Mori Kogoro moved his hands along Curacao's graceful body, and Curacao's body immediately aroused countless goosebumps.Not long after, the hands rested on his slender waist, they were really extremely slender, and they seemed to be able to hold them no matter how hard they tried.

Mori Kogoro kissed Curacao affectionately, and said softly: "I'm still used to calling you Xiaobai, the name Curacao is really unpleasant." The girl blinked her eyes and said softly: "Then you continue Call me Xiaobai, and I am also willing to be your Xiaobai."

"Did you not have another name before joining the organization?"

Curacao frowned, showing nostalgia: "There is only one code name, number 6!"

"Poor child, you don't even have a name. I named you Xiaobai, which sounds nice."

Hearing these boastful words, Curacao couldn't help biting Kogoro Mori's shoulder with his silver teeth.

Of course, this is not the slightest defense!

Of course Kogoro Moori would not let him be domineering, so he immediately fought back, and Xiao Nizi couldn't give it up in an instant, and let go of her mouth and let out a sob.

Mori Kogoro comforted her tenderly, he was already very proficient at hitting a stick and then giving a sweet date.

But, Xiaobai, why are you telling me everything at this moment? "

Won't you wait until the end?Don't be afraid that I won't be able to accept the teaching, just leave you alone and go away.

Curacao snorted proudly: "You won't, and if you dare not, if you really dare to abandon me, I will cut off all your bad things."

How dare!

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, and there was a little more evil in his eyes, and he was planning to show this girl a good look.

But Curacao continued to speak: "Because Belmode and Bourbon found here!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help being stunned.

"It seems to be because I was active with the shrine maidens. This long silver hair is too eye-catching, and some guests spread the word, and then they came to Belmord."

This also makes sense, the Izumo Shrine is only five minutes away from the Mori Detective Agency.

Belmode also lived nearby, and Bourbon was in the cafe under the Nursery, so it was normal for them to hear others talking about it.

"Then how did you recognize them? They should have disguised themselves when they came here!"

Curacao then said: "Because of Jun Hui, Jun Hui's disguise technique is better than the two of them, so you can tell something is wrong at a glance, and then Master Fusang informed me, and I hid in the barrier to spy."

That's true, Jun Hui's disguised old makeup is simply turning decay into magic!

Seeing Kogoro Mori frowning, Curacao blamed himself: "I'm sorry, I seem to have brought trouble to the shrine, why don't I hide it in another place?"

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori slapped Curacao's buttocks heavily with his big hand.

"What are you talking about, you have learned so much witchcraft here, why are you afraid of them!"

"And Fusang is sitting here, and I'm nearby, no one can touch you, so you don't have to go."

"The two of them are not considered enemies at all. You have stolen information from the police, and Bourbon is actually a member of the police."

"As for Belmode, don't worry about that, she won't tell about you."

Curacao frowned, she was keenly aware of the adulterous relationship between Mori Kogoro and Belmode.

"But it's troublesome for them to come here. Don't worry, I will find an opportunity to warn them. You can live here with peace of mind, and nothing will happen."

Hearing this, Curacao laughed: "Xiao Wulang, you are so kind!"

Saying this, the girl offered a sweet kiss and became more active.

Mori Kogoro caressed his long silver hair, and simply drowned in this sweet tenderness.The applause resounded throughout the room... (many, many words omitted here!)

More than two hours later, Mori Kogoro took Curacao to Fusang and the others.

Curacao, on the other hand, looked like a petite wife, following her step by step with her head lowered.

Obviously she would use the rejuvenation technique to heal herself, but she refused to do it, walking out with a shy step with a flushed little face.

Xiao Nizi really has a lot of thoughts, this is completely a demonstration!

Seeing this scene, Jun Hui couldn't help but snorted softly, and immediately stepped forward and hugged Kogoro Mouri's other arm not to be outdone.And Fusang shook his head with a heartbroken look.

"Hey, I thought I could see a real great witch in this era, but I didn't expect to fall."

And Sakura couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Kogoro Mouri.

He can even get a witch who knows magic, and there are two in a row, so what is he not good at?

Mori Kogoro glared at Fusang and said, "I think you are the big dirty girl, how can you instill strange ideas into Xiaobai, and besides, when the master comes over, don't you come obediently to say hello?"

Yingzi's expression turned terrified in an instant: Nani, wouldn't Mao Li-kun offend God by saying this?The guts are too fat.

Just in the next second, Yingzi's three views collapsed in an instant.

Fusang actually stepped forward shyly, called 'Master' softly, and obediently endured a pat on the head.

When Mori Kogoro turned his head to look, Sakurako was completely petrified.

Chapter 0168 Aiming at Yukiko

Looking at Sakurako's dazed expression, Mori Kogoro explained with a light smile: "Because Fuso has already signed a contract with me, so it's normal to call me that, and I'm not playing any strange games!"

The little Shikigami couldn't help but give Mori Kogoro a blank look: There's nothing there!

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