However, Xiao Zi looked at Mo Li Kogoro resentfully: "Mao Li-jun's family is looking for a housekeeper, why didn't you tell me earlier, if I knew it, I would apply for the job too."

The little girl's heart has been tied to Kogoro Moori since Kogoro Moori gave her this precious and unusual three-color cat.

Even the maid outfit that he had molested himself before was prepared privately, and he was thinking of finding a chance to wear it for Kogoro to see.

But recently Mori Kogoro has been out of the house, and she couldn't find anyone, so she couldn't succeed.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I really kidnapped you, that Anxi guy won't let me go."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro opened the door on the first floor on the right. This is a room that serves as a guest room. Sherlock Watson lived in it before, but it is taken care of by the Ant-Man robot, and it looks brand new.

Mori Kogoro introduced: "There are four rooms on this floor, and none of them are occupied. Sakurako, you can choose a room to live in."

"The layout of the rooms in this building is the same, the entrance, the living room, the corridor, the bathroom, and the four rooms inside."

"On the upper floor are Zhenchun sisters. There are three of them in total. Xiao Ai will go to sleep from time to time."

"The third floor is occupied by the Eri, Yukiko, and Mira you just met. There is an empty room."

"And there is a room in the office, which is for the little boy who lives in our house, Conan."

"But I want to cultivate his ability to take care of himself, so you don't need to take care of his room, and you don't need to go in. Give the child some privacy."

"There are three rooms on the third floor above the office, where I, Xiaolan, and Xiaoai live. This is the layout of the whole house!"

Hearing this series of words, Yingzi opened her fingers and counted the number of people living in the house, looking very cute.

When Miaozi heard this, she couldn't help feeling sorry for her best friend: "Xiao Wulang, why do you have so many people in your family, and Yingzi has to serve so many people? That's different from what you said, but it's too tiring."

Yingzi shook her head repeatedly and said, "It's okay!"

Xiao Azusa, who was holding the cat, smiled lightly and said, "Wow, Mao Li-kun accidentally made a big family, why don't I also work part-time as a servant at home to help? I am also very helpful in serving tea and water." OK."

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and rubbed Miaozi's little head: "You don't need to wait on people here."

"All Yingzi needs to do is to water the potted plants on the balcony. The main thing is to buy vegetables and cook, and at most add tea to the guests." "You don't need to do anything else, these two buildings have their own. Clean design, always clean."

Mori Kogoro didn't want to directly say that the Ant-Man robot would help, so he just found an excuse to perfunctory.

Hearing this, Miaozi nodded in satisfaction.

"Let's go, let me introduce my family to you."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro climbed upstairs with the three girls.

As soon as he reached the third floor, he heard a woman's conversation coming from Eri's house, so he opened the door and went in.

On the sofa, Reiko Kujo and Tomoko Suzuki had a good chat. The two girls came back with Eri and the others yesterday.

But because Tomoko didn't want to meet her daughter, she stayed here all the time.

There is also a Mu Mulu who is holding a wine bottle next to her!

"Hey, little green, why are you here too?"

Mu Mulu's face was full of intoxicating blush, seeing Mori Kogoro, he couldn't help complaining: "You heartless guy, can Reiko come over and I can't come over?"

Of course not, but it's inappropriate for you to be so drunk early in the morning. Drinking too much can easily hurt your body.

Mu Mulu wobbled to the front of Mori Kogoro, his muscles were in his arms, and his chest was softly pressed against him.

He raised his red face and smirked: "Hehehe, are you caring about me?"

However, his eyes turned to Yingzi and Miaozi, and he couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Wow, what a cute girl, sister hugs."

This woman pervert has been broken back and still does not change her nature, and wants to take advantage of the girl.

Mori Kogoro pulled him back, smacked his butt secretly, and then pulled him back to the sofa to settle down.

After that, he introduced the two parties to each other, and then he didn't bother Reiko and the others, and went to the next door instead.

Miaozi, Yingzi, and Xiaozi followed suit step by step!

As soon as the door of Maoli's house was opened, the aroma was tangy, and the living room was full of young girls, which made people's eyes bright.

The four daughters of Miyano and Sera, the similar third daughter Xiaolan, Osaka Futaba, and Sonoko, there are ten people in total, and the scene is quite shocking.Yingzi and Miaozi couldn't help opening their mouths slightly, there must be too many people!

Yingzi's little head is a little short-circuited, no, the difference from the number just counted is too big.

Including what I just saw, there are sixteen of them, right?

Miaozi gave Kogoro Moori a blank look.

She was only really together with Mori Kogoro yesterday, but today she saw so many girls with him, and she couldn't accept any other girl.Only then did Miaozi understand why Senior Yumi said yesterday that they want to unite, but it really is impossible not to unite!

Seeing this bustling scene, Xiao Azusa looked at Kogoro Mori even more resentfully, stroking the three-color cat with more strength.Is it because I don't look good?Maori-kun already has so many women, why didn't he attack me?

Xiao Zi's mood suddenly became a little depressed!

Seeing all the girls looking over, Kogoro Mori immediately pushed Yingzi forward.

He introduced: "This is Yingzi, she will be our housekeeper from now on, please don't bully her!"

Hearing this, Mary, who was still a little angry, couldn't help complaining: "I think the person who is most likely to bully her is you. Such a cute girl must have evil intentions when she finds her home."

This layer of paper was directly punctured by a little girl, Yingzi's face flushed instantly, and she lowered her head in a look of bewilderment.Clever girls like Huiyuan, Hongye, and Xiaolan knew what was going on at a glance, and they couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mori.But they couldn't bear to watch Yingzi suffer, so they all opened their mouths to make a rescue.

Mori Kogoro introduced the identities of the girls one by one.

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