"Relax, be careful, there will be no problem."

The Ant-Man robot has already locked the door of this lounge, so it is natural not to be disturbed by outsiders.

(A lot of words are omitted here!)

In the background, Ito Kei was no match for Miss Sonoko, and was chased to Genta and Mitsuhiko for help.As the new licking dogs who empathize with each other, these two boys naturally stood out with righteous words.

But then under the attack of Yuanzi's broom, the two little devils were in a tragedy instantly!

Being taught a lesson, they kept yelling in pain, one by one crying for their father and mother.

In the end, it was Tamanosuke Ito, the director of the troupe, who came out to mediate, and it was only then that the mediation was settled.

Looking at this high-spirited Miss Sonoko, Tamanosuke Ito also felt a headache.

It was hard to persuade them all out of the backstage, and went to the auditorium to continue enjoying the performance.

It was because of Yuanzi's commotion that his attention was completely attracted.

After returning to the stage, he was called to start a new round of rehearsals, and he went to Mouri Kogoro and the others flawlessly.

It's a pity that this rehearsal is far from the version performed by Mori Kogoro, and Futaba and Sonoko frowned.This pearl and jade are in the front, and all the behind have become eclipsed.

Within forty minutes, Tamanosuke Ito stopped with a distressed expression.

He wanted to imitate Kogoro Mori's style, but unfortunately his acting skills were not good enough, he just acted embarrassingly.

And in the auditorium, the king and Kaguya Ji just came back.

The girl also handed over the two sets of costumes in her arms to the staff of the crew, and then she came to the crowd with Kogoro Moori's arm in her arms.Yuanzi couldn't help asking: "Uncle, you two went to change into costumes, why have you been here for so long?"

Seeing this, the little loli Huiyuan couldn't help but look around the two of them with her blue eyes, and raised her brows involuntarily.

Mao Li Kogoro replied: "This girl was too deep into the drama just now, crying like a little tearful person, I will comfort her well, it wasted some time!"

The girl beside her couldn't help but blushed, and couldn't help but patted Kogoro Moori again.

This made Luo Liai, who had been with her day and night, see something unusual, and the little Luo Li couldn't help but stare at the girl.

But Hongye couldn't help but said: "Xiao Wulang, there seems to be nothing to do here. I have watched this rehearsal many times, why don't we change places?"

He Ye also nodded in agreement.

The version of Taketori Monogatari performed by Mori Kogoro just now was exciting enough, but the subsequent rehearsals will naturally become more and more boring.

Mori Kogoro also had this intention, so he wanted to call everyone to leave.

At this moment, a wailing sound came from behind, and Hanshiro Kataoka rushed over.

"Maori Detective, Maori Detective, you must help me!"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows involuntarily: "Mr. Kataoka, what's going on, please speak slowly!"

"My daughter, my daughter was kidnapped."

"Daguan called me just now, saying that Lianhua didn't come home after going out."

"Then Daguan received a surveillance link, opened the link with a computer, and there was a picture of my daughter being imprisoned in a warehouse."

"Prisoner, the prisoner said it would cost [-] million. How can I get the money? Detective Maori, you and my little girl know each other, so you must help me."

Hearing this change, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

But the girl holding Moori Kogoro's arm had some suspicion in her eyes.

Just now she heard Kataoka Hanshiro say that he wanted to curry favor with Mori Kogoro, could this be his trick!

But the girl carefully observed Kataoka Hanshiro's expression, and overturned her assumption.

Mori Kogoro immediately said: "Mr. Kataoka, calm down, I will definitely help with this, I will go back with you first."

"Well, Yuanzi, you take the others to find a place to kill some time first, and I'll come back to you when I'm done."

The girls were a little reluctant, they didn't want to be separated from Kogoro Mouri.

"Be obedient, maybe the kidnapper will monitor Mr. Kataoka's house. It's not good for us to go together where there are too many people."

Mori Kogoro looked at the time, and it was just over two o'clock.

"Don't worry, I will definitely look for you before four o'clock."

Hearing what he said, the separation time was not long, and all the girls agreed.

Mori Kogoro walked out with Kataoka Hanshiro, and drove towards his home in the car driven by the secretary.

Chapter 0176

In the car, Kataoka Hanshiro scolded Secretary Oguan angrily.

"Daguan, what's the matter with you, I handed Lianhua to you for only two hours, and you lost her sight?"

Secretary Da Guan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and softly defended, "Missy wants to go out by herself, and I can't stop her!" Did you call the police? "

"The kidnapper said that the police would tear up the ticket if they found it, so I dare not call the police now."

Kataoka Hanshiro yelled angrily again: "Believe what the kidnapper says, call the police immediately."

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

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