Mori Kogoro immediately patted Yukiko's buttocks with his big hand, and said viciously: "If you want to do something wrong, you will do something wrong to you."

"Die you, this is the living room, be honest with me."

You Xizi looked around in panic, afraid that some door would open, or someone from the kitchen would come out again.

Mori Kogoro, however, had no scruples. Relying on his excellent hearing and reaction speed, he could react even if someone appeared, so he became even more aggressive towards Yukiko.

With a smirk, he pushed Yuxiko down and kissed her, and his fiery hands wandered away wantonly.

The weak You Xizi really didn't have the ability to fight back at all, so she could only cover her mouth and let her bully her.

In Huiyuan's room, Little Loli crossed her arms and looked at Xiaolan in front of her, feeling very curious.

"Tell me, what happened in the gym just now?"

Xiaolan pretended to be stupid and said: "What happened, just exercise!"

"Hehe, do you think I'll believe it? Just now you were so nympho that almost made others suspicious. What happened!"

Seeing that she couldn't hide it, Xiaolan smiled triumphantly, and touched her little head with her little hand provocatively.

"Xiao Ai is a child, don't be so curious about the affairs of adults."

Hearing this, Huiyuan's brows twitched with veins, and his little hands couldn't help twisting the hands on his head.

But this strength is the same as a mosquito bite to Xiaolan.

Xiao Lan hugged Hui Yuan like a pillow, and said with a light smile, "Even if I tell you, Xiao Ai can't do it, you are too small."

"It's just doing your favorite experiment on the treadmill. You have to keep running. As long as you stop for a while, you will be carried by the tracks and keep bumping back. It's super tiring!"

When Huiyuan heard this, he couldn't help being speechless, there is such an operation!

Xiaolan's small hand gently ran down Huiyuan's brown hair: "But Xiao Ai, don't even think about it, I can't hold on for long, your physical fitness is too poor, you definitely can't do it!"

Hearing this, Huiyuan immediately looked unhappy, and instantly made up his mind to exercise well.

Kogoro Mori also couldn't think of it. He tried to persuade Haibara to exercise, but she refused to listen, but changed because of this incident.

Chapter 0191: Sonoko's Compromise

On the sofa, Mori Kogoro held Yukiko's pink lips, and the touch of his big hands was silky.

It feels really good to bully this international actress!

His fiery big hands gently stroked and pulled Yukiko's beautiful legs, which felt like silk.

You Xizi's face was already flushed, and a little mist gradually appeared in her eyes.

His little hands couldn't help but tugged Kogoro Mori's ears, and pulled his head away a little, and a sound as thin as mosquito silk came out.

"Xiao Wulang, don't be silly, wait until after dinner! Now I have something to talk to you about."

"What's the matter?"

Yukiko pushed Kogoro Mori up and sat up straight.

Then he looked in the direction of the kitchen with a guilty conscience, and straightened his dress.

Mori Kogoro wrapped his arms around his slender waist, lowered his head and kissed his snowy neck, took a deep breath of the fragrance, and said with a smile: "The food is not as good as yours, I want to eat you right now!"

"Old and unscrupulous, let me ask you, does the hostess of Rimai TV have something to do with you?"

After saying this, his little hand pinched it up and twisted it directly.

Mori Kogoro immediately pretended to be stupid and said, "Nonsense, how could it be possible!"

Negative Sanlian directly threw it out!

You Xizi raised her eyebrows, and there was a playful smile on the corner of her mouth: "I want to ask you for help, are you sure it's okay?"

help?Isn't Reina all right?Why do you still ask for help?

And why not just call for help?Instead, let Yuxizi pass the message?

Kogoro Mori pretended to remember suddenly, and patted his head: "Oh, you're talking about Rena Mizumu, right? She interviewed me several times before, and I forgot if you didn't mention it!"

You Xizi gave him a blank look, but didn't tell the truth, and handed him a letter instead.

"Today when I went to the TV station to teach Yoko how to act, that Miss Mizumu approached me."

"And let me forward this letter to you, saying that it is a matter of life and death. I can't tell others, I can only tell you, you have a look!"

Mori Kogoro's consciousness immediately communicated with the origami cranes and natal dolls around Reina.

Lianai is resting in her apartment, nothing unusual happened!

He immediately opened the letter, and there were only a few words on it.

[Xiao Goro, my younger brother Hondo Eisuke came to the TV station to look for me two days ago, and blocked me at the gate of the TV station. Although I sent him away, I feel that someone is watching me around these few days. I'm afraid Rum has already Suspicious of me.

It's not safe to tell you by phone, so I entrust Miss Yukiko to convey that it's time for us to meet. 】

Eisuke Hondo, that is indeed a ticking time bomb.

Unexpectedly, with painstaking efforts and solitary skills, Westland replaced Mizumu Renai's experience, but she showed her flaws to her brother-in-law.

But it's really strange, in the original novel, Eisuke Hondo came from Rena Mizumu, who transferred to Teidan High School and investigated the car accident.

Now Rena Mizumu didn't get into a car accident, but instead, he appeared instead, which is really puzzling.

Hondo Eisuke, Westland, Kusuda Rikudo, Kubado Central Hospital, everything seems to be coming together, and it seems to be another good show.

