The little girl's head looked like it was on fire, her little face was flushed, and her eyes were dizzy, as if there were countless circles spinning.

In the gymnasium on the other side, the sound of gorgeous music is constantly reverberating, which is extremely beautiful!

Even though Mori Kogoro kept urging, Xiaolan on the treadmill still couldn't run.

The sweat on her body kept pouring out, this kind of exercise method is really powerful, even if her physical strength is as long as her, she can't last long.She was jogging at a speed of four kilometers per hour, but the amount of sweat she was sweating was comparable to the previous running speed of fifty kilometers per hour. "Dad, I really can't do it anymore, my legs are so soft, I really can't run anymore!"

The girl turned her head to look at Mori Kogoro, her pitiful big eyes were full of begging for mercy.

Sweat flowed wantonly on the flushed little face after exercise, which has an amazing sense of beauty!

Seeing that she really couldn't hold on anymore, Mori Kogoro tapped the stop button of the treadmill with the bamboo stick in his hand.

Xiaolan's pace also gradually slowed down, and finally stopped.

The amount of exercise today is enough, the tracks under the treadmill are all wet, and it's all shed.

"However, it's not time to rest yet. Since you want to exercise, you must do it all. After you've finished training your lower body, it's time for your upper body." Mori Kogoro escorted the girl off the treadmill and headed towards the barbell area.

He is going to give Xiaolan a devil training!

Xiaolan had been exercising on the treadmill for nearly forty minutes without taking a break. Her legs were so weak that she trembled every step she took, and her body kept trembling.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro directly hugged his slender waist, hugged him a little bit, and then carried him to the rolling iron area with strides.

Looking at the weighted barbell on the ground, there are 20kg discus on the left and right.

Mori Kogoro said directly: "You know the barbell rowing movement, bend your thighs slightly, bend over to grab the barbell, and pull it up to your abdomen. This is a good way to exercise your back and arm strength, and you don't need your lower limbs at all. Work hard!"

Xiao Lan couldn't help but turn around and said, "Father, are you a devil?"

After saying this, Xiaolan's buttocks were slapped again by Mori Kogoro, so she could only obey obediently, bent down and grabbed the barbell.

Viewed from the side, Xiaolan's back is stretched straight, and the curves of her legs and buttocks are even more attractive, making her buttocks particularly sticky.

Mori Kogoro explained with a chuckle: "Because Dad taught you the channeling technique, Lan, your physique has already surpassed ordinary people, and ordinary exercise will have no effect on you."

"This is my father's original experimental exercise method. It may have miraculous effects. Xiaolan must stick to it!"

Xiaolan didn't listen to what he was saying at all, she was holding her mouth shut.

Usually, she doesn't pay attention to things weighing 40kg, and she can lift them casually with one hand.

But today, the barbell under his hands is like a thousand weights, pulling people down.

Not caring about the drips of sweat on Xiaolan's waist, Mori Kogoro put his hands on it lightly, adjusting his posture.

"Lan, it's not standard. You can't lean your waist to the side, and keep your back straight. If you make a mistake again, Dad will spank you!" Xiaolan's cheeks were flushed, but she followed his instructions and followed his instructions The action obediently adjusted the posture.Its talent is outstanding, so it is perfect!

Then Xiaolan exhaled slowly, and then began to lift the barbell to the abdomen with all her strength.

The 40kg barbell was raised.

hiss! ! !Hey enough!

Because the abdomen, back and waist are exerting force at the same time, Mori Kogoro can feel Xiaolan's muscles squirming.

Xiaolan's movements are as smooth and beautiful as a picture scroll, and the standard can't be more standard.

Sure enough, she is worthy of being a baby girl whose athletic ability is full, and she has mastered new knowledge so quickly.

"Lan, it's great." A smile appeared on Xiao Lan's face when she heard the praise, but her smile froze at random. "Let's do a set of ten reps first, and then take a rest, let's do five sets first!"

Smelly dad, bad dad, it's so disgusting, he always asks me to exercise alone, if I knew it, I wouldn't say that I would burn calories!

Hmph, I don't want to exercise, I want to lie down, it's better to lie on the sofa, and it would be great to have a glass of juice!

Mori Kogoro was still counting: "One, two, three..."

"Hey, Lan, why is your face so red, and your body is still a little hot, let me see, um, your heart rate is a little high, so let's take a break and hang the barbell with your arms straight."

What the hell!Why can't you put the barbell down during the rest?

Xiaolan couldn't help but resentment filled her face, but the resentment quickly melted away.

His Thunder Control Art was displayed, and Kogoro Mori's housekeeping skill, the Thunder Dragon, instantly raged!

The small electric current summoned by the Thunder Control Art can stimulate cells and strengthen the human body, and if it is used at a specific frequency, it can even have the effect of washing the marrow of the Book of Changes.

In this situation, it is really appropriate to use electric current to help Xiaolan exercise.

The big eyes of the little girl who was pulling the barbell with both hands immediately widened.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa..."

Xiaolan was so shocked that she screamed again and again, and the hairs on her body were blown up, but she pressed her lips together with willpower, and her black eyebrows were furrowed together.

Under this thunderstorm, Xiaolan's inhuman physique, which had already reached the limit of human beings, transformed again, and her values ​​began to break five!

Chapter 0185 Instructing Yoga

It was already half an hour after the girls came back from the ring room.

As soon as they returned to the gym, they saw Kogoro Mori who was crazily pumping iron, and they couldn't help but exclaimed.

This scene is really spectacular!

Mori Kogoro was lying on a stool, doing a bench press.

The barbell plates on the left and right sides are full, and they are completely two cylinders!

This kind of weight can only be seen in the strongman performance on TV.

