This fist hit Mori Kogoro's chest hard, causing him to cough a few times.

It seems that Zhenchun and Mary are really violent in the same strain!

But in Akai Shuichi's view, the two were clearly flirting.

Seeing that the third sister was also with Mori Kogoro, Akai Hideichi couldn't bear it anymore.

Wearing a hood, he appeared from the shadows, clenched his bloody fists, and slowly approached in the direction of Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro pretended not to know, and rubbed his short short hair with his big hands affectionately.

"What are you thinking? I'm just teasing you, I really believe it!"

Hearing such an answer, Zhenchun's expression froze all of a sudden, and an inexplicable sourness surged in his heart.

She bit her lip, not knowing what to say, she just felt full of loss.

At this moment, the howling wind sounded!

Zhenchun saw a hooded man sneaking up on Mori Kogoro, and couldn't help but say, "Uncle, be careful."

Mori Kogoro listened to the voice and argued, without turning around, he directly raised his hand to block, and blocked the aggressive punch.

Akai Shuichi didn't stop, and directly hooked his right leg up.

Mid hook kick!

Zhenchun recognized it as Jeet Kune Do at a glance, and subconsciously kicked Zhongxiu's calf to block it.

Seeing that Zhenchun used the Jeet Kune Do that he had taught her to attack her because of Kogoro Mori, Xiuyi became more and more angry, and said coldly: "Get out of the way!"

And Mori Kogoro took Zhenchun and protected him behind his back.

"Zhenchun, you just watch from the side, you don't need to take action."

"The rat who hides his head and shows his tail, dare to sneak attack on me."

Akai Shuichi sneered and said, "It's better than you, a mother-daughter bastard!"

When Zhenchun from behind heard this, she couldn't help but rushed forward as if her tail had been stepped on.

"I let you talk nonsense!"

The little girl went completely berserk, and Jeet Kune Do's kicks kept kicking out.

Turn around and kick!hook kick!Continuous hook kick!

The body didn't move at all, and the shoulders didn't give any warning, but the legs kept kicking and hitting.

Xiuyi didn't want to take action against Zhenchun, but was forced to retreat steadily.

But today's Xiuyi was stimulated enough, facing Zhenchun's aggressive offensive, he still couldn't suppress his anger, and couldn't help shouting again: "Get out of the way!"

It was only at this moment that Zhenchun recognized the voice of the eldest brother, and her movements couldn't help but froze.

This was seized by Xiuyi, and another one-inch punch came straight along the central axis, with plenty of power!

Zhenchun quickly crossed her arms to block, but the strength was too great, she couldn't stop it at all.

This punch knocked Zhenchun back four or five meters, and two long marks were drawn on the ground directly by the shoe.

Xiao Nizi panted heavily: "Brother, is that you?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide anymore, Akai Hideo lifted his hood, and under his disheveled long hair was a pair of dark eyes, looking at Mori Kogoro with hostility.

Mori Kogoro immediately went forward and rubbed Zhenchun's head lightly.

"Girl, it's none of your business now, stay behind and don't make a sound."

"This guy has to be taught a lesson. He dared to shoot me just now."

Hearing this, Zhenchun's eyes were full of disbelief.

What's going on, how did Big Brother and Uncle Mao Li get into such a fight?Still shooting, what's going on?

But before Zhenchun could speak, the two fought together.

However, in less than two seconds, Akai Shuichi's hands and feet were all hit by Ma Jing, and the back of his neck and arms were all captured by Mori Kogoro.

With a huge force, Xiuyi, who was still imposing just now, was easily thrown up by Kogoro Mori.

He hit the ceiling hard and then hit a car, smashing the car directly, and the alarm kept sounding.

"It's really vulnerable. I thought you had grown so much that you dared to provoke me!"

Mori Kogoro shrugged, as if a demon king gushed out of his body, his aura was very strange.

But this amount of exercise is not even enough for warm-up, and Xiuyi doesn't have enough exercise at all, which is really disappointing.

Seeing this scene, Zhenchun couldn't help opening her mouth.

The elder brother who was almost invincible in her impression was so vulnerable in front of Uncle Mao Li, the impact was extremely fierce.

She swung her arms, which she couldn't lift, and the bruises on them were clearly visible.

With such a strong fist, it can't walk in front of uncle for three seconds, which is too scary!

Akai Hideichi lay on the car and kept coughing, and couldn't help cursing angrily: "Scumbag!"

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