Snake didn't want to swallow, but Kogoro Mori poked his neck muscles, and subconsciously swallowed.

The effects of the veritaserum potion erupted, and his eyes immediately became dizzy.

"Okay, you can ask now."

Qianying came forward quite eagerly: "Name?"

"Anthony George!"

"What organization do you belong to? Why are you robbing gems? Why are you killing Kidd? What are the gangs?"

This guy looked like he was down.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help knocking Qiankage on the head: "Idiot, you have to ask one by one, otherwise you won't be able to respond easily." Qiankage rubbed her head, and said a little coquettishly: "This is the first time I've used Veritaserum , people don't even know!"

The flirting words made the eavesdropping Kaito want to vomit blood: Mom, please ask quickly, don't talk about anything!

Qianying started to ask questions one by one again.

"I belong to the killer organization 'Poison' and take on missions around the world, codenamed snake."

"I was hired by the boss to look for the 'Pandora's Stone'. The magic group gem received information that it was the Pandora's Stone."

"I killed Kidd once eight years ago. Kidd should be dead, but he suddenly reappeared and made me lose face in the organization. I will kill Kidd again, so as to gain the trust of the boss!"

"The gang has spiders, centipedes, scorpions, toads, adders, lizards, geckos, wasps..."

This guy reported the names of the poisons one by one, like reporting the names of the dishes.

It really is not the same organization that killed Heiyu Pirates and the winery!

The winery is named after the wine, and this organization is named after the poison, which is also the naming habit of the old thief in Qingshan.

Qianying quickly stopped this guy and continued to report the name of the dish. His eyes were full of hatred, but he was a little nervous, and couldn't help but grasp Kogoro Mouri's big hand.

"Let me ask you, did you kill Heiyu Pirate One?"

"it's me!"

"Are you sure he's dead?"


Hearing this answer, Qianying felt a little unsteady and trembled.

Mori Kogoro immediately put his arms around her.

Her eyes were full of bitterness, but there was a faint hint of relief, and her mood was extremely complicated.

But Kaito, who heard this, slammed down the table vigorously, but his eyes were full of disbelief: Impossible, impossible!

"How did Black Feather Pirate One die? Please repeat what you did eight years ago."

"It's too easy to kill him. He was performing magic tricks on the stage. He tied himself in a fire cage, handcuffed his hands, and performed escape magic tricks. shot, and he fell to the ground."

"Then I sprinkled petrol on him and he was on fire."

Chapter 0196 This is my mom!

After listening to the narration, Qianying's face turned pale, and she remembered the charred corpse she saw eight years ago.

The tragic scene is still vivid in my mind!

Now corresponding to her words, she is finally convinced of the fact that Black Feather Pirate One died.

A look of hatred flashed in his eyes, and as soon as he raised his hand, the four flying knives shot over, piercing the poisonous snake directly, and blood flowed horizontally.

It's just that the venomous snake sitting on the electric chair didn't respond at all. The anesthesia effect of the powerful veritaserum directly shielded it from the pain, and it didn't feel any pain at all.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Chikage's body, and comforted him softly: "Chikage, don't be like this, it's all over, it's time to look forward, and there's me!"

Seeing the concerned eyes of the man in front of him, those worried eyes, Qianying immediately let go of any defenses, and began to cry bitterly with the muscles on his chest.

Mori Kogoro understands her current mood very well, but Chikage has always been unwilling to believe that Black Feather Pirate One was burned to death deep down in his heart.

Now that the hope is disillusioned, it is naturally a big blow.

His eyes were full of pity, and his big hand gently stroked Qianying's soft back, soothing her gently.

He naturally has a way to keep Qianying from crying, all he needs to do is tell the fact that Heiyu Pirate One is still alive.

That guy is indeed still alive!

But it was impossible for Kogoro Mori to do this, so naturally he had to pry the corner of the wall with all his heart.

After today, Qianying should not have any imprint of Kuroba Pirates in his heart, and Mori Kogoro naturally sat back and watched this happen.Oops!I'm so bad!

Glancing at Xiao Lei and Xiao Ai beside him, Mouri Kogoro waved to the two girls.

They all retreated empathetically, and closed the door of the R&D room without disturbing the two of them.

Sitting on the iron table with Qianying in his arms, he glanced at the poisonous snake on the electric chair who was staring at the two of them blankly, and felt tired of it in his heart, so he kicked it over to face the wall and thought about it.

Then he comforted Qianying in a gentle voice: "Qianying, don't cry, don't cry, it won't look good if you cry again, it makes me feel bad."

He said this as if coaxing a child, and from time to time he lowered his head and kissed his little head.

