There was a playful smile on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth: "How mean I am, oh, it must be Hideyoshi who told you about Mary, right? Don't worry, she is your mother, and I will definitely take good care of her. But raising her fat for nothing!"

"Cough! Cough!"

Akai Hideichi's eyes were about to split open, his chest seemed to heave continuously, and he let out a hoarse panting sound.

Seeing this, Zhenchun quickly stepped forward and explained: "Brother, Mommy is willing to be with Uncle Mao Li, you and Second Brother have misunderstood, Uncle didn't force anyone..."

But before he finished speaking, his slender waist was embraced by Mouri Kogoro, and his words were interrupted by Mouri Kogoro.

"Otherwise, you are talking about Zhenchun, this child lives with me, and I will definitely take good care of her, but I don't understand why you scolded me!" In front of Xiuyi, his big hand gently rubbed Zhenchun. thin waist.

Facing this evil and formidable Uncle Mao Li, Zhen Chun who was hugged into his arms did not dare to move, the whole person was extremely flustered.

Xiuyi didn't want to see this scene again, so she turned her head and closed her eyes.

At this moment, he really wanted to die, Mingmei and Judy were taken away, and now even his mother and sister couldn't protect him, so what's the point of living!

Seeing Xiuyi pretending to be dead like a salted fish, Mori Kogoro lost the mood to continue playing.

"Why bother? Since you didn't intend to protect Mary and Zhenchun from the beginning, why jump out now and act like a hypocritical innocent."

"So is Mingmei, so is Judy, so is Mary, and so is Zhenchun."

"Xiuyi, your surname is Akai, right? But you know that Mary and Zhenchun are surnamed Shiliang. When the surnames were split, you were separated long ago. Each of you has embarked on your own destiny. Now you jumped out and crossed your legs again. What's going on, it's ridiculous!"

Hearing this, Xiuyi's chest rose and fell like a bellows.

"For Mary's sake, let's forget about this time."

"The best defense is to attack. This is the concept of Jeet Kune Do you learned, but don't choose the wrong target to attack. If you choose the wrong target next time, I promise, you will die."

After saying that, Kogoro Moori took Zhenchun's wrist and led her towards the car.

Chapter 0157 I can't bear it even if I'm a man

Zhenchun was dragged away, but her eyes were still fixed on Xiuyi who was lying on the car.

Mori Kogoro read her thoughts, and said, "Don't worry, I'll hold back my strength, and I didn't hurt him, so he'll be fine after a while."

Hearing this, Zhenchun turned her head.

But it seemed that Kogoro Mori was too imposing, so she didn't dare to say anything, but kept her eyes on Kogoro Mori.The two got into the car silently all the way, and the car immediately drove towards Mihua Town.

After about ten minutes, Lexus came under the office.

Mori Kogoro didn't even get out of the car, he turned on the interior lights, and immediately held Zhenchun's little hand.

Seeing that the bruise on the slender arm was already swollen, he couldn't help shaking his head and said, "I've endured it for so long and didn't say a word, doesn't it hurt?"

His fingers lightly touched the bruise, and he gently pushed it up.

Zhenchun couldn't help gasping: "Hiss!"

Seeing that Mori Kogoro's expression returned to normal, the girl dared to ask: "Uncle, what's going on between you and my elder brother, why did this happen?"

"And what does this matter have to do with Cousin Minmei and Officer Judy?"

"Children don't care about adults' affairs!" After saying this, he patted Zhenchun's little head lightly.

"I'm not a child. If you don't tell me, I'll tell my mother." The little girl showed her canine teeth in a threatening gesture.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "You still say you're not a brat, it's very contemptuous to sue your parents if something happens, and besides, your mother looks more like a child than you!"

"But it's okay to tell you. Didn't your brother tell you about his emotional experience? Did you tell me how he got into the organization?"

Zhenchun shook his head: "Brother, he always keeps everything in his stomach, and he became even more taciturn after joining the FBI."

Mori Kogoro performed the rejuvenation technique silently, slowly healing Zhenchun's arm, and then spoke.

"In short, both Judy and Mingmei are your brother's ex-girlfriends, but now they are both my girlfriends, so it's normal for him to be hostile to my love rival."

Xiao Nizi opened her mouth wide open, looking dumbfounded.

"How is it possible? Cousin Mingmei, elder brother, and Agent Judy?"

"Why is that impossible? Back then, when your eldest brother entered the organization undercover, he took advantage of the identities of Mingmei and sisters in the organization. Later, his identity was exposed, and Mingmei and Zhibao were implicated. He escaped and ignored the two of them, leaving them in an extremely difficult situation. Danger."

"If I hadn't met you, you probably wouldn't be able to see your two cousins ​​now."

"As for Judy breaking up with your elder brother on the eve of going undercover, the two have also broken up for many years. I am with Judy, so he has no position to say anything."

After listening to Mori Kogoro's narration, Zhenchun still looked unbelievable.

The eldest brother is so irresponsible, and even implicated the cousins!

But it's too pitiful, the two girlfriends were pried away by the uncle, and the green grassland on their heads is very green.

And now that even my mother has fallen, it's no wonder, I'm a man and I can't stand it!

Xiao Nizi had a complicated expression on her face.

Kogoro Moori couldn't help but patted his elastic thighs: "Speak up if you have something to say, why hold it back?"

"Uncle, you are too much, the two ex-girlfriends of the eldest brother, and the police officer Yumi, the girlfriend of the second brother, there are so many girls, and now my mother is with you."

"Honestly speaking, uncle, are you hostile to the boys in Akai's family, otherwise why do you keep picking corners?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but hit Zhenchun with a chestnut.

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