"But I know Xiaobai, you are a very gentle person in your bones. I knew it from the time you helped the children win the dolphin ornaments. Such a Xiaobai is really touching!"

Hearing this, Curacao's sky-blue eyes trembled slightly, and he couldn't help kissing Kogoro Mori.

And its elastic legs even wrapped around Kogoro Mori's waist.

Mori Kogoro didn't hesitate anymore, he got up with his arms around the koala-like Curacao, and then walked to the room behind him.

The door was closed immediately, and a stirring movement sounded immediately.

But then an invisible barrier rose up directly, covering the entire room.

The little shikigami Fuso manifested on the ground beside him, his face was flushed, but he couldn't help but spat lightly: "Hmph, in broad daylight, shameless, you still don't let me peek, it's too disgusting."

"I've known for a long time that this girl is unreliable. After being coaxed for a few words, she can't find Bei. It's really useless!"

Fusang looked at the enchantment with taste, and shook his head, but didn't want to disturb, so he turned and went to Junhui Yingzi.

In the quiet room, the little maid Sakura was sitting in the middle, looking anxiously at the busy Miko Junhui.

Junhui, on the other hand, completely followed Mori Kogoro's intentions, making her posture bigger and more bluffing, trying her best to fool Yingzi over.Not only did she draw magic circles on the ground, but she also took out useless magic weapons and placed them out.

Lord Junhui, who has taken over the Izumo Shrine for a while, is very proficient in these magic sticks.

False and real, just now people feel credible!

I saw Jun Hui holding the handprints with both hands, and the witch power surged in his body.

The drawn magic circle lit up, emitting a radiant light, and the light-sensitive magic tools lit up one after another.

All of a sudden, it was full of jewels, and the momentum was extremely huge!

Then Junhui's finger landed directly between Yingzi's eyebrows, and the simplest rejuvenation technique was performed.

A gust of coolness was poured into Yingzi's head along his fingers, and Yingzi immediately benefited greatly, looking at this scene with eyes full of shock.

Hey enough!

Under the psychological suggestion, Yingzi really felt that the nightmare that had been haunting her was gradually dispelled, and she felt relaxed.After a long time, Jun Hui retracted her fingers, and she staggered as if she was exhausted.

Yingzi couldn't help but asked concerned: "Master God, are you alright?"

"It's okay, just rest and recuperate. I've wiped out all the evil spirits on your body, and you won't encounter bad things in the future."

The little maid who was fooled and limped immediately looked grateful.

"Thank you so much, Lord God!"

Fusang, who was watching the excitement, couldn't help but chuckled, thinking that Yingzi was so cute.

"Fusang, why did you come out, where is Kogoro? Isn't he with you?"

And Yingzi looked at Fusang completely dumbfounded. She has long blue hair and a small porcelain face that can be broken by bullets. She is a girl who came out of anime. Is this God-sama?

Fusang couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "That pervert, ran off to do something bad!"

Jun Hui reacted in an instant, and widened her eyes: "How can this be, Xiaobai is too bad!"

Fusang put his hands behind his back and made an old-fashioned look: "You must not learn from her. The way of witches is profound and profound. It's like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. You must work hard and refine yourself, and don't be greedy for carnal pleasures."

Seeing the pretentious Fusang, Jun Hui couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and immediately said: "Who is that who secretly went to buy sexy underwear when I went shopping last time, don't think I don't know about you and Kogoro .”

Fusang's face turned red in an instant, and she used her witch power to transform into a small hammer, beating Jun Hui's little head.

"You are talking nonsense and blood. I bought it for collection. What does it have to do with Kogoro?"

And Yingzi on the side almost petrified: Nani!Lord Shenming also had an affair with Kogoro?

Chapter 0167 Belmode found out

In the wooden house of the shrine, the sound of gorgeous music continued to spread.

Curacao couldn't hold back at the end, and told Mouri Kogoro one by one that he had recovered his memory and his identity.Now that she decided to entrust it to this man, she revealed her identity frankly without reservation.

Its elastic body was pressed tightly against Mori Kogoro's arms, and a pair of sky blue eyes eagerly looked at his reaction.

Mori Kogoro's expression could not be described as calm. His left hand stroked Curacao's soft back, and his right hand stroked his Bai Jie's calf. He raised his eyebrows and said, "That's it?"

Then he smirked: "Actually, I knew your identity a long time ago. I noticed it when you recovered your memory on the Ferris wheel. I was just curious about how long you want to play with me, girl. It’s really useless!”

Hearing this, Curacao immediately looked confused.

So this guy knew it from beginning to end, and he was just teasing himself.

Curacao, who was extremely ashamed and angry, couldn't help but clenched his fist and hammered Kogoro Mori.

But the fist became limp before it hit Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro smirked: "The code-named strong man in the organization is so useless. It seems that this winery is not very good."

The blushing Curacao couldn't help cursing angrily: "You big pervert who took advantage of others, you did such an outrageous thing to me when I lost my memory!"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and patted his buttocks: "You enjoyed it a lot at that time, and you thought you were super powerful!"

"Don't say it!"

Curacao blocked Mori Kogoro's mouth with his cheek.

If you don't say it, why not move it!

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