Chapter 0194

Hearing this, Lianhua's little face turned red again.

Dad did say that he would lead someone to break in later, so that he could confirm the matter and let himself cover himself.

But now that this big detective has seen through everything, there is no other way.

Mori Kogoro then lowered his head and kissed Lianhua's snow-white shoulders lightly, pulled her kimono up, and pulled the girl up.Lianhua fastened her belt in a panic, feeling extremely ashamed.

Why listen to my father's words and seduce this bad guy, now it doesn't work, but it's embarrassing!

She glanced at Mori Kogoro who was still smirking, and felt that she was eaten to death by him.

Seeing him tidying up his kimono, Mori Kogoro wrapped his arms around his slender waist, pushed the door openly and walked out.

Sure enough, there were indeed people outside Kataoka Hanshiro left to watch, but none of them dared to step forward to make trouble.Mori Kogoro walked with strides, Lianhua had some difficulty following.

The kimono is somewhat tied to the feet, so you can only move in small steps.

One step of his took Lianhua's two steps, causing Lianhua's wooden clogs to rattle.

The little waist twists and turns, it really has a special charm!

Soon, Mori Kogoro got into the car with Lianhua, and Kataoka Hanshiro's subordinates also got into the car one after another, trying to keep up.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Mori Kogoro sneered, and glanced at Lianhua who had fastened his seat belt, and the Lexus started instantly.The modified black car let out another heart-shattering roar, and its speed soared immediately.

With a full sense of pushing back, Lianhua was firmly pressed against the car seat.

In the blink of an eye, the Lexus turned into a jet of black lightning and disappeared around the corner of the street.

And the group of subordinates had already lost Kogoro Mori before they got into the car, and they couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

The screams continued to spread on the street!

"Ah, Mori-kun, it's too fast, it's too fast, it can't be done!"

The little girl's heart couldn't bear the speed at all, and her little hands desperately grabbed Kogoro Mouri's arm, screaming continuously.

It was about to hit the big truck, but the steel monster became extremely agile in an instant.

It was another amazing and handsome drift, directly overtaking the extended truck at the corner.

Lianhua's adrenaline soared instantly, her heart beat so fast, her eyes couldn't help but widen, and she screamed.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, it's too soon, I can't do it!"

These sexually charged words are just as good on the bed.

After turning five corners, Kogoro Mori slowed down after he was convinced that Hanshiro Kataoka's men would not be able to catch up.

Looking back, Lianhua's face was flushed, and she looked nervous and excited, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

His heartbeat was like a heavy drum, Kogoro Mori could hear it clearly, and he couldn't help stroking his chest with his big hand to help him breathe.

However, Lianhua was obviously frightened, she didn't respond to this obvious advantage, she still stared blankly ahead.

It took a long time for her to react, and she couldn't help but embrace Kogoro Mouri's big hand, and hug her tightly to her chest, feeling like she would feel safe in this way.

Woohoo, you are too bad, you were really scared to death just now, I have never been in such a fast car.

Mori Kogoro smirked: "It's not good at this level, you have to practice your courage. I have a faster one for you to try!" But Lianhua, who is obviously a young chick, can't get it at all. At that point, he looked at Kogoro Mori in a daze again.

"Okay, I've got rid of those people from your father, and the next thing is our time together."

"By the way, come with me to Rimai TV tomorrow, and I have found a master for you."

Hearing this, Lianhua's eyes lit up immediately: "Is it Miss Youxizi, Kogoro, did you really help me find Miss Youxizi?"

Seeing Mori Kogoro nodding his head, Lianhua laughed excitedly in an instant.

She also stood up and kissed him: "Xiao Wulang, I really love you to death!"

"Do you love me to death? This word is not just a word, you have to work hard!"

The little girl obviously got to the point this time, with a shy look of being molested, she couldn't help but coquettishly said: "Xiao Wulang, you are so nasty, you always want to do bad things."

"But where are we going now? Your home? Or a hotel? Or a hot spring hotel?"

This girl is so funny, she was so frank after she confessed her love, and she greeted her to open a room without saying a word, this operation is no one.

But Mori Kogoro is not such an easy man for her to get, so he chuckled and said, "No, let's go to a coffee shop with me first, I still have something to do..."

Lianhua couldn't help pouting when she heard this, she was so teased, and suddenly braked, the little girl felt a little lost and unhappy!

At about nine o'clock in the evening, Mori Kogoro and Lianhua, who was next door to him, walked into the Maoyan Cafe.

Xiaotong at the front desk couldn't help but smile when he saw Mori Kogoro, but his eyes fell on Lianhua beside him, and his smile immediately softened a little, and turned into a normal greeting.

After all, Xiaotong is not very familiar with Xiaolan, and she doesn't often wear kimonos, so it is normal for Xiaotong to mistake Lianhua for Xiaogoro's daughter.