"Let's not be angry, okay? I'll help you avenge, watch, Ah Da!"

After saying this, he kicked the poisonous snake's head directly with a foot axe, and he could hear the sound of bone cracking, and his head even twisted into a strange arc. "Come again, deadly scissor legs!"

Seeing Moori Kogoro who was obviously making fun of himself, Chikage couldn't help but burst out laughing, and the discomfort in his heart disappeared instantly.

His little hand couldn't help but patted Kogoro Mori's chest: "Don't mess around, you can't do anything if you kick your brain."

"Don't worry, I control the strength!"

Turning around and seeing that Qianying was no longer crying, Kogoro Mori gently wiped away the tears with his fingers, then lowered his head, getting closer and closer to his pretty face.

Domineering words came out of his mouth: "Don't cry for other men anymore, this is the last time, if you want to cry in the future, you can only cry for me alone, you know?"

Hearing this, Qianyingmei's eyes trembled slightly, and her body couldn't help but go weak.

In her mind, there was no appearance of Heiyu Pirates, but instead, it was the incomparably tough man in front of her, and she nodded lightly like a little daughter-in-law


The most beautiful thing is that nodding with tears in his smile, Mori Kogoro couldn't help himself, kissed Chikage's pink lips directly, and climbed up Chikage's waist with his big hands.

The sounds of various kisses came to Kuroba Kaito's ears along the bug, and Kaito was really mad with anger.

This is completely prying dad's corner in person, what kind of human language is it called?Want to cry for you?This is my mom!You want to fly! "Daba, Kogoro, don't be here, the poisonous snake is still here!"

Kaito was startled in an instant, holding down the earphones with both hands.

Nani, what do you want to do, what do you want to do to my mother, Mori Kogoro, stop it.

"It's okay, he's been given Veritaserum and has lost consciousness. If it doesn't matter, I can knock him out!"

"It's still not good, don't do this, Xiaolei and Xiaoai are outside, don't mess around, it's not good to be found out."

"Oh, take your hand out!"

Kaito hammered the table and stood up angrily: "Moori Kogoro, just wait for me!"

Then he immediately opened the window of the room, took out the booster paraglider, found the direction, jumped out, and rushed towards the cafe.

That's it, the earphones are still plugged in his ears, and he doesn't dare to relax for a moment!

"Daba, Yalu, Kogoro, you are really bad."

A few bad laughs followed.

"Men are not bad, but women don't love them. Qianying, you are mine now. From now on, from head to toe, you belong to me completely!"

"Bad man!"

Kaito couldn't help gasping when he heard this!

Immediately afterwards, a sharp beep came out of the earphones, making him almost stagger and fall.

Kaito quickly took out the earphones, accelerated his pedaling speed, and the tail wing behind the hang glider started to spin crazily.

In the research and development room, Kogoro Mori's shoe tip was removed from the bug under the table. Of course he knew that Kaito was bugging.

These words are also designed to stimulate him, which is very interesting, after all, he is such a guy full of wickedness!

Chikage was still resisting, but Mori Kogoro let Chikage go.

Although his integrity has long been broken, he can still use it when he picks it up and fights hard, and he can still know when to do business!

Qianying, who was let go, heaved a sigh of relief, couldn't help but give him a blank look, then straightened the windbreaker on his body, and continued to ask questions. "Is it the same person who hired you to capture the 'Pandora's Stone' and kill Kaito Kid?"

The poisonous snake facing the wall was like a robot. Even though he was pierced with four throwing knives, kicked a few times, and listened to flirting, he still didn't respond at all, and continued to answer dully.

"It's the same person!"

"Who is that guy?"

"I don't know. The boss took over the task. I only know that it is a powerful figure in Japan. I don't know any other information."

Hearing this, Qianying couldn't help but frowned.

The murderer who killed Bandit One has been found, and it is this guy, but the mastermind behind the scenes is still missing. This is really not good news.

Immediately, Qianying began to question the so-called 'poison' killer organization, planning to go directly to its lair and capture the boss in his mouth.

Chapter 0197 let go of my mother


Kaito fell straight to the back door of Maoyan Cafe.

Fortunately, no one saw him on the street. After he took off the paraglider, he rolled up his cloak and changed into casual clothes in an instant.

Then he unlocked and sneaked into the coffee shop, ran along the corridor, opened the basement door, and rushed down.

Xiaolei and Xiaoai in the living room were resting, and they couldn't help being a little confused when they saw the junior brother suddenly appearing and rushing towards the door of the R&D room.While Kaito opened the door, he shouted, "Moori Kogoro, let go of my mother!"

The door opened in response, but the scene inside was completely different from what Kaito had imagined!

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