"That can't be done, Maori-kun, now I am entertaining you, you have to listen to my arrangement."

After saying this, he clapped his hands, and a waiter came in with a food box outside the door.

The pale-faced geisha and the luthier also came in, stood in the open space in front, and began to play and dance.

The Japanese singer's singing and dancing Mouri Kogoro is a bit hard to appreciate, but it's not unpleasant, and there is no disgust.

The food arrangement on the table is in order!

Eight inches, Xiangfu, Gaiwu, Shaowu, Qiangdao, Yufan, Shuiwu, all kinds of delicate dishes are placed on the table.

Bacun is a pre-dinner snack, named after the eight-inch container that holds the food;

Xiangfu is fish sashimi with a layer of wasabi attached, hence the name Xiangfu;

The lid is the soup dish with a lid; the burnt food is the dish after grilling, which can be grilled with salt or smoked;

As for strong food, it means hard food, probably beef, poultry, or fish;

Royal rice is the staple food rice, but it is eaten near the end of the meal;

The last thing is water, which is dessert after a meal, usually with seasonal fruits.

When eating this kaiseki cuisine, you must pay attention to the order. The taste is from shallow to deep, advancing layer by layer, and the order cannot be disturbed, otherwise it will be difficult to taste the taste of the ingredients themselves.

The principle of kaiseki cuisine is to try to be as authentic as possible, use less thick oily red sauce, and bring out the original flavor of the ingredients to the extreme.

I have to say that this dish tastes pretty good, light but with a unique flavor.

However, the cooking level of Master Kikuno is in the system evaluation, that is, it is between advanced and perfect, and it is far behind the master cooking skills of Kogoro Mori, so Kogoro Mori does not change his expression when he eats.

Kataoka Hanshiro saw Kogoro Mori's plain face, and instantly realized that he had never tasted any delicacies in his status as a rich man.He immediately said, "Lianhua, why don't you pour wine for Mr. Mao Li!"

Kataoka Renhua on the side picked up the sake bottle and poured it.

"Silly girl, why don't you toast and thank you? Mr. Mao Li saved you today."

Hearing this, Kataoka Renhua frowned slightly, but obediently obeyed.

This was Lianhua's first time drinking alcohol, even though it was low alcohol alcohol, she still couldn't help coughing a few times when she swallowed it down her throat.

Mori Kogoro stroked his back with his big hands, helping him to calm down.

Kataoka Hanshiro on the opposite side saw this, his eyes were even more joyful.

Immediately Kataoka Hanshiro started persuading people to drink. This old fritter who fights in the mall has full persuasion skills, and he can coax people to drink with just a few words.

Of course it’s not about coaxing Mori Kogoro, he’s not that advanced yet.

Instead, the old fritters let his daughter drink, and exercising his drinking capacity in the name of day.

After drinking for three rounds, the cheeks of the three people on the wine table were flushed, and Kogoro Mori was pretending.

And Kataoka Renka, who drank the most, had a flushed face, dazed eyes, and refused to let go of her arms around Mori Kogoro.

She acted without any scruples in front of her father, but Hanshiro Kataoka acted as if she didn't see it.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Hanshiro Kataoka withdrew the Kabuki from the room.

Immediately, his mobile phone rang 'coincidentally', Kataoka Hanshiro connected the phone and began acting with his whole life skills.

"Hey, what, what are you talking about, the company was burglarized, the office was broken into, and my safe was also broken into."

"Are those security guards idiots? Call the police and ask me what to do. I'll deal with it now."

After saying this, he hung up the phone in an 'angry' manner, and then smiled shyly at Kogoro Mori with a shy old face.

"Mr. Mao Li, it's really a coincidence, there is some trouble in my company, I have to go and deal with it!"

The old guy acted with him, and Kogoro Mori also acted with him.

"Do you need me to help you? After all, I am also a detective, and I am very proficient in such cases of breaking into empty doors."

"No need, really no need, how can I trouble you any more, besides, the security guard has caught the thief, and it will be over soon."

"Maori-kun, I'm really sorry, I promised to treat you well today, but I have to go first, Lianhua, treat me well, Maoli-kun!"

Kataoka Renhua nodded in a daze.

After saying this, Hanshiro Kataoka walked out of the Japanese room, and gently closed the door of the Japanese room to give Moori Kogoro and his daughter time to be alone.

The Japanese rooms on the left and right were all booked by him to clear the place, so it was very quiet, and it was impossible for anyone around to disturb the two of them.

This Kataoka Hanshiro is really excellent, he is so decisive, he is a character!

Looking at the reddish angel-like face beside him, his eyes were full of trust, and he smiled at himself from time to time, completely defenseless.And after Kataoka Hanshiro left, she seemed to feel a little hot, she tore off the kimono belt, opened the skirt slightly, revealing the spring light.

In this case, is it better to choose a beast, or is it better to choose a beast!

Mori Kogoro was not entangled at all, if the old driver made a decisive move, his big hands would soon be buried in his clothes.

Chapter 0193 can be worse Kogoro

Hey, it's really an incredible treasure!

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but smeared a smirk, but Lianhua's body couldn't help trembling, and her delicate body shrank immediately.

Its beautiful eyes seemed to have glanced at Mori Kogoro inadvertently, Tankou kissed him, and couldn't help calling out: "Yayu, daba!"

Kataoka Hanshiro held a banquet and brought his daughter drunk to his door, so he made her a disaster, wouldn't it be too bad!It feels a bit like two old men working together to kill a young girl. I really feel guilty!

