Huiyuan's face turned red in an instant, and he snorted softly: "Boring, this is the most boring thing."

"I sweat so much after exercising, the hormones in my body are completely disordered, my heart rate is abnormal, and I can't keep calm. I don't like this state. It's a waste of time. I might as well read a few more books!"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and rubbed his little head: "That's not okay, I heard that you don't even go for a daily jog in school."

"It's no wonder that your persistence in the experiment has been getting shorter and shorter recently, but it's too weak."

Little Lolita's face was instantly flushed with red: "Nonsense, this has nothing to do with this."

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and stroked his face: "Of course it matters. For example, your sister's persistence in the experiment is much longer than yours. After all, she used to be a lower-level member of the organization and had to fight every day, so she worked hard. "

"Xiao Ai is different. She sits in an office or laboratory all day, so her body is naturally weak."

Hui Yuan still didn't agree at all: "Nonsense, this has something to do with everyone's physique, what can be improved by exercise."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro came to chat.

"This is really not nonsense. Like you, Aunt Mary, she ate APTX and became smaller like you. But she is a secret agent and exercises regularly, so the experiment time is long."

"Look at Hongye again, she looks very fleshy and powerful, but she is the daughter of the Ooka family, spoiled and raised, so she is completely a weakling, and there is no way to compare with Heye!"

"And your Teacher Xiao Lin, does she look exactly like Mei Hezi, but Mei Hezi is better, because she is a policeman and has exercised..."

But Mori Kogoro was keenly aware of the abnormality, and when he looked down, he saw Little Lolita's half-smile expression. "Go on, why don't you say it?"

Mori Kogoro smiled apologetically and rubbed Xiao Ai's head.

Little Loli stretched out her small hand, pinched Mori Kogoro hard, and then jumped out of his arms.

After she dropped the word 'pervert', she headed towards the spinning bike.

Haibara finally listened to Mori Kogoro's words, and obediently ran to exercise.

Without the little loli to tease, Mori Kogoro didn't feel bored, so he turned to come behind Heye who was pulling his back.He sat directly behind He Ye and saw He Ye struggling to pull the weight down.

"He Ye, this posture is not right. It will train the wrong muscle group. Keep your chest up and your back straight."

"It's too stupid, and the movements are still not standard, let me help you!"

After saying this, his big hands covered He Ye's small waist, and began to guide him to exercise.

He Ye, who was sweating profusely in front, remembered the scene in the dojo last year, and it seemed to be the same, and his face flushed immediately.

Chapter 0182 idea too dick!

"Yes, keep your shoulders level, pull down vertically at a constant speed, and feel the muscles gradually tense and hot. This posture is very standard." Seeing He Ye Jiebai struggling to pull the handle of the crossbar with both arms, Mori Kogoro's hands are like vines climb slowly.

Sensing the slowly tensing muscles of the bowed waist and back, he couldn't help but smile from the corner of his eyes.

The flushed Xiao Heye couldn't bear it anymore, she just felt that she was surrounded by a masculine breath, making her head dizzy.Its aura was disordered for a while, and the crossbar held by the little hand became unbalanced.

"I really can't help boasting. I just made a standard and then failed again."

"Let me see, the heartbeat is so fast, it seems to be overloaded."

He Yemei couldn't help but jump: If you didn't harass me, there would be no problem at all.

She couldn't help but slapped the mischievous big hands on her chest: "Uncle, are you here to help or are you here to help?"

"What, I just saw that you made a mistake in your practice, and I'm here to guide you. How could it be a disservice to you?"

Xiao Heye lowered his head and glanced at the big bad hand that crawled onto his lap again, and the corner of his mouth twitched again.

In retaliation, she leaned against Kogoro Mori's arms, and wiped the sweat she just broke out on his body.

"He Ye, you are too bad, I just changed into clothes!"

"I did it on purpose! Slightly slightly!"

Silver bell-like laughter sounded immediately.

As soon as the sweat was stained, the stained part of the white t-shirt instantly became transparent.

Where is Yuanzi not thinking carefully!

This t-shirt is made of special material, she just wants to see Mouri Kogoro's transparent wet body after exercising.The two hugged each other on the stool of the backrest, they were very intimate, and they were about to kiss.

