After all this, such a cute little maid was abducted into the house.

Chapter 0164 Uncle and White Fox

After finally getting to know the girls, Miaozi no longer accompanied Yingzi.

After saying goodbye to everyone, she drove to the Metropolitan Police Department, but she had to go back to discuss countermeasures with Senior Yumi.

And Xiao Zi also went back to work in the cafe with the cat in her arms. There were so many people in Mao Li's family, and she really didn't have a chance to be alone with her, so she went back.Yingzi went downstairs to tidy up the room she had chosen.

Mori Kogoro, who was leaning against the door, immediately said, "Why didn't you bring your luggage over here this time? Hurry up and tidy it up. We will start a new life in the future."

The little maid then snorted softly: "Hmph, don't think that I will definitely work here. If you dare to bully others, I will fire you." She clenched her small fists tightly and looked bullish.

Mori Kogoro smirked, then went up and held Sakurako's little hand.

"Then what counts as bullying? I'm quite curious about your definition, Sakura?"

"That's...that's..." The little girl's face turned red instantly, and some unhealthy images seemed to appear in her mind, and she couldn't speak the whole sentence in her murmur.

Mori Kogoro touched his thigh with his big hand: "Is that so?"

"It's still the same?" His big hand then patted his buttocks lightly.

"Or is it like this?" Immediately afterwards, he took the little maid into his arms, and immediately felt full of tenderness.

Yingzi gasped for breath immediately, her big eyes were inexplicably misty, her little face was flushed, and a cute voice came out of her mouth. "Maori-kun is too bad, this is my first day at work, you are totally sexual harassment, no, I'm going to tell Miaozi." The scolding in this soft and cute voice sounded completely lacking in strength, but inexplicable It made me want to bully her even more.

But it's already in the bowl, so I'm not in a hurry to eat it, and Kogoro Moori can't do the same thing as chewing peonies.

He immediately let go of Ying Zi, and made a disappointed expression: "It turns out that this level is not good. I thought the master and the servant should be closer!"

"That's not the case? There has never been such a saying!"

The little girl hugged her chest in a vigilant gesture, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Pervert!"

The kawaii voice of this foot, which is comparable to a seiyuu, scolded such a sentence, which is inexplicably addictive to listen to!

"Okay, stop teasing you, don't clean up for now, go with me to a place!"

Yingzi still looked vigilant: "Where?"

"Don't worry, I won't eat you, it's only a few minutes away, keep up."

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro walked out directly.

The little girl hesitated for a moment, but followed obediently.

Even though she cursed 'pervert' in her mouth, Yingzi, who came to the new environment, instinctively regarded this lecherous uncle as her only reliance.

Mori Kogoro in the front walked with his hands in his trouser pockets, and the little maid at the back followed suit.

On the street, she felt much more at ease, and regained her relaxed and cheerful attitude, chatting about the nearby vegetable markets and supermarkets, and Mori Kogoro introduced them to her one by one.

Not long after, the two of them came to the bluestone steps, and when they looked up, a torii gate similar to a torii stood on it.

"Didn't I promise to exorcise you? The divine master here is very effective!"

Hearing this, Yingzi's heart trembled slightly, and she was inexplicably moved: So he still remembers what I said!

But what he said was another matter: "The shrine in the urban area, you can tell it's not working at first sight, hmph, it must be a trick. Mao Li Kogoro immediately put his big hand on Yingzi's soft shoulder:" Yeah?Do you want to make a bet then? "

"If it doesn't work, I can agree to any of your requests. If it works, you have to promise me one request. How about it?"

Hearing this, Sakurako instinctively wanted to refuse.

But after thinking about it, this shrine that I found just a few steps away can really exorcise evil spirits, so that's too unrealistic.

She spoke confidently, "Just bet!"

This girl has already thought about doubling her salary after winning the bet, her eyes are full of $$ signs.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said nothing, and climbed up to the Izumo Shrine with Sakura's soft shoulders in his arms.

As soon as I climbed the stairs, I saw people coming and going in the whole shrine, which was very lively.

Because it was Saturday, people came here in groups of twos and threes, and many part-time priestesses were doing guiding work.

This kind of flow of people is not inferior to those famous big shrines.

"The priests and priestesses who work here are all acquaintances of mine. They are very powerful. Most of the people who come here to worship can improve their luck. There are so many people who come and go."

Hearing this, Yingzi's heart immediately moved, and she was a little unconfident about the bet just now.

But Kogoro Moori saw the woman leading a group of people to untie the lottery.

With long silver hair, a pretty face as fair as snow, and healed sky blue eyes, it was Curacao.

At this moment, Curacao is wearing a white and scarlet maiden costume, which is extremely holy, and it is really amazing.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help shouting: "Xiaobai!"

When Curacao heard this familiar voice, he turned his head and looked surprised.

After she said a few words to the accompanying pilgrims, she stepped on clogs and walked up quickly, cheering happily: "Xiao Wulang, why are you here?"


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