When I came to the backstage, I saw a lot of dressing tables, and actors in casual clothes were exchanging experiences.

At this time, a little loli with a single ponytail jumped out.

Yi Donghui said: "Who let you in, my brother said, outsiders are not allowed to enter this backstage, you get out quickly."

Ayumi then replied: "Hmph, if my Uncle Mao Li hadn't just appeared, the leading actress of your troupe would have been taken away. Are you not even allowed to enter the stage now?"

Ito Hui had a tangled expression: "That's right."

She turned to look up at the tall and strong Moori Kogoro: "For the sake of being a handsome uncle, let you come in." Mouri Kogoro stroked Ito Hui's small head with his big hand, gently He smiled and said, "Student Xiaohui is quite discerning!"

He smiled softly, his charm inexplicably exuded.

This little loli Ito Hui's cheeks turned red.

But within two seconds, his big hand was slapped away by Hui Yuan.

Looking down, Xiao Ai looked at herself with perverted eyes again.

Conscience of heaven and earth, he really didn't think of anything strange, he just felt comfortable because of this child's praise.

But Ayumi stepped forward and glared at Ito Kei: "Hmph, Uncle Mori is my uncle, not your uncle. You are not allowed to call him handsome uncle." Xiao Ai and Ayumi's strict defense was perfect.

The little loli Itohui was stunned for a few seconds, glanced at the angry Ayumi, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What are you doing, it turns out that Ayumi likes old men, but I thought you were my competitor!"

Ayumi hugged her chest without showing any weakness and said, "Hmph, only people like Xiao Hui like little brats, they really have no taste at all."

The two little lolis faced each other tit for tat, then snorted and turned their backs.

Hearing the old man's address, Mori Kogoro's cheeks twitched uncontrollably.

She's really a little girl, she called me handsome uncle just now, but she was downgraded to an old man in no time, the rumors spread too fast!Hui Yuan couldn't help laughing when he heard this address.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, picked up Huiyuan, and immediately slapped her buttocks with his big hands.

In front of everyone in this public place, there were several crisp slapping sounds.

Huiyuan's cheeks turned red immediately, he pinched Mao Li Kogoro's shoulder, but buried himself in his arms like a quail, he dared not see anyone.You bastard, use this insidious trick to deal with children again, see if I can't bite you to death!

Chapter 0171 The girl who ran into her arms

Ayumi couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you see sister Kataoka just now?"

Yi Donghui put her fingers upright around her mouth: "Shh, she was called into the lounge by my brother for questioning. She spoke fiercely. Come with me and keep your voice down."

The little ponytail loli tiptoed ahead and led the way, passed a corridor, and stopped in front of a room door.

Even with the door closed, you can still hear the arguing inside!

"Lianhua, why did you never tell me your life experience?"

"Is this important? I just want to act well!"

"Act well, but now you have become a big trouble for our troupe. You ran away from home, and your family members have come to find you. What about the play tonight?"

"Your father is the president of Kataoka, and he is someone our troupe can't afford to offend."

"Originally, I was already walking on eggshells maintaining the entire troupe, why did you still make trouble for me!"

Hearing this, Kataoka Renka looked at Tamanosuke Ito in disbelief, with tears in her eyes.She didn't expect Tamanosuke Ito to evaluate herself like this, a big trouble!

Seeing his timid appearance, Kataoka Lianhua was even more disappointed.

If it were Maori-kun, he would definitely not say that about me.

"Now you go back with your father, you must explain clearly to him that your running away from home has nothing to do with our troupe! Kataoka Lianhua's eyes are full of mistakes again: "What about tonight's play, I How can you act when you are not here? "

"Let my wife Yoichi play, she can also play the role of Kaguya Hime well!"

No way?How can you do this?Is the heroine that I waited so hard for someone else to act?

Seeing Ito Tamanosuke's determined face, Kataoka Renka smiled miserably, but didn't say much.

She bowed slightly and apologized, "I'm really sorry for causing you trouble!"

After saying this, she immediately covered her face and rushed out.

The taste of disillusioned dreams is really uncomfortable, Lianhua's tears flowed out unconsciously.

But before she could see the way ahead, she crashed into Kogoro Moori's arms.

Duang! Duang!

Um! C+!

It's not surprising that it's not obvious, it's connected in this way!

Qingzi is B, Lianhua is C, Mira is D, Xiaolan is E, it seems to be a straight!

Obviously Lianhua was crying, but the old driver Mori Kogoro had this impolite idea inexplicably in his head.

Haibara, who was rubbing his little butt, stared at Mori Kogoro like a pervert.

But Lianhua's eyelashes were still dripping with tears, and her pretty face like an angel was stunned.

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