"In the future, if Yingzi encounters any difficulties and cannot find me, she can come here to ask Fusang for help."

"Although Fusang doesn't know much about human relationships and the world, the spells he knows can settle many things."

Hearing this, Fusang patted his trembling chest, and said domineeringly: "Don't worry, with me covering you, no one will dare to bully you."

These words provoked Mori Kogoro rubbing the head of the little Shikigami violently.

"Okay, the exorcism spell is over, does Yingzi feel relieved?"

Under psychological self-suggestion, Yingzi nodded her head in agreement.

"Then our bet, Yingzi has lost, I have to think about what I want you to do!"

Saying this, a smirk flashed across Mori Kogoro's face.

A series of images of the Eighteen Bans flashed through Yingzi's mind again, and her little face was flushed red again.

Mori Kogoro stopped teasing the shy little maid, and instead took Fusang to their residence.Naturally, if you come here, you must accompany the three girls in this shrine.

As for what Curacao said about Belmode and Bourbon, there is no rush.

Rum will attack Kuwahu Central Hospital, and the investigation here must also be postponed!

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Kogoro Mori walked back to his home with Sakurako.

As soon as he came to the door, he saw Yuanzi, Xiaolan, Heye, Hongye and the five daughters of Xiao Ai who were about to go out.

Seeing the two walking together, Yuanzi immediately said dissatisfiedly: "Uncle, I haven't seen you all morning, so you must be fooling around with this housekeeper somewhere?"

Yingzi quickly explained: "That's not the case. Mr. Mori just took me to the shrine to exorcise evil spirits. We didn't do anything strange!"

Sonoko's amber eyes were still full of suspicion: "Exorcism?"

And Xiaolan seemed to think of something, and couldn't help asking: "Is it the Izumo Shrine over there by Miss Jun Hui?"

Yingzi nodded, and Xiaolan's face instantly became ugly.

"You have to be careful, there is a real ghost hidden in the shrine there, it's scary."

What Xiaolan said naturally refers to Fusang, Xiaolan who is afraid of ghosts has always been afraid of Fusang.

No matter how Mori Kogoro explained Shikigami, she thought it was a ghost.

After talking too much, she also thought that Kogoro Mori was fascinated.

"Where are you going? And Xiao Ai, a little house girl, is she willing to go out?"

Saying this, he poked Xiao Ai's face, and then hugged her.

He Ye immediately replied: "It's the invitation from Ito yesterday. The few of us are going to see the theater troupe, but the rest of the family are not very interested."

Xiao Ai put her arms around Mori Kogoro gently: "I didn't want to go at first, but Ayumi has been inviting me all the time, so let's go out and relax."

"Well, then I'll go with you."

Hearing this, Xiaolan's eyes showed a look of vigilance.

Could it be that Dad fell in love with the girl who looks a lot like me?

But before she could say anything, Sonoko put his arm around Mori Kogoro and pulled him into the car.

The girl was very happy at the thought of being with Kogoro Mori, and the rest of the girls also got into the car one after another.

And Sakurako returned to Maori's home and began to serve as the housekeeper of Maori's house, starting a new job.

Not long after, a group of people came to the troupe.

It was time for rehearsal at this moment, and when Mori and his party arrived, Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi were on the stage acting as little ancients.Ayumi dressed up as little Terutsuki, wearing a kimono and a wig, which gave people a gentle and virtuous feeling.

But when she saw Mori Kogoro, Ayumi revealed her lively nature again, waving her little hand: "Uncle, this way, this way!" The little girl with a single ponytail looked at Ayumi strangely, and then directed From Mitsuhiko and Yuanta.

"You two, now it's my turn to play Hui Yue Ji."

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko immediately agreed like licking a dog, and the three rehearsed again.

When Mori Kogoro came closer, Ayumi also came to the edge of the stage: "Xiao Ai, you are here too, how about it, is this stage really big? We were acting on stage."

The Xiaohui she mentioned naturally refers to Ito Hui, the younger sister of Ito Tamanosuke, the little girl in the class next to Ayumi.

At this time, Kataoka Renhua, whom she met last night, came to welcome her.

"Detective Maori, it's an honor for our troupe to have you here, but the performance won't start until evening, and we're still rehearsing. I'm sorry for letting you see this messy scene."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "It's nothing, the rehearsal scene is quite interesting!"

Hongye then turned her head to inspect the stage of the theater, and couldn't help but say, "It's indeed different from the one in Osaka, it doesn't even have organs."

Kataoka Renka explained: "Actually, the troupe has also performed in Osaka, and it is a ninja-themed play. It is true that the stage in Osaka will give people a dazzling feeling, and it will be simpler in Tokyo."

Sonoko couldn't help asking, "How long has Miss Kataoka been acting with the troupe?"

"It's been several months, and now I'm gradually able to play the leading role. Tonight's Tale of Bamboo Tori is me as the heroine."

Xiaolan couldn't help being amazed: "Hey, it's just a few months to be the heroine. It seems that Ms. Kataoka's acting skills are very good."

Kataoka Lianhua waved her hand embarrassingly: "Why, my acting skills are still far behind."

It's quite interesting to watch the mirror image conversation between two people who look exactly the same.

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