And at its cuff, a little fox got its head out and greeted Kogoro Mouri.

This is the arctic fox I saw in the Polar Aquarium. Curacao liked it very much, and I went to see them from time to time.

Mori Kogoro bought it and sent it to the shrine.

Originally, he wanted to build a new polar pavilion in the shrine for the group of arctic foxes, but with a wave of his hand, the little shikigami Fusang created a frost circle in a room, so there was no further construction.

"Come here and pray for this child's luck, Xiaobai, why did you take this little guy out, aren't you afraid of the heat to death?"

Curacao chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Lord Fusang has cast a spell on this little guy's fur, and it won't be afraid of high temperatures."

"Let's go, let's go to the backyard, no one can break in there, it will be cleaner."

The little arctic fox on the cuff nimbly came out, jumped onto Kogoro Mouri's arm, climbed all the way to the shoulder and sat down cross-legged.It turned its head and looked at Yingzi with its ruby-like fox eyes, as if it could speak.

The fluffy snowy hair is so well groomed that it looks like it needs to be stroked a few times.

Yingzi's girlish heart exploded in an instant, as if she wanted to do something but was afraid of being bitten.

This handsome uncle had a cute white pet on his shoulder, which was so eye-catching that all the pilgrims around couldn't help but look sideways.Especially the women, their eyes were extremely hot, as if they wanted to eat them both.

Soon someone recognized Mori Kogoro, and they approached him while discussing in a low voice.

Curacao then took the two of them and walked quickly towards the backyard.

Chapter 0165

Soon, the three of them crossed a barrier and came to the backyard of the shrine.

There are no outsiders here, and it is very quiet.

Hundreds of flowers bloomed on the lawn, and under the bright sunshine, pure white arctic foxes ran wantonly.

At first glance, it looks like a fairy tale world, very unrealistic!

Yingzi looked puzzled, she was a mortal, so she couldn't perceive any barriers.

But after walking more than ten meters, the sound disappeared completely, which was also very strange to her.

But this silly girl didn't care too much, her big eyes were fixed on the little fox on Mori Kogoro's shoulder, as if she wanted to touch it but dared not.Seeing this, Kogoro Maoli immediately used the beast control technique, and said: "Little guy, go play with this little sister, don't scare her!"

Hearing Kogoro Mori's order, the fluffy little fox nodded, and jumped into Yingzi's arms with a light leap.

Yingzi hugged the arctic fox with surprise on her face, couldn't help laughing, and rubbed her little face.

The girl just couldn't resist such a white fluffy pet.

His eyes were full of surprise looking at Kogoro Mori, completely unexpected that he could command the arctic fox.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Curacao and asked, "Xiaobai, how is your practice here? Are you still comfortable?"

Curacao laughed lightly: "Life here is very good. Last week, my witchcraft surpassed Senior Sister Junhui. Master Fusang said that I have the potential to become a great witch!"

Yingzi, who was caressing the little fox, couldn't help asking: "Who is the master Fusang you are talking about? Is it the Lord God who will exorcise me later?"

Curacao then explained: "No, the deity here is Senior Sister Junhui, and Master Fusang is a god, and he is an offering from our shrine."

Sakura's small mouth couldn't close instantly!

God?What are you kidding?There is a god in this shrine?

Soon, the three of them came to the front of a quaint room, and saw Junhui Shimabukuro sitting on the threshold, holding his breath and practicing witchcraft.

Its hands are in mudra, and there is a big shining water polo on its head, and it is trying to transform it into other shapes.

Seeing this supernatural scene, Yingzi cried out with a wow.

She grabbed Kogoro Mori's clothes and shouted, "Mr. Mori, look, magic!"

This utterance disturbed Jun Hui instantly.

The large water polo the size of a washbasin suddenly became unstable and fell down instantly, directly soaking Jun Hui's head and clothes.

The white clothes were tightly attached to the maiden's delicate body, and instantly became extremely transparent, and the girl's delicate body was clearly abnormal.

This scene is full of benefits, and Kogoro Mori's eyes are full of smiles.

Jun Hui wiped the water stains on her little face, and was about to explode when she caught a glimpse of Moori Kogoro who was smiling smirkingly.

Xiao Nizi immediately yelled in surprise, and trotted towards Maoli Kogoro.

Duang! Duang!

Junhui Shimabukuro threw himself into the arms of Kogoro Mori, and this dribble hit someone was not fake.

"Kogoro, are you here?"

Curacao on the side was very upset, and quickly stretched out his hand to pull it away: "Senior sister, there are others here, please be more reserved."

Saying this, she caught a glimpse of Jun Hui, who was wet and seductive, and she saw Mouri Kogoro staring at her, and she felt even more delighted.

She then used the Wind Control Technique to drive away all the moisture from Jun Hui's body.

The maiden costume returned to its original appearance, covering up all the good things.

Yingzi, on the other hand, stared at Junhui and Curacao who were showing their abilities in a daze, and felt that she had come to the right place.

These are real witches, real witches hidden in the bustling city, who must know real psychic spells.

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