"You little girl, you don't even have full hair, you eat mine and live in mine, how dare you rob me of a man?"

Hui Xiang, who was a newborn calf, was not afraid at all. Instead, she raised that exaggerated black air hammer and hammered Yazi's head continuously, which seemed to make her a little shorter.

"You don't have all your hair, Kogoro is mine."

"Besides, Kogoro likes my eighteen-year-old girl, not your big sister!"

Age is a taboo for women, and no woman can accept being told that she is old.

But Yazi didn't dare to shoot, so instead she picked up the black leather whip on the table and whipped it towards Huixiang's butt.

"Ouch! Ouch! Despicable, I prepared this whip!"

After suffering from pain, Huixiang ran away in the spacious living room, waving a big black hammer from time to time to fight back.

Yazi kept chasing after him.

And Kogoro Mori, who was on the hanging net, didn't think about it, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, watching the two women fight because of him, this scene is really interesting.

Soon, this ingenious rivalry and jealousy soon came to an end.

Of course it ended in Huixiang's total defeat. The air hammer in this girl's hand is big, but it's just a bluff, which is not useful.She was no match for Yazi, who was proficient in U.S. naval combat, and was pushed down on the carpet by him in a short while, locked in an extremely shameful position.Huixiang's long legs were extremely flexible, crossing directly over her head.

His ankles were handcuffed, Xiaorou leaned on the carpet with his butt facing the sky.

Then she was thrown onto the sofa, her face flushed instantly.

"Yazi, you despicable villain, let go of me quickly, what happened just now doesn't count, let's fight again."

Yazi was completely unaffected by Huixiang's words, and the leather whip in his hand gently lashed the back of his thigh, leaving red marks.

"Little girl, do you still dare to be arrogant, and dare to rob me of a man?"

Huixiang's eyes were full of mist, and she couldn't help but turned her head and said, "Xiao Wulang, she bullies others, come and help me."

Yazi couldn't help laughing: "It's useless, you set up this trap yourself, even if you broke your throat now, no one will come to rescue you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yazi felt a big fiery hand on his shoulder.

Then Mori Kogoro's words came out of his ears: "We are all a family, we can't be bullied like this, it's almost enough."

Huixiang immediately looked surprised!

Yazi never expected the slap in the face to come so quickly.

Her heart became ruthless, her waist strengthened, and a beautiful leg was exposed from under the windbreaker, and she kicked directly towards Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and there was a smile in his eyes.

As soon as he turned around slightly, he grabbed his ankle, which was still wrapped in fishnet stockings!

Putting the beautiful legs directly on the shoulders, and then took a step forward, Yazi fell onto the sofa, and her legs spread out immediately.And Mori Kogoro moved forward with his big hand, following the lines of the fishing net, touching it was smooth, and he felt the cold metal chill after a while.This is Yazi's equipment. This girl is not good at learning anything. She is in the same way as Fujiko and Qiankage. She likes to tie weapons close to her body.

On the left leg are five small throwing knives, and on the right leg are three pocket pistols.

Mori Kogoro fluttered his hands like spirit butterflies. He learned disarming skills without a teacher. He untied all the pistols and throwing knives, and threw them on the floor far away, making a clanging sound.

As soon as the weapon left her body, Yazi became a little flustered, her cheeks blushed, and the whip in her right hand swung towards Kogoro Mori.

But Kogoro Mori could easily capture this speed, and directly grabbed the blade with his bare hands.

He smirked and said, "Yazi is dishonest. I thought there were no surprises and a little disappointment. I didn't expect it to be hidden underneath."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro carried Yazi's right leg, bent down, and kissed Yazi's pink lips.

During the battle, the belt of the brown windbreaker was loosened, and it was not just fishnet stockings inside, but a whole body of fishnet stockings.Hui Xiang on the side couldn't help but said: "How can this be, Xiao Wulang, you come and save me first!"

Chapter 0159


Really amazing!

There was a little smile in Mori Kogoro's eyes, and he clambered up with his big hands, moving slowly along the grid lines.

And Yazi's small hands were pushing Kogoro Mouri's chest, and she couldn't help but speak with her face flushed.

"Daba, Kogoro, you haven't said where you went to hang out last night, you haven't responded to your messages, and you can't get through the phone. Tell me honestly."

Mori Kogoro grabbed his hands and pressed them against the back of the sofa.

The black leather whip instantly became a rope, and tied Yazi's hands behind his neck.

"I didn't go anywhere, but there were guests at home, and I couldn't leave when I was drunk. Xiaolan and the others can testify to me, so be good!" Saying this, Mori Kogoro wriggled from side to side and worked hard. The struggling Yazi lowered his head and kissed her on the cheek.

Yazi's charming eyes were full of mist, but she still didn't believe her words at all.

"No, there must be another vixen, don't try to fool me."

A woman's intuition is indeed very accurate, but it's not a vixen, but a complete vixen's den!

Seeing this scene, Huixiang on the side frowned, pouted and made a sound.

"Woooooh, Kogoro, you don't love me anymore!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to wrap around Huixiang's leg, and pulled the shameless soft girl over.He found an angle and lightly pecked Huixiang's pink lips.

Hui Xiang's fake crying stopped, and then she said coquettishly: "Not enough, I want more!"

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