"How to say, this is free love, but the boys from Akai's family are really not very good."

"A person who is obsessed with shogi and has not been in touch with him for several years still thinks he is his girlfriend."

"The other one has become an FBI agent, but he can't even protect his girlfriend, and his family members are still taking refuge everywhere, scoff!"

Kogoro Moori couldn't help shaking his head: "Forget it, I won't make arrangements for your family anymore. You should be upset when you hear it. Go up!" He put his fingers back, and Zhenchun was surprised to find the scar on his arm. Bruises and redness are gone.

Xiao Nizi couldn't help exclaiming: "Hiss, uncle, your massage technique is too good, it doesn't hurt at all now!" "Hey, no, don't you go up? There are so many people in the family Waiting for you, isn't it because she wants to abduct you back to find Captain Zhu Di, that vixen?" The little girl showed her small canine teeth again, her eyes gleamed coldly, and she looked displeased.

"What are you thinking? I'm talking to the police about something, how can I go back."

"If you don't get out of the car, I'm going to spank you. I remember what someone said in the parking lot just now. Why don't you try it?"

Zhenchun blushed instantly, quickly opened the car door, cursed 'big pervert' softly, and ran away.

Then when she ran to the stairs, she turned her head and shouted: "Hurry up and go home after finishing your work, or I will let my mother beat you."

After saying that, the girl went upstairs.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and chuckled, then drove away.

Listening to the sound of the engine going away, the blushing Zhenchun reappeared with her little head, watched the car disappear at the corner of the street, and then ran upstairs lightly.

Hmph, for the sake of your honesty, I won't tell mom about you and elder brother.

The little girl didn't know what to think of, and there was another smile on the corner of her mouth.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, in a group of villas in Kubado City, the Lexus slowly parked.

What he just said to Zhenchun is naturally true, and he is looking for the police officer to talk about something.

It's just that the friendship between this policeman and him is really 'not shallow', so it's naturally the seed of being promoted to a high-ranking official.

Originally, I had to look for Meizi when I returned to Tokyo from Yokosuka yesterday, but the appearance of Kazuha and the others disrupted the plan.

As a result, he not only released Qianying's pigeons, but also Yazi's pigeons.

Yazi is very dissatisfied, so many calls today to urge him, Moori Kogoro naturally had to come to appease her.

Following the location sent in the text message, he pressed the doorbell, and the door was opened by remote control not long after.

Mori Kogoro pushed the door open and went in, but the moment he set foot on it, the floor below sank.

He fell onto a big net in an instant.

The big net immediately hoisted it up and moved forward slowly.

Mori Kogoro could have easily tore it apart, but he wanted to see what kind of tricks Meizi was playing, so he let the big net transport him over.

Not long after, he came to the bright living room, and saw two girls crossing their legs on the sofa.

Chapter 0158 two jealous girls

One is Yazi with fluffy curly hair, wearing a brown windbreaker, tightly wrapped, full of femininity but exuding abstinence.

The other wore straight black hair tied into a big ponytail, wearing a white T-shirt and denim shorts, full of girlish vibes, revealing a pair of Huixiang with super long legs.

Huixiang was still holding the remote control in her hand, controlling the hanging net mechanism, swinging Mori Kogoro around, had a great time!

"Yazi, look, the mechanism I designed is not bad!"

And on the coffee table, there are undivided sexy underwear, cat women's clothing, slippers, ropes, durians, baseball bats, leather whips, handcuffs, and a silver desert eagle.

There is also a huge black atmospheric hammer on the armchair!

Seeing Mori Kogoro appear, Meizi chuckled, and gently picked up the cat girl's costume with her plain hand.

"I originally said yesterday that I would surprise you, but since six o'clock last night, I waited and waited for you and didn't come back."

"If I can't wait for you for an hour, there will be one more thing on the table. After an hour, there will be another thing on the table. If you are not careful, there will be so many."

"Xiao Wulang, you didn't come to me until today, so there will be no surprises."

Saying this, Qi Su handed down the two packs of clothes on the coffee table, and turned to hold the silver desert eagle.

She pulled the safety button, then pointed at Mori Kogoro from a distance, and said lightly, "Say, did you go fooling around with that vixen last night?" Hui Xiang also stood up and echoed, "Tell me, where have you been fooling around these few days?" ?”

"After returning to China, I disappeared without a trace. After treating others like that, do you want to abandon me after eating and wiping it off?"

"I blasted rockets because of you, you heartless heartbreaker!"

The girl Huixiang became more and more angry as she spoke, so she lifted up the black jackhammer with ten tons written on it, and kept hammering on Kogoro Moori in the hanging net.Naturally, it didn't hurt at all, Kogoro Mori didn't even bother to pretend!

Yazi rolled his eyes involuntarily, Huixiang disrupted the rhythm of the interrogation.

She couldn't help complaining: "Hey, that bazooka is mine, and I haven't asked you to pay for it yet!"

"There's nothing left to wipe away. Didn't you say that nothing happened to you and Kogoro?"

Hui Xiang stuck out her pink tongue, and deliberately said, "Oh, it's been exposed!"

"Nothing happened on the Fugui Maru, but it happened on the aircraft carrier."

"And Kogoro said that I was the first person to enter the interior of the aircraft carrier. The weapon design inside is completely epoch-making!"

Hearing this, Yazi's fox eyes widened in an instant, and she couldn't help pointing a pistol at Huixiang.

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