However, Kogoro Moori could obviously be worse, he poked his fingers lightly, but leaned his head closer, and opened his mouth to expose: "Lianhua, your father is gone, so you don't need to pretend to be drunk!"

Lianhua's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, and Mori Kogoro noticed it instantly.

His originally blurred eyes instantly regained clarity, and he couldn't help looking at Kogoro Mori in a panic.

Naturally, she was pretending to be drunk. Although it was her first time drinking, her drinking capacity was not so good.

This Japanese sake, which doesn't have much alcohol, can't get her drunk at all.

Before going to the banquet, Kataoka Hanshiro had already informed Lianhua of Mori Kogoro's true identity.

Although he didn't specify it, Lianhua knew what he meant.

I just want myself to get along with Kogoro Mori so that the company's crisis can be resolved!

It is absolutely impossible for Kataoka Renhua to agree to this kind of naked exchange of benefits, and she will definitely fall out with her father.But that person was Mori Kogoro who saved her twice yesterday and today, and Lianhua also liked him very much.

If it's him, then it's okay!

This made Kataoka Lianhua tangled up, and she didn't even think about what to do before the banquet.

Kataoka Hanshiro, on the other hand, followed the script he designed in his heart, trying to get Kogoro Mori and his daughter drunk, and then took the opportunity to let the two be alone and create opportunities for them.

At the end, Kataoka Renhua gritted her teeth, and finally decided to pretend to be drunk, planning to go along with the flow and hand over the decision to Mori Kogoro.As the saying goes, if a woman is not drunk, a man has no chance. If you are drunk, you are giving a chance!

Sure enough, Kogoro Mori made a move, and that decisiveness made Lianhua nervous, scared, happy, worried, and resigned to her fate, with complicated emotions.

But Mori Kogoro exposed the fact that Lianhua was pretending to be drunk after starting to do it, which is very embarrassing.

【What kind of trouble is this?Do you want to continue or stop?

I have no experience, who can tell me how to deal with this situation!

Knowing that I'm pretending to be drunk, shouldn't you just pretend to be stupid and let the water go?What does this mean? 】

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said: "A person who is really drunk will have faster blood flow and heart rate, but I noticed that your pulse is very even, and you are not in a drunk state at all."

【What the hell?Who wants to listen to your reasoning, what do you want to do? 】

Lianhua's spirit of complaining was crazily awakened in her heart.

Kogoro Moori seemed to see through Lianhua's mind, and said with a light smile, "The main reason is to let Lianhua know that I am not a person who takes advantage of others' danger." Hearing this, Lianhua couldn't help but twitched her brows, His eyes shifted to Kogoro Mori's big evil hands.

[Nani, this is not considered taking advantage of others, then your understanding of taking advantage of others is really inaccurate! 】

Seeing that Lianhua still had an unbelievable expression, Mori Kogoro freed his hands, pulled Lianhua's delicate body into his arms, and returned his hands to their original positions, extremely intimate.

He rested his chin on Lianhua's soft shoulder, and said softly, "Don't you understand? I don't want to pretend to be confused, and I don't want you to bear a psychological burden for no reason."

"I don't want you to be with me because other factors are involved, and I will inexplicably look down on myself in the future."

"I have to let you understand that you are with me purely because you like me, I like you, and each other, not because I can help your father's company."

Hearing this, Lianhua turned her face in a little panic: "You, you know? No, no, who likes you, narcissist, shameless."

As if she was being told something, her little face turned red instantly.

Mori Kogoro raised his brows lightly, and said jokingly: "Huh? So, you don't like me, you just pretended to be drunk and let me do whatever I want, just to save your father's company? In other words, you are doing it for money Do you want to be with me?"

The little girl's head looked as if her tail had been stepped on, and she frowned: "No, that's not true. My dad's broken company collapsed as soon as it collapsed. It's none of my business. I won't get myself because of that company. I, I like you, what's the matter!"

It was extremely difficult for Lianhua to reveal her feelings, and she closed her eyes shyly after she finished speaking.

Mori Kogoro laughed contentedly, and couldn't help but pecked Lianhua's small face lightly, followed by a little force with his big hand.

"It's okay? You like me, what a coincidence, I like you too!"

"I'm telling you so much just to let you understand that we are together purely because we want to be together. I happen to have some ability, so I help your father's company by the way."

"You committed yourself to me not because of your father's company. This order cannot be changed. It would be strange!" Hearing Kogoro Mouri's explanation, Lianhua breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, as if a heavy stone had fallen so-so.

She did have this awkward feeling in her heart just now, but it was all resolved by Kogoro Mori's shameless words.

But Lianhua immediately became nervous again, opened her eyes, and said pantingly: "Speaking so much, can you let me go first?"

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "No!"

After saying that, he turned his head and kissed Lianhua's pink lips, and Lianhua's eyes widened again.

And Mori Kogoro's fiery hands swam along Lianhua's delicate body, as smooth as silk.

Wow, this figure is very similar to Qingzi Xiaolan and the others!

It took a long time after a passionate kiss, how could Xiao Chu'er encounter such an offensive, and she retreated steadily like this.

His pair of beautiful eyes are like cut autumn water, looking at Mori Kogoro affectionately.

"Okay, let's go!"


Kogoro Moori patted his face with his fingers: "I don't want to wait a while for your father to rush in with a group of people and take strange photos."

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