police and leave the venue. Don't stay here for too long."

Both of them nodded, got up and followed the other guests to exit in an orderly manner.

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