"Then don't finish it!"

His big hand caressed the girl's black hair, and he could almost feel the heat from the pores on his body.

"What kind of dessert needs the energy of a [-]-kilometer run to consume!"

"Besides, your current figure is very good. If you lose weight, I will be so distressed!"

The girl pouted, "Nonsense, Xiao Ai and Yuanzi always say I'm fat."

"Where are you fat? I think they are just jealous of you. You are not fat at all. I like it very much!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro lightly stroked the sweat on the girl's shoulders with his fingers, gathering the drops of sweat in series, and then slid down.

Then put your fingers in your mouth, um, the taste is sweet!

The little angel turned his head to see this scene, and his little face flushed immediately.

Mori Kogoro had a smirk on his face, and gently held the girl's slender waist with his big hand, not minding the sweat on her body at all.

"Yuanzi and the others are going to the ring room, there are only two of us left here!"

The little angel's heart beat extremely fast: "Then, so what?"

Mori Kogoro smirked: "I know there is a new way of running, which can burn more calories. Would you like to try it?" "Then, then, try it!"

Depend on!Exercising is exercising!Why are you talking so ambiguously!I thought something was going to happen!

Sonoko, who installed a bug in Kogoro Mori's pants button, complained speechlessly, and then turned his attention to the ring

Chapter 0183 Xiaolan run fast

But what he heard next shocked Yuanzi, his amber eyes widened, and he looked like he couldn't believe it!

There is still such an operation, this is too, too, too...

Sonoko couldn't think of a suitable adjective.

However, the change in his expression was quickly noticed by Hongye beside him.

Hong Ye couldn't help complaining: "Why are you covering your ears? Hey, you're still blushing, didn't you say you wanted to come to the competition?"

In the arena, Zhenchun and Ye are all ready to compete.

But Yuanzi ran away suddenly: "I'm going out to play, you don't need to worry about me."

Everyone didn't pay much attention to it, instead they cast their eyes on the ring, and the competition began.

On the other side, the graceful movement sounded continuously in the gym, and the music was very dynamic and energetic.

Xiaolan supported the treadmill with both hands, frowned and trotted, but couldn't help but whispered: "Dad, is this kind of exercise really useful? It feels so strange!"

Mori Kogoro crossed his arms and stood still, smiling lightly, "Of course it's useful, you just need to use your brains."

"For example, when doing experiments at home, the amount of exercise is also super sufficient. Do you remember how much sweat you sweated?"

"Now combined with running, the effect is even more obvious."

"This kind of exercise requires you to maintain a constant speed all the time, and you can only run within a certain range. It requires extremely high balance, but it is the best way to burn calories!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lan tried her best to persevere.

But its running speed is getting slower and slower, slower and slower.

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "Don't be lazy, Xiaolan is like this, Dad will beat you!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro waved the bamboo strips he had just picked.


The sound of breaking wind keeps ringing, and Tomoko thinks that he likes bamboo very much.

Bamboo is also planted in the spy hall, and bamboo is also planted in the gym.

In the industries invested by the Suzuki consortium, this kind of plant can be seen everywhere, so it can be picked everywhere.

"Daba, Dad is too bad!"

Xiaolan pouted her small mouth, looking like she was weeping.

He was still holding the treadmill with both hands, but he could only try to adjust his pace and continue running.

Looking at my daughter who is sweating again and again, the effect of this exercise is very obvious.

Sure enough, Xiao Lan will take it seriously only under her father's whip.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help smiling, but the speed seemed a little too slow.

The speed above was [-] kilometers per hour, but now it is only two kilometers per hour, the gap is too big.Kogoro Moori poked the speed-up button on the lower panel lightly with the bamboo stick in his hand, and it suddenly became [-] kilometers per hour.Xiao Lan suddenly screamed: "Ah, Dad, you are too bad, how can you speed up!" She began to pant.

Every now and then, the sweaty Xiaolan began to beg for mercy, her voice was extremely soft and waxy, full of coquettishness.

"It can't be done, Dad, I just ran [-] kilometers, my legs are weak, I can't run anymore!"

"If I run again, I will fall, I will fall, I will get hurt, woo woo woo!"

Mori Kogoro saw through Xiaolan's intention to be lazy at a glance, and the bamboo stick in his hand was drawn to his buttocks, which made Xiaolan scream again.