At this time, Zhenchun suddenly appeared from the side, with a suspicious look on his face: "What are you two doing?"

Only then did Kazuo break free from Mori Kogoro's arms, hold the handle of the crossbar again, and pretended to continue exercising.Kogoro Mori said without blushing, "Come on as a fitness trainer and give Kazuki some guidance!"

Zhenchun is speechless to the pervert uncle Mori Kogoro.

He was completely talking nonsense in front of her, rubbing his IQ on the ground!

They were all hugging each other, almost mouthing, is there any fitness guidance like this?

Hmph, I have to help my mother keep an eye on you!

I don't know if it's for Mary or if there are other selfish motives, Zhenchun immediately stepped forward and pulled He Ye away.

"He Ye, I heard from Xiaolan that you are also very good at Aikido. There is a ring right next to you. Let's go and compete."

"I practice Jeet Kune Do. Last time I competed with Xiaolan, I was no match for her at all."

Yuanzi, who came out of nowhere, hurriedly said, "Are you guys going to compete? I like watching martial arts competitions the most. Why don't you two join forces to compete with Uncle Mao Li? It will definitely be very exciting."

Yuanzi who said this was knocked on the head by Moli Kogoro again: "What the hell are you planning, I won't fight them!"

"That's right, what's so good about fighting and killing? What if you get hurt later? Yuanzi, why are you so peaceful!"

Hongye came out of the yoga room, still holding Ayumi in her hand, and opened her mouth to Sonoko as soon as they met.

Even though the relationship between these two women has improved a lot, they still don't get along with each other. It's the two of them who fell in love and killed each other.

Yuanzi immediately leaned over, grabbed Hongye's arm and whispered, "You are stupid, don't you know that after exercise, the muscles will become congested and swollen? Uncle is in such a good shape, his chest and abdominal muscles will grow bigger later, and he will sweat a lot. , Wow, don’t you want to watch it?”

Just thinking about Yuanzi feels extremely beautiful, her little face is flushed, even whispering can hardly hide the excitement in her voice.

Hongye on the side immediately gave Yuanzi a blank look, this idea is too dick!

Besides, it's not that Xiao Wulang's chest muscle congestion has never been seen before, so Hong Ye rebuffed: "Hehe, I don't want to, so you just give up."

Yuanzi immediately looked resentful, and Zhenchun and Heye didn't plan to talk to her.

The two went hand in hand to the innermost ring room in the gym.

Xiao Ai, who was riding a bicycle, saw that there was something lively to watch, so little Loli got out of the car and went to watch the martial arts competition together.

This girl is clearly being lazy!

I still can't persuade Xiao Ai. It seems that in the next experiment, she can't hold back even if she begs for mercy. She has to be taught a profound lesson.

Seeing all the girls walking away and going to the ring room, Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up suddenly.

But he didn't go with him, and instead came to the treadmill area.

The little angel was running wildly on the treadmill, and the afterimages of both legs came out.

She was wearing pink shorts, a pink sports wrap, and white sneakers. She was really a beautiful sight.

Seeing the numbers on the machine, the numbers show [-]KM/h, and the slope is adjusted to the highest.

Normal people can only run five or six kilometers in an hour, but the little angel is ten times faster than them.

With such a fast speed, an ordinary person would have to be thrown away if he went up.

That is to say, the fitness equipment in the Suzuki Gym is top-notch, and ordinary treadmills may not have such a high speed.

Seeing Kogoro Mori appear, the little angel quickly reached out to lower the speed, slowed down slowly, and changed from fast running to slow walking.His whole body was dripping with sweat, and he wiped it with a towel from time to time, but the sweat was still dripping down.

Sweat droplets slid along the white snow skin, submerged in it, soaking the death-preventing gold medal so glistening.

His little face was flushed, healthy and energetic, really beautiful.

But the little angel stuck out her tongue and said, "The treadmill here in Yuanzi is not good. I don't think there is any way to speed it up. I can only do a little exercise."

"Let's see, I've only run [-] kilometers, and today's goal of [-] kilometers is a bit difficult to complete."

Kogoro Mori stood up lightly, with his legs straddling the shelves on the left and right sides of the carousel, standing behind the slow-moving girl.

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