But what attracts the attention of all the girls is Kogoro Mori's muscles!

They bear a weight that they shouldn't have to bear, and the muscles are congested and swollen.

The original streamlined muscles are knotted together, but the shape is still very good-looking, regular and symmetrical, full of the beauty of sculpture!Coupled with the sweat-soaked white vest, the visual effect is simply amazing!

Just now he gave Xiaolan a set of devil training, this girl can't accept it, and now she is lying on the sofa like a salted fish!

Mori Kogoro had nothing to do, so he began to vent his abundant energy.

With a calm expression on his face, he was still counting in his mouth: "-one hundred and twenty-, one hundred and twenty-two..."

All the girls gathered around one after another, and watched from a close distance, not afraid of being hit by the barbell weighing several hundred kilograms.

As soon as he got close, he felt a masculine aura, and the hormones that belonged exclusively to men made the women a little confused, and they all blushed.The little loli Ayumi took the lead, and full of curiosity, she couldn't help but grabbed Kogoro Mori's big chest muscles, and then laughed in surprise. "Hee hee, it's true, it's so big, even bigger than sister Zhenchun's!"

Zhenchun, who was inexplicably lying on the gun, almost wanted to vomit blood, coughed a few times, but was speechless.

And the little loli Haibara grasped Kogoro Mori's sky-high arms with her small hands, the muscles were knotted, and the texture of each muscle was clearly visible. "Hiss, uncle's arms are now thicker than my thighs!"

Hongye caressed Kogoro Mouri's thigh, with a strange smile on the corner of her mouth: "Now Kogoro's thigh is as thick as my two legs!"

Mori Kogoro, who was unable to move on the stool, couldn't help complaining: "Oh, look at it, don't touch it, it's very itchy!" When he said this, his Qi was unstable for a while, and even his chest muscles were tight. Jump up!


Zhenchun had never seen such a scene before, her little face was flushed, and two nosebleeds spewed out of her nostrils instantly.

Piece and Ye panicked and shouted: "Zhenchun, why did you have a nosebleed?"

Xiao Machun, who was still staring blankly at Mori Kogoro's figure, immediately panicked. She wiped her nose and found that there was really blood. She immediately moved her legs and rushed towards the toilet.

Seeing this, the red leaves behind couldn't help laughing like silver bells.

Mori Kogoro was a little dumbfounded: You can see nosebleeds like this, this girl really doesn't have a name, she is really pure!But Hongye couldn't help but praised: "Sure enough, he is worthy of my destined husband, and the little charm is unbearable!"

When Ayumi heard this, she was upset instantly, as if she had overturned the jar of jealousy.

"Nonsense, Uncle is not your husband. When Ayumi grows up, she will be Uncle's bride."

Hongye and Heye both laughed, Tongyan Wuji, they will not be as knowledgeable as Ayumi.

Huiyuan on the side didn't want Ayumi to quarrel with the two of them, so he immediately took Ayumi's little hand and walked away: "Okay, okay, but we have to wait until you grow up."

Ayumi's eyes lit up immediately: "Hey! Xiao Ai, do you agree? Great, my mother said the same, and you said the same. When I grow up, that uncle will be mine. I really hope that I will soon grow up..."

The little loli's voice gradually faded away, but Futaba who was beside Mori Kogoro didn't care, how could the child's words be taken seriously.

He Ye inspected the surrounding area, but didn't see the garden, so he couldn't help but chuckled.

"Yuanzi is too unlucky. Just now she said that she wanted to see his uncle's figure. Now everyone has seen it. She is the only one who is not there, ha ha!"

And Hongye couldn't help giving Ye a blank look: "Hmph, you are so generous, little leaf, like me, only I can see my husband's body."

"Nonsense, I'm not that generous, but men and women are different. It's normal for a man to wear pants and a topless body!"

Hongye ignored her, walking slowly with two plain fingers on Kogoro Mori, with a strange smile in his eyes.

"Husband, what's so interesting about barbell plates, let's go to the yoga room."

"I have learned several new postures, but they are always not up to standard. You have to help me 'adjust and adjust'!"

This young lady is really good at seducing people, Kogoro Mori was a little moved immediately.

Hearing this, He Ye blushed instantly, pointing at Hong Ye and saying "you, you, you", unable to speak the whole sentence.

Then she stomped her feet and yelled softly: "Don't go, Xiao Wulang, you still have to help me practice back pulling. I was interrupted by Zhenchun just now, let's continue!"

"Hey, what's so fun about pulling your back, you really turned into a muscular girl, see if your husband still likes you!"

Xiao Heye was frightened instantly, and quickly turned around and said, "Then I will also practice yoga, Xiao Goro, you can teach me some yoga postures."

"Hey, I said it first, Xiao Heye is not allowed to imitate!"

Listening to the two women's talk, Hongye is worthy of being the eldest lady of the Ooka family, and she pinches Heye to death.

You must know that the girl He Ye followed her very early, but now she is being led by the nose by Hong Ye, eating to death.


The barbell weighing hundreds of catties was put back on the shelf by Mori Kogoro. The shelf shook three times, and the hearts of the two girls also shook three times.Mori Kogoro got up domineeringly, and the vigorous heat dissipated, his body could almost lift up to the sky, and both women felt the temperature soared by a few degrees.His upper body was slightly flushed and covered with sweat, and he felt full of strength at first glance.

His arms wrapped around the slender waists of the two women, and the two women blushed immediately, and they had no ability to resist.

"It's a big deal, isn't it just to guide you in a few yoga moves, let's go together."

So Mori Kogoro took the two girls to the direction of the yoga room, talking while walking.

"Hongye, don't bully Heye in the future, the whole family should love each other!"

Xiao Hongye responded softly and coquettishly: "I know!"

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