Kataoka Renka subdued Secretary Okinawa, and she looked so proud that Kogoro Mori couldn't stop laughing.

Not long after, three or four police cars roared up from behind.

The agile fat man led the team into the alley, and immediately saw Secretary Okinawa who was lying on the ground, Renka Kataoka who was carrying a baseball bat, and Kogoro Mori who had been waiting for a long time.

All the police officers were stunned for a moment, what's going on?

How did the held hostage stun the secretary who paid the ransom to save people?

Mori Kogoro said immediately: "You guys, handcuff this stunned Secretary Otsuki first, he is the prisoner in this kidnapping case."

"I've been playing the trick of yelling, "Catch the thief. Just now he wanted to raise the manhole cover to hide the ransom. We caught him and got all the stolen goods. He can be convicted."

Police officer Megure finally came to his senses, and couldn't help but look at Mouri Kogoro resentfully: "Mori-kun, why didn't you tell me sooner if you had a clue?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "I just remembered it just now, and without your help to attract Secretary Otsuki's attention, I would not have been able to rescue people so smoothly."

Chapter 0180 I am not a casual woman

After telling the whole process of the kidnapping by Secretary Okinawa who directed and acted himself, and then recorded the statement, Mori Kogoro left with Kataoka Renka.Kataoka Renka in the passenger seat looked at the bundles of cash in the purse with a look of amazement.

"There are [-] million here, and it's the first time I've seen so much money!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said: "So your plan is considered a success this time, and none of the five guys who went on a blind date with you paid, so you don't have to worry about it."

"It's hard to say. My father has always been very stubborn. I think he is determined to marry me. It will take a few days at most. Maybe he will find a new blind date soon."

"Looks like Xin ran away from home, I have to think about it and find a good place to go!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help being surprised and said, "Why, aren't you going back to the Ito Theater?"

"Tch, that place is exposed, it's just a temporary foothold."

"Besides, I have seen through the head of the regiment, and I have no responsibility at all."

"I didn't want to help me out, and I blamed me for provoking a big man like my father."

Speaking of this, the little girl couldn't help but sighed in disappointment.

"In that case, I have a good place to introduce you."

The little girl immediately looked vigilant: "Hmph, I won't go to your house with you, I'm not that kind of casual woman."

Mori Kogoro was speechless immediately, what was this girl thinking about all day long, and he didn't even want to invite Lianhua to his house.

"I'm not talking about my home, I'm talking about Ilmai TV."

"Didn't you say you want to act? There are a lot of opportunities in the TV station, and I know some people in it, and I can introduce you there."

In fact, the real controller of selling TV stations today is Kogoro Mori.

It was also a predestined relationship before, and this TV station broadcasted Kogoro Mori's reasoning many times.

But later I found out that there are quite a few women in the showbiz, such as Rena Mizumu, Yoko Okino, Yuki Yuki, Ruri Yushiro, Reiko Akiba, Yuko Ikezawa, and astrologers like Haruka Nagara and Reika Shijo Also on the show from time to time.

So many women are public figures, he privately bought Nikai TV in order to take care of them.

From time to time, he instigated the subordinates to send you Xizi some relaxed and rich program invitations, coaxing You Xizi to be in a happy mood all day long.

"If you really want to act, I can ask your idol to guide you."

It just so happens that Yukiko is teaching Yoko how to act, so to drive one sheep is to drive, and to drive two sheep is also to drive!

"It's a lie, Maori-kun, you really found me, Ms. Yukiko, she is a Hollywood actress, you are bragging!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and remained silent, the little girl believed it again when she saw this expression.

"That's amazing, Mori-kun, then it's settled, you take me to Nikkei TV to find Miss Yukiko, we've made a deal."

Lianhua grabbed Kogoro Mori's cell phone, unlocked it with his fingerprint, entered her phone number in it, and made a call.Then he returned the phone, wrinkled Xiao Qiong's nose and said: "I will call you, don't answer my call."

Kogoro Mori naturally had no objection.

Soon, the Kataoka family's villa arrived. Mori Kogoro and Kataoka Renka got out of the car, and Kataoka Hanshiro, who was guarding the door, greeted them.

"You girl, why do people feel so uneasy? You disappeared for several months, and you were kidnapped as soon as you came back, which made Maori detectives run around looking for you."

"Detective Maori, you have worked hard!"

"No, I have to provide you with some bodyguards. Why don't you let Da Guan guard you?"

Kataoka Lianhua replied: "That secretary of yours tied me up and let him guard me. I was almost raped by him just now." Hanshiro Kataoka looked confused: "Detective Maori , What's going on here, Daguan?"

"He was taken away by the police. He was the one who did this kidnapping. He used some video processing technology to create a fake surveillance to make an alibi. You can find out more about it with your daughter."

"I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first."

Kataoka Hanshiro immediately looked anxious.

"Detective Maori, today you saved my little girl and helped my Kataoka family a lot, so it's inappropriate to leave like this."

"We haven't thanked you properly yet, and didn't we agree to let me entertain you tonight?"

After finally having the opportunity to get close to Mori Kogoro, Kataoka Hanshiro couldn't bear it to slip away like this.

Kataoka Lianhua on the side also echoed again and again: "Yes, Mori-kun, I want to treat you to dinner too!"

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