She blinked her big eyes, felt the big hands on her waist and the solid muscles on her chest, and two red clouds immediately appeared on her small face.She hastily pushed Moori Kogoro back a few steps.

Mori Kogoro then explained: "Ahem, we didn't deliberately eavesdrop on that one, but just came here, and you came out and bumped into my arms."

"But Miss Lianhua, did you encounter any problems? Why are you crying so hard?"

Seeing the same face as Xiaolan, Mori Kogoro was a little dazed.

His fingers involuntarily wiped away the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, and only then did he feel a lot more relieved.

Hearing Mori Kogoro's gentle and magnetic words, and sensing his intimacy, Kataoka Renka's heart trembled a few times, and her face became more flushed.

Tamanosuke Ito, who was in the rest room, saw this scene, his heart tightened suddenly, and he was inexplicably jealous.

He liked Lianhua, but he never revealed it. Seeing other men treat her so intimately, he was naturally very angry.But just now, Lianhua's father, Kataoka Hanshiro, he didn't dare to offend, and facing Mouri Kogoro, who Kataoka Hanshiro treated with respect, he naturally didn't dare to provoke him, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing this scene, the little loli Ayumi tasted so much that she couldn't help but tugged on Kogoro Mori's pants with her little hands.

Kataoka Renka turned her head and glanced at Tamanosuke Ito, seeing that he still didn't respond, she couldn't help being even more disappointed.

She shook her head and said, "No, it's nothing, I just got sand in my eyes, Mr. Mao Li, I'm sorry."

After saying that, she turned around and walked out, but before taking two steps, her wrist was grabbed by a big solid hand.

"This is very worrying. Is there too many people? Come with me!"

Saying this, he aggressively pulled Kataoka Renka towards the stairwell, and Ayumi Huihara followed with her short legs.

At the emergency exit stairs, Kogoro Mori dragged Kataoka Renka to the place and closed the door.

The two little lolita were blocked outside, and they both put their ears to eavesdrop curiously, but unfortunately the iron gate was too thick to hear any sound.

Hui Yuan couldn't help complaining: "I knew it, you are a big carrot, you love the other when you see one."

But Ayumi smiled innocently: "Xiao Ai, you think too much, sister Kataoka looks exactly like sister Xiaolan, uncle won't like her!"

Huiyuan immediately rolled her eyes at Ayumi speechlessly, because she looks the same as Xiaolan, so that big pervert will never let her go.

On the stairs, Kogoro Mori asked in a gentle voice: "Miss Lianhua, you can talk now, maybe I can help."

Thinking of his father's attitude towards Mori Kogoro just now, Lianhua felt hopeful in his heart.

She told Maori Kogoro unreservedly about the family affairs.

Like Sonoko and Ayako, the eldest daughters of big conglomerates, Kataoka Renhua inevitably fell into the drama of marriage.Her father's company was in trouble, so she thought of marrying the heirs of other companies in order to seek an alliance to alleviate the company's difficulties.

That's exactly what political marriage is about.

A family has a female Baijiaqiu, just like Kaguya Ji, and the heirs of five companies want to marry Lianhua.

Kataoka Renhua didn't want to be used as a tool for commercial exchange, so she escaped a few months ago, cut off contact with her family, and hid in this wandering troupe as an inconspicuous little actor.

I didn't expect to be caught by my father today.

If she was taken home today, there would be no need for tomorrow, maybe she would start a blind date tonight, and then get engaged, then her fate would be completely controlled by others.

After all, she has been running away for half a year. For Kataoka Hanshiro, this matter is extremely urgent, and he will definitely push forward vigorously.After telling her story, the girl looked at Kogoro Mori expectantly.

Chapter 0172 Jealous Little Sorrow

Mori Kogoro then laughed softly: "It's really amazing. If you don't make a move, it's nothing. Once you make a move, five rich men want to propose to you. Lianhua's charm is really not small!"

Hearing this, Lianhua blushed and couldn't help but pouted: "Mr. Mao Li, stop teasing me. I'm just getting annoyed. Do you have a solution?"

"What, is there a boy you like? Is that why you don't want to get married?"

"Not really!" Lianhua couldn't help retorting loudly, but soon she realized that she had overreacted, so she lowered her volume again.Inexplicably, she just didn't want Kogoro Mori to misunderstand!

"I'm so young now, and I still want to develop as an actor in the future. I don't want to marry so early, and I don't want to marry someone who has no emotional foundation."

"My dad is a stubborn old man. He only thinks about his company. He has no great skills. He only wants to sell girls for glory. It sucks!" Kataoka Renhua's resentment towards her father is really not small!

Mori Kogoro nodded in disbelief, then smiled lightly and said, "Aren't you in the same situation as Kaguya Hime in Taketori Tale? It's the same as five princes and nobles asking for marriage."

"Let me think about it, how did Kaguya Ji over there do it?"

Receiving this reminder, Kataoka Renka's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

"The stone bowl in front of the Buddha, the Penglai jade branch, the fur of the fire mouse, the pearl of the dragon's head, and the Anbei of the swallow. She uses five kinds of treasures to drive back the suitors."

"However, modern transportation is so convenient. If you really ask them for treasures, maybe they can get them. Haha, yes, I know what to do."

"Mori-kun, thank you for your reminder. You saved me yesterday, and you helped me today. When I get through this difficult time, I will treat you to dinner!" Kogoro Moori chuckled, rubbing his small hands with his big hands. head, causing his little face to turn red again.

"Silly girl, you little actor in the troupe, how can you get any salary, I will invite you next time."

"No, if you want to treat someone, you have to let me treat you."

Xiao Nizi was very stubborn, and Kogoro Moori didn't refuse anymore.

"It's just, isn't Maori-kun a famous detective? My father's attitude towards you was so strange just now? He has never treated anyone like this before!"

"Does Maori-kun have any other identities?"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly, but did not answer.

Xiao Nizi wrinkled Qiong's nose, her expression was the same as Xiao Lan's.

"Stingy, hum, if you don't tell me, don't tell me. One day, I will dig out your secret. You can't hide it from me."

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