Immediately, Tamanosuke Ito's reminder came from the backstage, and it was Xiaolan's turn to appear.

She got up and adjusted the kimono on her body, then pushed away the wooden house and walked out, chasing the light down, and amazed everyone as soon as she appeared!

This is the story of the treasure hunt for the five princes and nobles!

Mori Kogoro opened the back door of the wooden house, walked out of the wooden house and came to the backstage, preparing for Xiaolan's story before going on stage.

Sure enough, Kogoro Mori's consolation just now was very effective, and Xiaolan's acting was excellent without any flaws!

She fully played out the demeanor and wit of the goddess of the moon, and Futaba below was attracted by the plot.

The five princes and aristocrats were all unable to propose marriage, so they left the stage sadly, and then it was the turn of the lord, Kogoro Mori, to enter the stage.

"...Hehe, interesting, Prince Shizhu, Prince Chechi, Minister Right, Da Nayan, and Zhong Nayan, the five of them fought bloodily for this woman. I am a little curious about this woman's appearance. Come, come This Huiye Ji has been recruited into the palace, I want to see how beautiful she is."

"...It's interesting to dare to disobey my will several times, how does my concubine think about it?"

Sonoko, who was dressed in a gorgeous kimono, smiled lightly and said, "Your Majesty, why should you keep such a rebellious girl in your heart?"

"It's really not beautiful to cause the ministers of the court to fight each other because of a beauty. According to the concubine's words, how about giving Bai Ling a foot?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro and Xiao Ran twitched their cheeks.

Chapter 0174

It has to be said that the power of capital is enormous!

Taketori Monogatari does not have the plot of this concubine at all. Sonoko used her identity to force Tamanosuke Ito to change the script and add it in.And Sonoko is playing the role of the blind princess, so she wants Kogoro Mori to play the role of the monarch, and herself to play the role of the concubine, a couple who live together and live together!

And the lines played on the spot really made Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan full of black lines.

Xiaolan in the bamboo house couldn't help whispering: "Yuanzi, you are dead, I will beat your ass into eight pieces!"

Fortunately, Kogoro Maoli was able to hold on, and said coldly: "Presumptuous, I have always loved the people like a son, how could I give a folk girl to death because of rumors?"

"Concubine Yuan's reckless behavior is against women's morals, come here, and throw her into the cold palace!"

Yuanzi was stunned for a moment, he finally came to the stage, and now he is going down, what can I do?

Two maids from the left and right came up and pulled Yuanzi down, and Yuanzi kept mourning, "Your Majesty" and "Your Majesty", and was dragged down in the end.

As soon as Yuanzi was pulled down, the plot returned to the right track.

Next is the story of the lord going out to hunt in the palace, and then meeting Kaguya Ji, and falling in love with her at first sight.

"...I have heard that Hui Yeji is extremely beautiful. My ministers don't care about you, so raise your head and let me have a look!"

Kaguya Ji, played by Xiaolan, knelt on the stage with her head down, stubbornly refusing to raise her head.

Mori Kogoro went forward, lifted his chin lightly, and was shocked and overjoyed when he saw his true face.His master-level acting skills exploded, and he performed love at first sight vividly.

Everyone was brought into the plot!

And Xiaolan's cooperation is also not to lose the wind, every frown and smile is worthy of the goddess's beauty.

The two first met, met, missed each other, and fell in love!

Scene transitions are like flowing clouds and flowing water, and the relationship between the king and the goddess is constantly rising.

The lines, movements, positions, demeanor, expressions, all of them were flawless, and it could even be said that they were perfect. The actors in the troupe were amazed.

Tamanosuke Ito held the script and stared round his eyes, looking ashamed.

His rehearsal with Kataoka Renka didn't even reach one percent of the temporary performance of Mori Kogoro and Xiao Ran.This is a gluttonous feast, a great show.

Especially at the end, Mori Kogoro held Xiaolan in his arms and smiled miserably at him.

"...What are you talking about? You are a god-man? You are a god-man in the Heavenly Palace. How is it possible? I don't believe it. This is definitely not true."

The weeping in those words broke the hearts of the female audience present, wishing to go up and hug Kogoro Mori to comfort him.

Then the king yelled at the bright moon in the sky.

"Even if you are the goddess of the moon, if the gods want to take you away from me, that is delusional! Where is the man who controls the strings? Where is the man in armor?"

"Surround this mansion to me, if there is a man of God."

"Then why not kill God for you!"

Looking at the domineering Kogoro Mori, Xiaolan couldn't help crying even more.

She used her body as a substitute, as if she was going to be separated from her father, and the thought of it made her heart ache!

All the idle actors in the backstage were all attracted by the performance, and they watched from left and right, with agitated expressions.Teams of archers stepped forward, pointing at the bright moon from left to right.

In the middle, the black-robed king hugs the red-clothed goddess, and the chill and romance are perfectly blended together.

Hongyehe and Yejie below have teary eyes, red noses, clenched fists, not wanting to see the final parting scene.

But the feather coat of heaven still appeared, a chasing light fell, the middle of the stage opened, and a staircase came out.

This is the white divine bridge where the moon descends, leading Kaguya Hime to the Heavenly Palace.

Xiaolan gently broke free from Mori Kogoro, and slowly put on the sky feather coat.

When I look back, there are tears falling down, it makes people feel distressed to watch!

"Your Majesty, in this life, there is no destiny, but in the next life, I wish to be a mortal woman, and stay with you every day, never to be separated."

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