In front of Xiao Wulang's daughter, she naturally didn't dare to be too rude.

"You go to the booth and wait for me first, I will be back soon after I finish my work."

Hearing this, Lianhua nodded, obediently sat on the booth and waited.

Mori Kogoro came to the front desk and asked in a low voice: "How is that guy recruited?"

Xiaotong couldn't help but pinched Kogoro Mouri's big hand, and complained dissatisfiedly: "You are really a shopkeeper, you just leave him alone after you catch him, and leave it to us weak girls to deal with, are you okay?"

"If you guys are considered weak women, then there is no strong woman in this world. This is my chance to avenge Qianying!"

Xiaotong couldn't help rolling her eyes: "That poisonous snake is more tenacious than expected, so I didn't say anything, but Master seems to be in a bad mood, you have to coax her well."

"They are all in the basement, you can go down by yourself, don't let Xiaolan know about these things."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said nothing, turned around and headed towards the basement.

When he came to the basement, Kogoro Mouri saw Qianying, Xiaolei, and Xiaoai, the master and apprentice.

Xiaoai's weapon research and development room has been transformed into an interrogation room, and Snake is tied up in it and is being tortured!

These three female snitches who have been trained as special agents are also very handy in interrogation work, and their temperament has become very gloomy, full of dark wind.

Chapter 0195 The truth eight years ago

The three women are all wearing black trench coats and masks, only showing a pair of cold eyes, their aura is really impressive!

Seeing Kogoro Mori appearing at the door, the three girls couldn't help being slightly happy, but they didn't show any abnormality.

This is interrogation and torture, so it is natural to pretend to be scary, otherwise Snake would not be honest.

Snake, who was tied to the electric chair, had a distorted face, trembling all over, and faintly smelled of burnt meat.

Its hair stands upright, and it looks like it has been burned by electric shocks, and it looks extremely tormented.

He kept screaming, and it took a long time for the electric shock to stop. Looking at Kogoro Mori, he couldn't help but yell.

"Mori Kogoro, you hypocrite, you are still in collusion with Kaitou Kidd, your duel is all fake, you are really a despicable villain!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ai was naturally very upset, and immediately pressed the switch again.

Electric shock started again!


Snake's whole body tensed up like convulsions again, his veins kept rising, and his face was extremely ferocious.

Mori Kogoro turned off the switch directly, then stepped forward and sat sideways on the iron table, and said, "That's right, it's a pity that you have no chance to get out alive, and no one will know that I am a fame-seeking person, why? , not angry!"

"Tell me, tell me the truth, I have plenty of ways to make your life worse than death, and you definitely won't want to try it."

As soon as Mori Kogoro came, Snake felt the danger doubled, but he was still stubborn.

"You just want me to talk about this ability, you must be looking down on me too much!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned slightly.

He turned to look at the three women: "This guy is a killer after all, and he should have been trained in preventing confession. Your methods are still too gentle." , keeping him will say anything.”

Saying this, Mori Kogoro took out a bottle of blue potion, which was left over from the previous preparation, and I don't know if it has expired.

Seeing Veritaserum, Snake's face instantly turned ugly!

He can endure any ordeal and control himself not to reveal the secret.

But this medicine can suppress the reactions related to the brain area, suppress the subconscious mind of the human body, and make it enter a state of unconscious paralysis, answering whatever it asks.

Subconsciously, Snake wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself, but Kogoro Mouri, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, directly took a rag and stuffed it in, so he couldn't help whimpering.

The eyes of Xiaolei and Xiaoai flashed intolerable, and Qianying couldn't help but said: "Xiao Wulang, won't this potion cause irreversible trauma to the brain? It will turn him into a fool. Do you really want to use it?" ?”

In fact, Qianying's masters and apprentices are also from the order camp, and they are all very kind-hearted. The biggest bad thing is stealing things, and they can't do it by turning people into fools, so naturally they can't stand it.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "You guys are just too soft-hearted, and you haven't asked anything for a whole day."

"To deal with this well-trained killer, of course we should use this simple and crude method."

"And my Veritaserum is an enhanced version. Its power is more than ten times that of the usual one. I will definitely get the result by asking."

"Don't worry, I can cure him if he becomes a fool, there will be no problem!"

Hearing this, the three girls all thought of Kogoro Mori's miraculous healing technique, and they all had no objections.

The mustache Snake's eyes were rounded, and he looked unacceptable.

If you become a fool, you can be cured, but what about coaxing children?You also believe?

You silly women, stop him quickly, I don't want to drink this stuff!

And a bug was set up in Xiao Ai's workshop, and Hei Yu, who had been eavesdropping, couldn't help but twitched his lips.He didn't expect Kogoro Mori's actions to be so simple and rude.

Seeing Kogoro Mori getting closer, Snake's pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes were full of fear.


His mouth was directly dislocated.

The rag was taken out, and the potion was poured directly into it.

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