"Give the king the immortal medicine, and hope that the king will live a long life."

After saying this, Xiaolan put on the feathers of the sky, climbed up the steps, and stepped towards the moon above the stage, showing a soaring posture.


The king below shouted unwillingly, the explosion was extreme, the hearts of all the audience were clenched, and their eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori in the middle of the stage.

He tossed down the crown on his head, his long hair fluttering in the wind.

"If you can't stay with you, what's the use of sitting on the throne? What's the fun of living forever?"

He smashed the undead medicine pot directly, and then chased Kaguya Ji, climbing along the white steps.

In the end, he caught up with Kaguya Ji, hugged her, and then held hands, and ran to that day palace together.

Seeing this finishing touch on the spot, Tamanosuke Ito couldn't help but patted his thigh: "That's how it feels!"

The stage above slowly closed, and Kogoro Mori and Xiao Ran were gone.

Immediately, the surrounding erupted into extremely exciting applause.

These are all actors from the troupe, and they were all moved to tears by Kogoro Mori and Xiao Ran's interpretation of the Bamboo Tori Tale, and couldn't help applauding loudly.

Hongye and Heye hugged each other even more: "Great, a perfect ending, the emperor and Kaguya are together."

"Uncle and Xiaolan acted really well. Is this their first time acting? It's so good!"

The eyes of Yuanzi in the backstage were all red, and he said excitedly and tearfully: "I am so touched, Uncle and Xiaolan are really a match made in heaven." At this time, a powder puff was thrown on Yuanzi's face. Donghui's handwriting.

"It's you, a vicious woman who wants to kill Kaguya Hime, and I will kill you."

Yi Donghui, who was too young, was instantly taken astray by the play. The better Xiaolan acted, the more she felt that Concubine Yuanzi's behavior was so bad, and she began to seek justice.

"Hey, hey, brat, if you do this again, sister will not be polite!"

Sonoko and Ito Hui chased after each other.

And Hanshiro Kataoka, who was in the second row of the auditorium, couldn't help but let out a long breath after watching the whole play, and his eye sockets were a little red.

He was also touched, but his face instantly returned to normal.

Recalling the scene of Maori father and daughter embracing on the stage just now, I didn't expect their father and daughter to act in a love story so well.

Inexplicably, a strange idea came to his mind, and his eyes lit up.

That's right, they are father and daughter. If you want to please Maori-kun, there is no better choice.

It seems that the daughter's blind date really has to slow down!

And in the protagonist's lounge backstage, listening to the applause coming from the direction of the stage, Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan were still hugging each other tightly.The two seem to be deeply involved in the drama, and they haven't been separated until now.

Chapter 0175

There was thunderous applause outside, but Kogoro Mori didn't care at all.

His eyes fell on the teary-eyed little man in front of him, and there were crystal tears hanging on his pure white cheeks, which really aroused his affection.Mori Kogoro lowered his head slightly, and kissed away the teardrops on his face.

"Why are you crying? I won't leave you on and off the screen."

The girl hugged Mori Kogoro's waist tightly, as if she wanted to rub herself into his body.

"People are moved!"

"Silly girl, this is a play!"

Saying this, his big hand gently patted the girl's soft back.

The girl immediately raised her head, raised her eyebrows, and her tearful eyes were full of unkindness: "Huh? Play!"

The old driver Qiu Mingshan, who was clearly aware of the murderous intent, immediately changed his tone: "But even if it's a play, the lines in it are all what I really think."

"Even if there is a god in this world, if the god wants to take you away, I will not hesitate to kill the god!"


The girl patted Moori Kogoro with her little hand coquettishly, and then laughed happily again.

Only then did Kogoro Moori heave a sigh of relief, this girl is really looking more and more like her mother now.

Then he couldn't help but hold the girl's slender waist, picked her up, and put her on the dressing table of the protagonist.

His fiery big hands got in through the long sleeves of the kimono with ease, and couldn't help but praise: "You are so beautiful in this kimono today, you are my Kaguya Hime!"

"Then you are my king forever!"

The girl's face flushed immediately, but she patted Mori Kogoro's big hand shyly.

"Daba, this is the backstage of someone else's troupe, don't mess around!"

Mori Kogoro's expression became more dignified, and he pinched the girl's chin domineeringly.

"Kaguya Hime, do you want to disobey my will?"

Hearing the domineering and majestic voice, the girl inexplicably entered the scene just now, and couldn't help but reply affectionately: "Your Majesty!" Mori Kogoro kissed her pink lips, and his big hand quickly touched her. Its soft ski muscles.

"But is this someone else's costume?"

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