Mori Kogoro glanced at Lianhua, smiled lightly and said, "I won't go to places with Mama-san, but don't let Lianhua misunderstand that I'm a pervert."

Hearing this, Lianhua glared at him lightly: He is obviously a pervert!

Sure enough, people who can start from scratch and become the president of the company are all good people.

Kataoka Hanshiro reacted in an instant, patted his mouth lightly, and said with a flattering smile: "Look at my mouth, it's easy to talk. Lianhua must have heard it wrong. There's no such thing as Mama-san, it's authentic kaiseki cuisine. It's me and the little waitress Maori Detective you, how can there be anyone else!"

Seeing his obscene and flattering smile, it seems that he is eager to send his daughter here.

Lianhua at the side didn't realize anything at all.

Kogoro Mori looked at his old face, but he was inexplicably pleasing to the eye!

Fortunately, Lianhua's temperament is not like him at all, otherwise she must have grown crooked.

Hanshiro Kataoka mentioned this, and Kogoro Mori didn't want to refuse.

"That's all right, have dinner, and let Lianhua call me later, I'll be there if I'm fine, see you later!"

After saying that, Kogoro Mori waved his hand, then got into the Lexus, and rushed towards Xiaolan and the others.

Seeing the car going away, Kataoka Hanshiro still looked respectful and sent it off.

Then he turned his head to look at his daughter: "Lianhua, tell me in detail the whole process of the Maori detective being with you."

Kataoka Lianhua just rolled her eyes, ignored him at all, and ran directly into the villa.

"Ask your good secretary yourself!"

Before four o'clock, Mori Kogoro's car finally stopped in front of Suzuki Gym.

He promised to resolve this incident before four o'clock, and Kogoro Mori naturally couldn't break his promise, so he rushed there anyway.Xiaolan and the others went shopping in the afternoon. They seemed to have eaten too much cake, so they ran to this private gym to burn off calories.

Chapter 0181 Personal Guidance

Mori Kogoro, who is the gatekeeper of this private gym, can't get in yet, so Yuanzi has to come to pick him up.

This requires exercise, so Yuanzi's dress is very cool.

Black hot pants and a yoga wrap top reveal a flat belly, and a pair of white long legs are even more dazzlingly white.

As soon as she saw Kogoro Mori, she hugged Kogoro Mori affectionately and walked in, asking, "Uncle, has Miss Lianhua been rescued?"

"Of course. Is there anyone I can't save?"

"But Yuanzi, you are becoming less and less close to the people now, and you are looking for a private gym?"

Looking at the surrounding decorations, it is low-key but luxurious, and very quiet. There is no one else along the way, and it is obviously reserved by the garden again.Hearing this, Yuanzi pouted: "Hongye and the others are also very coolly dressed, aren't they worried that you will be jealous!"

It's true, after all, this girl is careful!

Kogoro Moori gently rubbed Sonoko's head with his big hands, messing up his hair.

When he came to the hall, he saw the scene of the women's movement.

Xiaolan was running fast on the treadmill, while Heye was sitting on the stretcher, and Hongye was lying on the yoga ball, stretched into a long bow.But the most eye-catching thing is the boyish innocence, wearing gloves and knee pads, constantly hammering the sandbags, deflecting the big sandbags.As for the little loli Huiyuan, she believes in the idea that life lies in stillness, and she sits on the sofa and flips through fitness magazines.

Ayumi, she is too small to play with these equipments, so she looked at each one eagerly, and finally played yoga ball with Hongye.The girls were either wearing shorts or leggings, the curves of their legs and buttocks were clearly revealed, they were so beautiful that they really couldn't be seen by outsiders.When they saw Mori Kogoro coming back, they greeted him one after another, and when they learned that Lianhua was safe, they didn't ask any more questions.

On the other hand, Yuanzi handed over the men's sportswear that had already been prepared, and his amber eyes were shining brightly.

"Uncle, I have prepared clothes for you too, why don't you go to the locker room and change!"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows and said, "I haven't eaten any desserts, and I'm still busy, so how can I use exercise?"

"Uncle, just put it on, and you can accompany us. How can you come to the gym without exercising?"

Sonoko kept urging, his face was so hot that Kogoro Moori seemed to hear the sound of swallowing.

Wow, what a little pervert!

Seeing his expression, Mori Kogoro smiled speechlessly.

Dashou Pang beat her twice, then took the clothes and headed towards the locker room.

Soon, Mori Kogoro changed his clothes and came out.

Sonoko didn't seem to have touched anything, just a normal white vest and black shorts.

Mori Kogoro is the type who looks thin when dressed, but fleshy when undressed.

As soon as he put on the white vest, his well-proportioned muscular silhouette was highlighted.

Two big pectoral muscles, eight-pack abs, mermaid line, male dog waist, everything you should have.

Seeing this, Yuanzi's little face flushed, and he looked completely nympho.

This girl wanted to get into Mouri Kogoro's arms, but unfortunately she was grabbed by Ayumi who trotted over.Ayumi is clearly here to cause sabotage, but she pretends to be innocent.

"Sister Yuanzi, didn't you promise to teach me how to use a yoga ball? Come here quickly!"

After all, in front of the children, Yuanzi didn't dare to be too presumptuous, so he was dragged away reluctantly.

Mori Kogoro didn't bother to touch those equipment, turned around and came to the sofa, picked up Lori Ai who was concentrating on the magazine, and hugged him into his arms.

Xiao Ai is wearing a blue skirt and a blue T-shirt, full of sports style, very cute.

He lowered his head and sniffed the scent of milk on Xiao Ai Xue's neck, and asked in a warm voice: "Why doesn't Xiao Ai go to exercise, reading here by herself, it's very unsocial!"

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