Mori Kogoro lit the letter in the ashtray, then put his arms around Yukiko's soft waist and said in a warm voice, "Yukiko, are you going to teach Yoko how to act tomorrow? I'll go with you and introduce another apprentice to you."

You Xizi frowned slightly, "Could it be the girl you provoked again?"

"How is it possible? Do I look like this kind of person? That child is very special. You will know it when you see it tomorrow."

At this moment, Yingzi's footsteps sounded, and then the call for dinner came.

You Xizi immediately struggled to get up, and then used her face-changing skills. In less than a second, her little red face was controlled and returned to normal.Mori Kogoro sat down together, Xiaolan and Haibara also went out to the restaurant after hearing this.

The newly hired housekeeper was very responsible. She walked out of Maori's house and started calling for people on every floor.

Not long after, Jinghua, Tomoko, Reiko, Mumulu, Mingmei and other girls also appeared.

Because it was Saturday, both Reiko Kujo and Midori Midori stayed here, staying in the room reserved for Reiko next door.

Seeing his mother suddenly appear, Yuanzi's expression became a little unnatural for a moment: Could it be that my mother came to arrest me and go home?

Fortunately, Mori Kogoro had been controlling the field, directing the girls to take their seats, and nothing happened to the mother and daughter for a while.

After everyone entered the table, Mori Kogoro saw that Yingzi was still standing aside, so he quickly said, "Sakura, what are you doing standing up, you sit down and eat together!"

Yingzi immediately shook her head: "I am the housekeeper of the family, and I have to take care of everyone. Don't worry about me. If you need anything, just ask."

Kogoro Maoli frowned slightly: "This is Maoli's house, I'll just say it, sit down and eat, be obedient."

Yingzi immediately became confused. When she was a servant in other households, she never ate with the master.

At this time Eri also spoke, with a gentle smile: "Kogoro is right, Mori's house is not any other place, so you don't have to follow those rules, just treat yourself as your own home, let's sit down and eat together."

Saying this, Eri stood up and pushed the bewildered Sakurako onto the seat, and Kogoro Mori nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, let's get started!"

All the girls picked up the bowls and chopsticks one by one and began to feast.

Yingzi looked at the lively atmosphere at the dinner table, and at Mao Li-kun, who was looking at her gently at the main seat, a smile appeared on her small face inexplicably.And Tomoko who was sitting next to Yuanzi whispered, "Yuanzi, I haven't seen you these days, and I can't find you at school, and I don't answer your phone calls. Mom is really worried."

"If I hadn't met Yuxiko and the others, Mom wouldn't even know that you went to Kogoro's side!"

"Okay, don't be angry with mom, let's talk about the matter between us mother and daughter and Kogoro when we go home, and don't let outsiders see the joke."

"Your sister is also very worried about you at home, let's go home after dinner, and don't cause trouble for Kogoro and the others, they still have to find Jinghua and the others!"

hum!The words are better than the songs, how could my sister be worried about me, she also wants to steal Uncle Maori from me!One and two are bad women!

Yuanzi wanted to refuse directly, she lived very comfortably at Maoli's house!

But thinking of the gratifying progress he had made in the gym just now, his uncle also agreed to date him three times alone.You have to plan carefully for three dates, and you have to go back and find someone to help you with the strategy!

The little girl made a strategic compromise and agreed casually: "I know, I'll go back with you after dinner."

When Tomoko heard this, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Chapter 0192

At eight o'clock in the evening, after sending Suzuki and her daughter home, Kogoro Mori drove to the outside of Iroan.

Iroan is the most authentic kaiseki place in Japan. The cook is Master Kikuno, who is very skilled and well-known in Tokyo.Seeing that Lianhua sent this address, Mori Kogoro was also a little disappointed.

I thought Kataoka Hanshiro would prepare a more exciting venue!

What kind of women's body banquet and breast-wearing wine, these Maori Kogoro have never tried it, and they still want to try it, but now it is a waste.

Speaking of which, Mori Kogoro is also a very good man. Although he has had countless flirts, since the memory of his previous life was restored, he has never been to a romantic place like Fengsu Street, and he has always been with his woman wholeheartedly.

As soon as you enter the Iroan, there are waitresses in kimonos who come up to lead the way.

After passing the small flowing water bridge and stepping on the cobblestone road, the mood will naturally calm down.

Not long after, he came to a Japanese room, where Kataoka and his daughter were waiting eagerly.

When I saw Kataoka Renhua at first sight, I felt completely amazing!

This girl is wearing a pink cherry blossom kimono, with long soft hair and an unusually gentle temperament. She also has a bit of nobility like a rich lady, very delicate and beautiful.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's expression, Kataoka Hanshiro couldn't help but his eyes light up slightly.

He hurriedly got up to greet him, took Mori Kogoro by the arm, and asked him to sit beside Kataoka Renka, while he himself sat opposite.

"Mr. Mao Li, I don't even know how to repay you for saving my little girl today. I won't return home if I'm not drunk tonight."

"Lianhua, please spend good time with Mr. Mao Li tonight, don't play petty temper!"

This pimps Mori Kogoro and his daughter, Kataoka Hanshiro is very professional!

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "You don't need to be so cautious, just have a normal meal."

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