He Ye asked curiously: "Miss Kataoka, don't you continue to study? You should be a high school student at the same age as us, right?"

"Because I studied a little early, I graduated from high school last year, and my idol is Ms. Fujimine Yukiko. She also came out to act after graduating from high school, and then became a national treasure-level actress."

"So I also want to keep moving forward with this goal."

Hearing this, the girls could not help but have strange smiles on their faces.

The national treasure-level movie queen you mentioned is now staying at Maori's house, acting like a baby and watching soap operas every day.

If this is the goal, it is better to live in Maori's house directly. Isn't that one step and all the steps in the middle are omitted. "Lianhua, come up to rehearse!"

On the stage, Tamanosuke Ito yelled, and Renhua Kataoka said goodbye, and rehearsed on stage.

Chapter 0169

Tamanosuke Ito also saw Mori and his party, but he just said hello and focused on rehearsal.

He was responsible for the entire theater troupe at a young age, and it was as if he had changed as soon as he got to work. He was extremely serious.

But this is the only way to barely shock the actors in the troupe.

Mori and his party all sat down to watch the performance, and Ayumi and the others also got down, giving way to the stage.

As soon as she came to the bottom, Ayumi, who was wearing a small beige kimono, immediately got into Kogoro Mori's arms, lay between his legs and began to act coquettishly.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai at the side quickly pulled Ayumi over, and looked at Kogoro Mori with a perverted look.

Looking at the actors performing on the stage, Yuan Tai couldn't help asking: "Who is this Kaguya Ji? It sounds so familiar!"

Yuanzi couldn't help but patted Yuanta on the forehead: "You little fat man only knows how to eat all day long, and you don't even take classes well. Have you never heard of Bamboo Tori Tale?"

Bamboo Tori Monogatari is actually the Japanese version of Chang'e Flying to the Moon, a well-known myth.

Kaguya Hime is a character that has been quoted countless times.

Xiaolan explained gently at the side: "It is said that in ancient times, there was a bamboo cutter who met a bamboo that was shining with blue light. After cutting it down, he found a three-inch-sized baby girl inside the bamboo. This is bamboo. The reason for it."

"The old man brought the baby back home in a bamboo basket to raise, and after only three months, the girl grew up and was very beautiful, attracting princes and nobles from all walks of life to propose marriage, and the girl was named Kaguya Ji. "

"Kaguya Ji doesn't want to marry, so she distributes hard-to-find treasures in the world to the suitors, and tells them that whoever can find them will marry whoever they can find, hoping that they will retreat in spite of difficulties."

"But the relative-seekers are greedy for Kaguya's beauty, and they don't hesitate to cheat and use various methods to disguise treasures, but they are all seen through by the smart Kaguya."

"In the end, even the emperor fell under Kaguya Ji's pomegranate skirt, and he didn't think about eating or drinking just to see her."

"But Kaguya Ji is actually a celestial being on the moon, who descended to the mortal world and experienced calamities, so it is impossible for her to fall in love with mortals."

"On the full moon of the fifteenth day of the eighth month, she put on the feather robe of the sky, and was greeted by the envoys from the Heavenly Palace back to the moon."

"The emperor keeps keeping Kaguya Ji, and Kaguya Ji is very moved, but she will return to the Heavenly Palace after all, so she left a letter to the emperor and gave him a pot of elixir."

"The emperor was very infatuated, and replied, 'If you can't see Kaguya Ji, what's the use of taking the elixir? Order your subordinates to take the elixir to the highest mountain and burn it."

"That mountain was called the 'Mountain of Immortality', which is now Mount Fuji."

"This is the prototype of the 'Tale of Bamboo Cutter' that will be performed today."

After listening to the whole story, Yuantai suddenly realized: "So that's how Mount Fuji got its name!"

Mitsuhiko couldn't help complaining: "Yuantai, you don't even know this story, you just acted so vigorously with us."

The little fat pier rubbed his forehead and laughed sheepishly.

At this time, Tamanosuke Ito yelled on the stage: "Lianhua, what's the matter with you, you haven't even memorized the simplest lines?" legs?"

Kataoka Renhua held the script and lowered her head, looking aggrieved and uncomfortable.

This version of the script was newly revised, and it had been less than three hours since she got it, so it was normal that she couldn't remember it.

At this moment, a man's voice came from the aisle of the auditorium.

"I'm here to pick you up, Lianhua, come back with me!"

When everyone turned their heads, they saw a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and a secretary wearing glasses following him.

Kataoka Renhua couldn't help shrinking her body: "No, it won't be!"

Tamanosuke Ito couldn't help but said: "Who are you, why are you here in my theater company?"

Sonoko said softly from the side: "This is Kataoka Lianhua's father, it seems that there is a good show this time."

The middle-aged man stepped forward and said, "My name is Kataoka Hanshiro, and I am Lianhua's father."

The actors on the side couldn't help exclaiming: "Kataoka Hanshiro, isn't that a famous entrepreneur?"

"So, Lianhua is still an incredible young lady?"

Yuanzi said: "It's so pitiful. I just happened to be caught running away from home. It's different like me. My mother doesn't even know where I am when I run away from home?"

Xiaolan couldn't help laughing speechlessly when she heard that, she did see Auntie Tomoko next door, but she kept it a secret from her and didn't tell Yuanzi.

Kataoka Hanshiro continued to speak: "Stop being willful, now is not the time for you to be willful, come home with me."

Kataoka Lianhua immediately shook her head and said: "I'm not going, I just want to play well here, so I won't go back and marry someone, I want to marry you and marry yourself!" Hearing this, Yuanzi's eyes showed gossip .Could it be a bloody plot of a rich girl running away from marriage and running away from home!

"Nonsense, Da Guan, go up and pull him back to me."

Hearing this, Secretary Oguan next to him stepped onto the stage: "Miss, please don't embarrass me."

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