"Don't be lazy, Xiaolan, just keep going, you have to exercise hard!"

Seeing Kogoro Mori's firm appearance, Xiaolan was in a hurry.

His little red face was steaming, he opened his mouth lightly, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Stinky dad, bad dad, it's so bad!"

Hearing his daughter's scolding, Mori Kogoro felt inexplicably happy, and it was the right choice for Xiaolan to exercise!

And in the arena, the little loli Ayumi walked by holding the roundtwo sign, and seemed to find it very interesting.

He Ye and Zhen Chun then re-entered the stage, Hong Ye in the judges' seat below pretended to ring the bell, and explained

Hui Principle played the role of audience while cheering on the two girls.

A group of people had a great time playing role-playing.

The pure Jeet Kune Do has an indomitable momentum, anticipating the enemy's opportunity first, attacking only from the central axis, using both hands and feet, and the technique is extremely sharp.

However, He Ye's aikido emphasizes the use of softness to overcome rigidity and defensive counterattack.

There are many grappling techniques in the hands, and most of them use circular movements to perform Zhou Xuan, but faintly restrain the pure Jeet Kune Do.

Take it with one hand!

Take it with both hands!

Cross take!

Every time he made a shot, he captured Zhenchun's offensive.

After that is the shoulder pick!


No, Zhenchun has no breasts, and He Ye's little hand slipped over in an instant.

The innocent little face was stunned for a moment, and then he looked down at the airport that he had a clear view of, as if being stimulated, he became furious instantly.

For the past two days, she has been practicing the breast enlargement secrets given by Mori Kogoro, but there is no immediate effect, she just feels the heat in her chest.

Now that He Ye couldn't catch the chest, he stepped on Zhenchun's sore foot in an instant.

In fact, the so-called "chest grab" means grabbing the clothes on the chest, shifting its center of gravity, and then following the resting skills such as heaven and earth throwing and turning throwing.

But Zhenchun didn't care about this, she was as impulsive as she immediately stopped releasing water, and directly avoided He Ye's head-on fight.

After getting close, he hooked his feet and brought He Ye down, and then subdued He Ye with sleeping skills.

The red leaves below immediately rang the bell and made a 'thump thump' sound.

Zhenchun loosened Kazuha from his uniform.

After the two stood still, Zhenchun attacked again, this time at an extremely fast speed, and easily grabbed He Ye's soft shoulder again, and cast a spinning shot.

Jeet Kune Do is originally a fusion of more than [-] martial arts techniques such as Taekwondo, Judo, and Aikido.

Repeatedly like this, He Ye was easily subdued to the ground, so he simply couldn't get up and surrendered.

In fact, this is normal. He Ye's aikido was learned in the high school club.

Where is it like Zhenchun, it is used from time to time when avoiding pursuit, and it has actual combat experience.

So once Zhenchun gets serious, it is only natural that He Ye loses quickly.

"Hmph, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't compare with you. You are so powerful and bully people!"

Xiao Heye stood up with resentment on his face, and Zhenchun, who had calmed down, apologized embarrassingly.

Fortunately, the ring was cushioned, and neither of them got hurt, so they both got off the ring together.

Chapter 0184 Devil Training

After stepping out of the ring, Hong Ye couldn't help but said, "Little Yezi is really a little leaf, it's really useless."

He Ye gave her an annoyed look, then picked up the mineral water next to him and drank it.

Hongye turned her head and praised: "Zhenchun, your hand and foot skills are very good, not much worse than my housekeeper, don't you want to start a Jeet Kune Do club at school?"

Zhenchun smiled lightly and waved his hands: "I practiced blindly in front of the video tape, mainly for self-defense."

"And Jeet Kune Do is relatively difficult to learn, and it is not suitable for clubs."

"Besides, most of the people in China like karate, let's forget it."

"Hey, where's the garden?"

"I don't know, that guy ran out in a hurry and never came back."

The little loli Huiyuan on the side couldn't help complaining: "I think she probably ran to harass uncle again!"

However, Huiyuan's judgment was wrong. Yuanzi was alone in the monitoring room at this moment, watching the monitoring screen with incomparable concentration.

Coupled with the eavesdropping sound coming from the ear, the effect exploded!

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