Yoshiyuki couldn't help but frown and said, "After all, he is my uncle, please stop talking nonsense, Jingzi."

"So if he's alive, wouldn't he be given a share of the inheritance?" Jingzi immediately turned pale.

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Don't worry, he has no right to inherit legally, but if there is something in the will, it's another matter. Of course, if the relationship between him and your family is so bad, then the will should also There will be no his name."

At this time, the stepmother on the side, Suzui Machiko sneered and said: "Anyway, this guy came to seek revenge and came to you. Before the death of the master's first wife, I was not a member of your family. This matter will naturally follow me." It doesn't matter."

Everyone's faces were ugly.

After finishing speaking, Machiko turned around and left. She walked to the door, turned sideways and said, "Hiromi, don't prepare mine for dinner tonight. I have to go to the hotel in the county to attend a class reunion, so I won't be at home tonight." eat."

"Understood, mother." Hiromi Suuchi nodded.

Mori Kogoro watched the big family with cold eyes, and couldn't help but shook his head. There are only a few people here, and they are just intrigues. You are mocking me.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, attracting everyone's attention: "Since we have to finish it by tomorrow, then act quickly and see if there are any clues or some photos for reference."

Mori Kogoro wanted to settle the matter of the Suuchi family as soon as possible, so that he would have time to be alone with Yukiko.

"If there is, it's only in the warehouse, please follow me." Everyone followed Hiromi Suzui into the warehouse and began to rummage.

There are many sundries in the warehouse, and it is quite difficult to find them.

A group of people searched together for a long time, but they still couldn't find it.

Keiko Suzui couldn't help complaining: "What's the matter! Not a single photo of that uncle has been saved."

"Probably because I immigrated to Brazil, so I brought everything with me." Hiromi Suuchi explained.

At this time, You Xizi found a photo from a photo album: "Hiromi, look, there are you and me on it, hey, there seems to be Uncle Yifang."

A group of people gathered around, but Suuai Yifang in the photo was too young, and most of his cheeks were covered by a hat, so he couldn't see clearly.

Shunei Xiuhe with a bitter face could not help but sigh: "Too young to be used as a reference."

At this time, Suzui Hiromi said, "I miss you so much. It was a baseball game at the county sports meet thirty years ago. Uncle was hurt by spikes during that game, and he needed several stitches!"

"Yes, I also have the impression that time, it was a pity that I didn't win the championship because of injuries." You Xizi was also caught in the memory.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyes, looked at the two silly women who hadn't reacted, and reminded: "In this case, there must be wounds on his feet, you can go and confirm."

"That's right!" Suzui Hidekazu's bitter face immediately stretched out. "Let's go, let's make sure, if there is no wound, it must be a fake."

A group of people walked out of the warehouse.

Everyone went out, only then did Yukiko realize that Mori Kogoro was not in the team, and quickly turned back to the warehouse, just in time to meet Moori Kogoro who came out.

Yukiko immediately looked at Kogoro Mori curiously: "Detective, have you found anything?"

Mori Kogoro smiled and nodded inscrutablely.

Yuxizi became excited all of a sudden, and quickly hugged Kogoro Mori's arm, swayed from side to side, and began to coquettishly say, "Tell me quickly, tell me quickly."

Her pair of breasts with at least a D cup kept rubbing against Kogoro Mouri. Although she was separated by a leather jacket, it was a great enjoyment. This is an international star's request to Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro smiled grimly, then stretched out his index finger and made a 1.

Yukiko's little face immediately turned red, she quickly let go of Mori Kogoro's arm, and shyly turned her head: "I don't want it, it hurts to death."

Kogoro Mori was not disappointed either, he walked straight past Yukiko, slapped her round buttocks vigorously with his big hand, and made a crisp sound: "Then I can't tell you, after all, there is no free lunch in the world."

"Stingy, don't say it if you don't say it, do you think I can't reason it out by myself?" After saying that, Yukiko hurriedly caught up with Mori Kogoro, hugged his arm and continued walking forward.


Outside Suuchi Yoshibo's room, a group of people gathered together to cheer Hiromi Suuchi silently.

Hiromi Suuchi held a plate with two cups of tea on it. She opened the door and walked in respectfully: "Uncle, do you want a cup of tea?"

"Of course." Suzui Yoshifua nodded while reading the newspaper.

Immediately afterwards, Hiromi fell to the ground in a fake fall, and the tea splashed on the fat old man's feet. She quickly pretended to be panicked and wiped the water on her left foot, and lifted up her trousers by the way.

"How can there be no scars, you are not an uncle!"

Suuchi Hiromi let out an exclamation, and the people from Suuchi's family rushed forward.

The yellow-haired Suzui Yoshiyuki was extremely irritable. He grabbed the fat old man's skirt and shouted angrily, "You bastard, you are really a fake. Tell me, how did you get the news?"

He still wanted to threaten the fat old man, but soon his arm was pulled by the old man, and he was so painful that he couldn't speak.

Mori Kogoro raised his brows, this skill is not bad, much better than many young people.

"Is this the scar you are talking about?" Suzui Yoshifumi lifted up his right trouser leg, and there is indeed a scar on his right leg: "In a baseball game [-] years ago, my foot accidentally extended to first base Went up there, got this wound from running spikes."

The fat old man immediately yelled furiously: "You are all doubting me. Sure enough, my brother is right. There is no good thing here, so my decision to bring Carlos back is right."

"Carulos?" Everyone in the Shunei family couldn't help but look puzzled.

"He is the bodyguard I hired from Brazil to protect me personally. You guys even sent me threatening letters. How can I feel at ease if I didn't bring Carlos back." letters.

It was made up of words from various newspapers: "There is no inheritance for you, if you want to live, don't come back."

Chapter 0005 Yukiko

Seeing the threatening letter sent out by the fat man within a few days, everyone looked in disbelief.

"How is it possible?" Someone actually sent a threatening letter to Uncle Sunai.

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