You Xizi immediately smiled coquettishly and begged for mercy: "Xiao Wulang, I was wrong, I was wrong, quickly take your hand away."

Seeing Yukiko who kept begging for mercy and blushing, Mouri Kogoro withdrew his hand inside the leather jacket after being punished.

He hugged You Xizi, and stopped making troubles.

Mori Kogoro leaned his head lightly on Yukiko's shoulder, sniffed her scent greedily, and said, "Yukiko, I'm really happy that you're back this time!"

You Xizi looked at Mori Kogoro behind him, with a smile on his elf-like face, the accelerator accelerated again, and the motorcycle galloped wantonly on the field road.

After more than two hours, the motorcycle finally arrived at the destination.

It is a big house in Gunma County. It is a former architectural style. It occupies a very large area and is a one-story house. It is more comfortable to live in than a villa. It belongs to the landlord's family before Neon.

Surrounded by cultivated land, there are forests behind. This is a quite remote place, about an hour's drive from Gunma County.

Mori Kogoro and Yukiko got out of the car, and he helped Yukiko dust off her body. No wonder Yukiko wanted to wear this dark leather jacket and pants, which were windproof and easy to clean.

Yukiko glanced at Kogoro Mori, who was a bit embarrassed, and couldn't help but chuckled. Seeing that the blue suit carefully prepared by Kogoro Mori had already become dirty, and her head had become disheveled, she also raised her little hand to help Kogoro Mori pat Dust on the body.

"You can tell me now, what are you doing here?" Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking.

At this moment, the door opened, and a middle-aged woman in yellow opened the wooden door, poking her head out: "Youxizi, I heard the voice, and I thought it was you. This time, I have troubled you too much, and asked you to come back from abroad on purpose. "

You Xizi immediately greeted her with a smile, and the two of them hugged together: "Hiromi, what's the matter, I just returned home after filming, what's the trouble, besides, it's Hiromi's business, thousands of mountains and rivers I have to come too."

Mori Kogoro looked at the two women, they were not like their peers at all, but like a mother and daughter, Yukiko's age seemed to be frozen, especially her baby face, it was impossible to tell that she was in her thirties year old woman.

"Didn't your husband come with you?" Hiromi Suuchi looked at Kogoro Mori in surprise, and then at the Harley motorcycle. The two came by car, so close!

Yukiko immediately came to Mori Kogoro's side, hugged Mori Kogoro's arm and introduced with a smile: "Yusaku still has something to do in America, so I asked my good friend, the great detective Mori Kogoro, to help, he But we Neon's best detective."

"Oh, hello, Detective Mori, I've heard your name before." Hiromi Suuchi opened her mouth in surprise when she heard Kogoro Mori, and hurried forward to shake hands with Kogoro Mori respectfully.

But she immediately said: "Although I am a little embarrassed, but Mr. Maori, please don't reveal your identity as a detective. This time, please help me with a secret investigation."

"Of course no problem." Mori Kogoro nodded.

Hiromi Suuchi glanced at the posture of Yukiko tightly hugging Kogoro Mori, and she had some strange guesses in her heart, but she didn't say much, and invited Kogoro Mori and Yukiko Fujimine into the house.

The three of them entered the courtyard from outside the door. In the courtyard there was mud, a stone road, a camellia tree, and an old well under the tree. It looked antique, although the courtyard had been renovated with new building materials. But still the same structure as before.

Next to the old well is the bathroom. There is a back door leading directly to the bathroom. The bathroom is still the old-fashioned way of heating hot water with firewood. Besides the living room, there is another building, which is a warehouse.

At this time, a fat old man with white hair came over, followed by a strong man like black charcoal.

The old man said, "Guangmei, do you have any guests?"

As if taken aback, Hiromi Suzui turned around and introduced, "Uncle Yoshifusa, this is Yukiko who often came to our house to play when I was young."

You Xizi went up to say hello to the old man: "Long time no see!"

Suzui Yifang looked at Yukiko for a long time, but still shook his head: "I really can't remember, it should be because I lived in Brazil for too long."

You Xizi couldn't help laughing awkwardly. As a world-class female star, people can't recognize her. This is a failure!

Shunei Yifang said: "Do what you want, let's go, Carlos." After that, he walked into the room with Da Heitan.

After watching the two leave, Yukiko approached Hiromi Suzui and asked, "Hiromi, what is this commission, you can tell me!"

Suzui Hiromi said: "It's about my uncle Suuchi's righteous house, because my father passed away from cancer last month and left a large inheritance. Before the will was announced, my uncle flew from Brazil. come back."

"Because the will will be announced tomorrow, my father once said that those who are not present will not receive the inheritance, and it is a bit strange that my righteous house uncle suddenly appeared."

You Xizi said, "Then find someone who knows your uncle to make sure, isn't it all right?"

Hiromi Suzuchi shook her head: "You know, Yoshiko, Uncle Yifang's family immigrated to Brazil [-] years ago, and my mother died [-] years ago, and it just so happens that all of my uncle's friends are gone long ago. .”

At this time, Hiromi Suuchi's husband Hidekazu Suuchi, younger brother Yoshiyuki Suuchi, and sister-in-law Keiko Suuchi came over.

Husband with a bitter face, Shunei Xiuhe said: "Because everyone in the family became suspicious, wondering if that guy was pretending to be for father's inheritance."

The yellow-haired younger brother, Yoshiyuki Suzuchi interjected, "Father's funeral is at ten o'clock tomorrow night, and the will will be announced tomorrow, so we can't expose this man's words before then."

"Then I'm afraid our share of the inheritance will be much less." The sister-in-law with the hanging eyebrows, Suzui Keiko said.

At this time, a middle-aged woman in a red kimono came out of the room, making people feel uncomfortable: "It seems that it is not only the reason that the share will be reduced, but maybe some people will not have a penny." .”

Hiromi Suzui greeted immediately: "Mom."

This is Hiromi Suuchi's stepmother Machiko Suuchi.

Kogoro Mori looked at the four people who appeared suddenly, and couldn't help but smile wryly. Do we still need to investigate secretly by ourselves? The suspicions of these guys are directly stated.

This time it's another event that started because of legacy.

Seeing the old well on the side, You Xizi couldn't help but stop: "I still have an impression of this well. The water in it was very sweet when I was a child, but it seems to be surrounded by a guardrail."

Chapter 0004 True and False Uncle

"Yes, because my mother accidentally slipped and fell into this well on a snowy night fifteen years ago. She seemed to want to pick the camellias by the well and slipped. After that, we put up a guardrail."

Mori Kogoro frowned and said, "Camellia?"

"Yes, when my mother was picked up from the well, she was still holding a camellia tightly in her hand, but my mother's elder brother never believed it and always suspected that someone pushed my mother into the well, so they came to my house from time to time to make trouble, especially At my mother's funeral, there was even more turmoil. But he hasn't shown up for a long time." Hiromi Suuchi looked sad.

Keiko Kouchi said, "That guy is already very old, he must be dead!"

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