Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "I'm used to living here. The main reason is that Xiaolan doesn't want to change, so I don't want to move."

Hanshiro Kataoka on the side quickly said, "That's Detective Maori, who is low-key. He is the chairman of Tesla's electric car company, so of course he is very rich."

Hearing this identity, Officer Mumu instantly petrified.

It's unreasonable to think that you will be poor until you grow old together, and suddenly you will become rich!

Hanshiro Kataoka had a humble smile on his face: "Detective Mori, thank you very much, don't worry, I borrowed the money from you, and I will definitely pay it back."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Miss Lianhua and I are friends. She looks so similar to my daughter. Of course I don't want anything to happen to her. Mr. Kataoka, don't worry about this small amount of money. The most important thing now is Rescue Miss Lianhua?"

[-] million?Little money farmers?

are you kidding me?

Hearing these aggressive words, Officer Mumu took a few breaths.

Chapter 0177 Don't rob me

Not long after, Police Officer Chiba came back carrying two bags of cash with great difficulty.

Five hundred million yen is not a small amount, and it is really difficult to move it.

On the other hand, Secretary Oguan stared at the [-] million yen, his eyes straightened.

After waiting for a while, Kataoka's phone rang. It was the kidnapper's call.

Police officer Mu Mu turned on the speakerphone and answered the call, and the prisoner on the other side only left one sentence.

"Ask the secretary who just got on the phone to bring the money to the Dinggang parking lot. Remember, I only recognize the secretary."

"If I find out that someone has replaced her, just wait to collect the body of this eldest lady!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and Qianye didn't track the signal, so the connection was disconnected.

Police officer Mu Mu sighed: "For the present plan, we can only ask the secretary to pay the ransom."

"Our police will lead a team to follow behind. Mr. Kataoka, please rest assured that the safety of the hostages is absolutely the top priority in this operation."

Hearing this, Kataoka Hanshiro let out a long sigh, as if he had aged a few years.

He tightly held Officer Mumu's big hand: "Then please, Mr. Officer!"

Chiba stepped forward to install bugs and communicators on Secretary Okinawa's clothes.

Then Secretary Okinawa got in the car from the front door, Megure and Chiba went out from the back door, and got into the car that came to meet them.

It's just that Police Officer Megure saw Mori Kogoro standing still outside the car, so he couldn't help asking: "Mori-kun, don't you want to go together?"

"No, I can't seem to be able to help you if you go there. Just follow along. I still have some things I can't figure out, so stay here for a while." Hearing what he said, Officer Mumu didn't force him.

"Then if you think of anything, call me and let me know."

After all, the police people hung Secretary Daguan's car far away and galloped all the way north.

They must have returned in vain, just following the Daguan secretary around in circles.

In fact, Mori Kogoro knew for a long time that the kidnapping of Renka Oka was really done by Secretary Okinawa.

It turned out that Kataoka Lianhua planned a fake kidnapping case and asked the blind date for a ransom just to force them to leave.

It's just that she hired the wrong person to help her, and she hired Secretary Daguan.

This guy Okinawa owed a large amount of debts due to gambling, and when he heard Kataoka Renka's idea, he improvised and made a fake show.Originally, he was just helping to take photos of the kidnapping, but later he was really kidnapped, and he wanted to cheat the Kataoka family for money.

The Kataoka family's company management is not good at all, and he opened his mouth to make things worse, but that's it.

It was also because Kataoka Lianhua knew that the kidnapper was him, and in order not to go to jail, Daguan didn't intend to let her live from the beginning.

At this moment, Lianhua was sitting on a delay device. If she didn't make it in time, she might only find a female corpse later.Mori Kogoro knew that it was a waste of time to go around in circles with Secretary Otsuki, so he planned to go directly to save people.

He knew the location of Kataoka Lianhua, and earlier he felt that something would happen to her today, so he channeled a thousand paper cranes to attach to her.Not long after, the robot drove its car over.

Mori Kogoro got into the car directly, and followed the guidance of the thousand paper cranes from the psychic, and headed towards the Xinchuan River.

Less than twenty minutes later, the Lexus stopped, and the signal from the paper crane became clearer.

This place is not far from the location of the Ito Theater Troupe, only ten minutes away.

In fact, that's right, Secretary Okinawa took Kataoka Renhua away in less than two hours, so where can he hide no matter how far away.

There is a row of riverside huts on the bank of the Xinchuan River, which were built on the river.

The floor of the room is cut into squares, which can lead directly to the river below, allowing people to enjoy the fun of fishing indoors.

And Kataoka Lianhua was hidden in such a small house on the river.

Mori Kogoro followed the guidance of the thousand paper cranes and came to a small wooden house on the far side.

The windows and doors are all closed and locked, and there is still a board sign hanging on the door.

But this lock is nothing to Mori Kogoro, the Ant-Man robot got in and opened the door directly, and he came indoors easily.At a glance, he saw Kataoka Lianhua in the iron cage that could be pulled off the wooden board.

Kataoka Renhua's hands and feet were bound, her eyes were covered, her mouth was taped, and she looked panic-stricken.

Hearing the sound, she couldn't help but make a 'woo-woo' sound.

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