"Heaven and earth conscience, it's a sin to have too much charm. Didn't you see that she took the initiative first?"

Zhenchun couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "What do you mean someone took the initiative first? Just now in the corridor, where did your hands go?" Moori Kogoro, who was easily exposed, couldn't help but blush: "You have seen it all. La?"

"Nonsense, it's so obvious. I'm not blind. Of course I saw it. That big butt must be nice to touch, right?"

Hearing what Zhenchun said became more and more violent, Kogoro Mori suddenly had black lines all over his head!

He coughed twice in embarrassment, and changed the subject bluntly: "The glass water tank should be replaced by the mechanism here. The corpse that just drowned should be transported away by the conveyor belt. Now that there is no corpse, there is no way." A case has been filed."

Zhenchun naturally knew that Mori Kogoro was changing the subject, and she gave him a blank look with her green eyes, and didn't continue to complain.

"What is uncle going to do, shall we investigate privately?"

Kogoro Mori said, "Robert is a well-known magician after all, and he won't be able to hide his tracks for long."

"Combined with his words of declaring war, this matter is probably not over yet, wait for him to show up next time."

"I will check the flights in the past few days. There should not be many flights from East Germany to Japan. Let's see if anyone is missing."

"I hope this matter is just a temporary idea. If there are still people behind the scenes instigating, it will be troublesome."

Speaking of this, Kogoro Mori's eyes flashed the color of nostalgia.

He remembered the organization that was active in European countries that Irene told him when he left.

This magician is from East Germany, I hope this has nothing to do with them!

"Okay, let's go home, Zhenchun, don't you let me go?"

"No, I want to help my mother keep an eye on you. If you let go, you might get mixed up with that female leader again."

Saying this, Makoto tightened his grip on Mori Kogoro's arm, completely pressing it against his chest.Mori Kogoro sensed it carefully, and there was no strange feeling at all, as expected of Princess Taiping.

He shook his head and followed her.

The two walked out of the utility room together and headed towards the elevator.

But as she walked, Zhenchun's little face inexplicably turned a little redder, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

When the elevator came to the first floor of the hotel, Zhenchun dragged Mouri Kogoro to the garbage dump at the back of the hotel.

The garbage at the junction of the conveyor belt was indeed cleared away, so she gave up and followed Mori Kogoro to the parking lot.

As soon as he came to the parking lot, Akai Shuichi, who had been waiting for a long time, was wearing a black sweater and a hoodie, hiding in the shadows.He saw the picture of Zhenchun hugging Mori Kogoro affectionately, his eyes were tearing apart, and he couldn't stop panting heavily.

Deceiving too much!Deceiving too much!

There is not a single woman left in my Akai family, all of them were given by this guy...

Kogoro Mori, who has a strong five senses, naturally noticed such a hostile gaze in an instant.

The thousand paper cranes that came out of the psychic flew over and knew that the peeping person was Akai Shuichi.

Knowing it was him, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Mori Kogoro stopped in his tracks, and his innocent face was still a little dazed.

Before she could react, she was thumped against a pillar by Kogoro Mouri.

Seeing no one around, Mori Kogoro's cheeks kept approaching again, his pure heart suddenly lifted, and a blush appeared on his face instantly.what's the situation?Uncle, what are you doing here?

No way!Impossible, uncle and mother are together!

The masculine aura hit the girl's face, Zhenchun didn't dare to look directly at Mori Kogoro.

She couldn't help lowering her little head, but Kogoro Mori lifted her chin up randomly.

"Zhenchun, uncle drove away Miss Judy for you, so you have nothing to say? Nothing to do?"

"Say, say, what are you talking about, I am, I am helping mom watch over you!"

Zhenchun was flustered, her face was flushed red, and she couldn't speak smoothly.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Really, is it all because of my mother? I don't have any thoughts of my own."

Saying this, his big hand gently stroked the soft flesh of his chin, it was extremely smooth.

And Zhenchun screamed as if being stepped on the tail: "How is it possible, how could I have any thoughts about uncle, I don't, I have no thoughts, don't talk nonsense."

When he said something he didn't mean, his pure expression was too obvious, and he was too happy.

Mori Kogoro immediately said softly: "But what should I do if I have an idea about Zhenchun?"

These words exploded into Zhenchun's heart like a nuclear bomb, she only felt the world spinning for a while, and then Kogoro Moori's figure was all in her eyes, her heartbeat was like a heavy drum, making her breathless.

His head short-circuited immediately, and then unconsciously replied: "At most, at most let you touch your butt, it must be no worse than that vixen!"

Chapter 0156

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing.

What is this girl thinking about in her head? Could it be that she just saw the scene in the corridor and then compared her ass with Judy's ass in her heart.

He even touched his butt, such an answer is really fun!

Seeing Mori Kogoro laughing, Zhenchun realized what nonsense he had said, and became anxious for a moment: "No, I didn't mean that! Oh, uncle, you hate it!"

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