And without lifting her foot, she knew the ankle was the same.

I was careless, and brought her out without curing her.

Now that she was holding hands with Kogoro Moori again, Lianhua blushed and said, "Mr. Maoli, don't, don't do this, it doesn't fit well in the car."

"What are you thinking, I have a way to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, let me try it!"

After saying this, he directly held Lianhua's hands with both hands, wrapped them around Nalehong's wrists, and said softly, "Close your eyes!"

Lianhua obeyed obediently without much hesitation.

The rejuvenation technique was cast immediately, and the spirit of vegetation was summoned by it.

But seeing Lianhua's slightly raised head and slightly raised pink lips, she seemed to be expecting something.

Mori Kogoro raised his brows, he had never been able to resist the expression of this angelic face.

Without any hesitation, he gently kissed Lianhua's pink lips.

As soon as she touched it, Lianhua's body suddenly trembled, her pupils opened, but they couldn't stop shrinking.

This is Lianhua's first kiss!

Mori Kogoro showed his master-level kissing skills, and Xiao Chuer was not an opponent at all, her face was flushed red, and she even had difficulty breathing.About five minutes passed before the deep kiss broke up.

The little girl was shy, lowered her head and complained in a low voice: "Bad guy, and cheating, how can this be promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis?"

But his eyes fell on the plain wrist, the wrist was already white, there was no trace of strangulation, and he didn't feel any pain.

Lianhua stared wide-eyed, and immediately lifted the hem of the skirt, and saw that the strangle marks on her calf had disappeared, and her small mouth was also rounded.

She couldn't help but turned her head and asked, "Mr. Mao Li, what's going on?"

Mori Kogoro rested his right arm on the car window, and touched his lips lightly with his fingers, with a reminiscing expression, which made Lianhua blush again.

"I said that there are unique skills to help you activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, so don't take it to heart."

The little girl couldn't help murmuring softly: "Nonsense, there is no such thing as a kiss can heal a wound."

Lianhua's eyes looked at Mori Kogoro beside him, and she felt that this guy was amazing, as if there were endless secrets about him.But seeing that he didn't want to say more, Lianhua didn't ask any more questions.

She turned to ask: "Mr. Mao Li, where are we going now? Are we going home?"

"How could it be so easy to go back, don't you want to meet the secretary Oguan who held you hostage?"

"Oh, yes, I must give him a good lesson, but I still trust him so much."

"Maori-kun, the [-] million is still with him, we have to find him quickly, otherwise it will be difficult for him to take the [-] million away." Mao Li Xiaogoro said with a chuckle: "It's only [-] million, It doesn't matter, besides, isn't my car carrying people worth [-] million?"

"If the money is really taken away by then, wouldn't it be fine if Lianhua compensated herself to me."

Hearing this, Lianhua couldn't help but patted Maoli Kogoro on the shoulder, and said coquettishly, "I hate it!"

The duplicity said that this is the time, and seeing this girl's expression, she is obviously very willing.

Mori Kogoro didn't need to call to ask Police Officer Megure where they were, the Ant-Man robot was already attached to Secretary Otsuki's shoulder.He looked at the location, then turned the steering wheel and rushed to that location.

Police officers Megure and Chiba followed the blue car in front, their faces quite solemn.This car has been changed in the parking lot, it is the car prepared by the kidnappers.

The buggage monitor locator was installed on the original car, but it was discarded.It seems that this kidnapper is not easy to deal with!

Seeing more and more traffic on the road, Officer Mumu couldn't help frowning.

"Drive faster, follow the car in front, and don't be separated by other cars."

It's a pity that the order was given a little too late, the red light came on, and the vehicle where Police Officer Mu Mu was located was still blocked by a passing car.And Secretary Okinawa's voice came from the bug.

"Ah... what... that's fine!"

It seems to be electrifying with the kidnappers.

Seeing that there was still a red light on the road, the blue car where Secretary Okinawa was in started frantically and turned into the side street, throwing Police Officer Megure and the others away.

On the other side, in a small alley extending in all directions, Kataoka Lianhua kicked pebbles, and she got a little impatient waiting.

"Haven't you come yet? Maori-kun, how long have we been waiting here?"

Mori Kogoro patted his little head without hesitation: "Be patient, he will fall into the trap soon."

Kataoka Renhua didn't believe it at all.

But soon, there was a sound of sudden braking, and a blue car appeared in front of him.

Secretary Otsuki, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, got out of the car in a panic, carrying two bags of ransom money in his hand.

Lianhua in the alley saw this scene, and immediately looked at Kogoro Mori in disbelief.

Mori Kogoro handed her a baseball bat.

Kataoka Renhua snorted, took the baseball bat and walked out angrily.

Secretary Otsuki, who was concentrating on raising the manhole cover and intending to throw the ransom here, didn't notice the person coming next to him at all.

Break the wind!

He turned his head suspiciously, but was hit squarely by a rounded baseball bat.

In an instant, he fell to the ground, and the whole person was dizzy.

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