She got into the Mercedes and went home, preparing for the blind date tonight.

And this girl's plan also unfolded accordingly!

Mori Kogoro appeared on the stage with two little lolis in his arms, and saw Kazuha and Sonoko putting on a red kimono for Xiaolan.This is the costume of Kaguya Hime. The red kimono is dotted with various patterns, which is extremely gorgeous.

After Xiaolan put it on, it seemed that Princess Kaguya had reappeared in the world, and the whole stage became extraordinarily gorgeous.

Kaguya Hime means the princess who can bloom beautifully in the dark night and brighten the dark room!

If there really is Kaguya Hime in the world, it is so!

Seeing Xiaolan's appearance, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but stare blankly.

"What are you doing?"

Sonoko replied, "Ito-san said that we can try to play it. Miss Kataoka and Xiao Ran look so similar. Miss Kataoka is back home. Let her play Kaguya Hime!"

Tamanosuke Ito, who was holding the Emperor's costume, also nodded.

"Xiaolan puts on Kaguya Ji's costume, and her aura is stronger than Lianhua's. It really suits the role of the Moon Goddess."

"Where is it?" Xiaolan shook her head modestly.

Mori Kogoro put his two children down, and snatched the black robe from Tamanosuke Ito's arms.

"That's right, I'm going to try the role of the Emperor, and I just remember the lines."


Tamanosuke Ito scratched a few times with his big hand before taking it back in frustration.

So angry!But keep smiling!

The role of the emperor is his, and in this stage play, he and Kaguya Ji can be regarded as the hero and heroine, and they have a relationship.

Originally, Tamanosuke Ito wanted to act with Xiaolan and act out a love story, but he didn't expect to be snatched away.

But no one at the scene cared about Tamanosuke Ito's thoughts, Momiji Mouri and Kogoro Hami were also very interested in wanting to perform on stage.The two women hurried forward to help him put on the emperor's black robe.

As soon as the costumes were put on, everyone's eyes were filled with amazement.

Unusual heroism, domineering, all gestures are like a monarch.

Walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, he dominates the river, and with a stern face, he has the aura of dominating the world.

This appearance is more convincing than Tamanosuke Ito's portrayal of the Emperor.

Seeing this, President Kataoka, the only one in the auditorium below, couldn't help but cheered loudly: "Mori-kun, you're too talented for not being an actor, you're so resembling, the most ancient monarchs are like you!"

The president has a tough face, but he does all the flattery.

But what he said was what everyone thought.

Seeing this, Sonoko hugged Kogoro Moori's arm, and couldn't help wiping his little hands, touching Kogoro Moori's waist secretly.

"Uncle is so handsome, I should have known that I should play Kaguya Ji."

Seeing this, the red leaves on the side quickly tore the garden away, and then hugged Kogoro Mouri's arm again, pushing her proud chest up. "As expected of my destined husband, if he must have been a wise monarch in ancient times, I must be your favorite concubine!"

Looking at the two nympho girls, He Ye's head was full of black lines: "Hey, you two are enough, this is on stage!"

Before the words were finished, the little loli Ayumi walked on her short legs, hugging Kogoro Mori's thigh, and said in a cute voice. "Uncle is so pretty, I will marry Uncle when Ayumi grows up!"

Hearing the child's words again, the girls and the surrounding actors couldn't help laughing.

And the little loli Haibara hurried forward, took Ayumi's little hand and tore it apart.

Others don't know but Haibara understands that what Ayumi said is completely sincere.

Since Kogoro Mori was going to act, all the actors in the troupe naturally cooperated, putting on costumes one by one and began to cooperate.

Tamanosuke Ito, on the other hand, became the director and made arrangements from the sidelines.

The first is the plot of Kaguya Hime when she was a child. It will be played by Kei Ito and others. Neither Mori Kogoro nor Xiao Ran need to appear.

However, the two did not stay in the backstage, but in the bamboo house built on the stage.

The bamboo house is a design prop for stage plays, and when the lights inside are on, people can see the silhouette of the house.

But at this moment, the lights are not on, and even the shadows can't be seen!

Listening to the lines outside, Mori Kogoro put his arms around Xiaolan's slender waist, and said softly, "Lan, you are more beautiful than your mother now!"

A little blush appeared on Xiaolan's face, and she said nervously, "I hate it, Dad, we're still on the stage, so stop talking nonsense."

"My heart is beating so fast now, Dad, will the show fail later?"

"Is the heart beating fast? Come on, Dad, listen to it, hey, it seems to be a little fast!"

Looking at her father lying in her arms, Xiaolan couldn't help but tapped his head again.

"Don't worry, relax, relax!"

Kogoro Moori slapped his big hands again, and Xiaolan's head was covered with black lines.

"Don't worry, Lan, your acting skills are superb. Just act like you usually lie to your mother. If you perform normally, there will be absolutely no problem."

Hearing this, Xiaolan gave Mori Kogoro a bad look.

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