After finishing speaking, Hanshiro Kataoka called the police.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the old guy, he really didn't care about his daughter at all.

Don't be afraid of the police coming, the kidnappers are really tearing up the ticket.

It's really unlucky to have such a father at the Lianhua stall.

But Mori Kogoro also knew what was going on in this farce, so he let Kataoka Hanshiro do whatever he wanted.

Soon, the three came to Kataoka's villa.Entering the living room, they saw the video on the laptop.

Kataoka Renhua was tied up with ropes, her mouth was covered with tape, her eyes were covered, and she looked imprisoned.

This video was recorded in real time, with time jumping on it.

However, Mori Kogoro saw through at a glance that in fact some technical means were used to increase the time. This is just a repeated segment.

It's just because Kataoka Renhua in the video is in a coma and remains still, so it can't be seen that it is a repetition.

Seeing this scene, Kataoka Hanshiro's face became extremely ugly.

"What did the kidnapper say?"

Secretary Okinawa said submissively: "He just called home and said that the heirs of the five companies who had a blind date with the eldest lady should prepare [-] million yen each, and make up [-] million yen, and then hand it over to me Bring it to him before four o'clock, and he will naturally release it by then."

Kataoka Hanshiro hurriedly asked: "Just now I asked you to inform those people, how did they reply?"

Secretary Da Guan shook his head: "Three of them frankly refused, saying that they have nothing to do with the eldest lady. Even in view of the cooperative relationship with our company, it is impossible to waste this money."

"The other two said that if the [-] million yuan is used as the dowry for the next hire, then there is no problem."

"But one said it would take two days to raise funds, and the other said it would take three days to raise funds, so..."

Kataoka Hanshiro slammed his fist on the coffee table immediately: "Bastards, a bunch of bastards, they promised me so well before, but now they refuse to help any one of them when there is something wrong. Are they even willing to borrow money?"

Secretary Otsuki shook his head silently.

Then he reminded softly: "President, the funds on our company's books are not enough, it's only [-] million."

"How about we put newspapers on the bottom and cash on top?"

"Bastard, are you trying to kill my daughter?"

But Kataoka Hanshiro didn't know what to do.

It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice, and the money in his company's book plus his own savings is still not enough.

But in fact, this is Kataoka Renhua's strategy for dealing with blind dates.

After being reminded by Mori Kogoro, she imitated Kaguya Hime and set up difficult problems for the five suitors.

He didn't ask them to find treasures to please him, but asked them to pay a high amount of cash as an excuse to force them back.

After she came back safely, if Kataoka Hanshiro forced her to go on a blind date again, he could reply that these heirs are all people who can let themselves die for money, and then Kataoka Hanshiro will have nothing to say.

Originally, all the plans were good, but something went wrong in the middle.

Not long after, Officer Megure and Officer Chiba came.

The other subordinates were all on standby in the police cars in the nearby streets, and the two of them were welcomed in by Secretary Oguan through the back door. "Hey, Mori-kun, you're here too. With you here, wouldn't the kidnapping case be resolved soon!" Police Officer Megure still had full confidence in Mori Kogoro as always.

And Mori Kogoro shook his head pretending to smile wryly: "There is too little information available this time, and I have no clue."

"is it?"

Police officer Mu Mu looked at him suspiciously, and then began to understand the case.

Hanshiro Kataoka and Secretary Okinawa came out with trays.

After listening to their narration of the case, Police Officer Megure held his fat chin in thought.

"It's really strange. Ordinary kidnappers only ask for money from family members. This time, the kidnapper actually asked for money to go to several blind dates. I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out."

Saying this, he squinted his eyes and couldn't help but glance at Kogoro Mori beside him.

Police officer Megure didn't believe Kogoro Mori didn't know something, but his expression didn't reveal anything.

Chiba then said: "This [-] million yen is not a small amount of money, since Mr. Kataoka can't get it out, then use counterfeit money from the Metropolitan Police Department instead!"

Hanshiro Kataoka immediately looked confused, and Secretary Okinawa couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

Mori Kogoro immediately said, "I'll pay the [-] million yen first. After all, human life is important, so don't make any mistakes."

Police Officer Megure's eyes widened in an instant, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "Mori-kun, you actually have [-] million yen, are you a billionaire?" Too dull.

Many people in the Metropolitan Police Department know that Mori Kogoro is a super rich man, and even Chiba has heard of the kind that skyscrapers give away casually.

And police officer Mu Mu, who has known him for more than [-] years, doesn't know at all, and he hasn't heard anyone say it.

Therefore, when Mori Kogoro said this, the shock in his heart could not be described in words.

"I just made some investments, so I have a little savings!"

Then he handed the black card to Chiba from his arms: "Go to a bigger bank and get [-] million back. The password is six six."

Saying this is as calm as withdrawing hundreds of dollars.

Police officer Mumu continued to ask: "Maori-kun, you are so rich, so you still live in Mihua Town?"

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