Mom and Kogoro Mori stood apart, not at all together.

Mom was still recording something with a pen in her hand, while Mori Kogoro lowered his head and asked for information about the poisonous snake.

Kaito was completely stunned when he saw this scene, while Chikage turned his head suspiciously, looked at his son, raised his brow slightly: "Huh?"

Seeing his mother's high spirits, Kaito was instantly cowardly, poked his two index fingers together, and said with a dry smile.

"Hey, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, well, how is your interrogation going? Where is Dad?"

Qianying was not such a foolish woman, she seemed to think of something, so she searched for it in the R&D room.

Soon, she saw the bug at the foot of the table that was crushed by Mori Kogoro, and she reacted instantly!

Okay, I said why did you stop suddenly, you big pervert? It turned out that someone was eavesdropping. Isn't this a live broadcast?

This is Chikage's subconscious psychological reaction, which shows how bad Mouri Kogoro's image is in her heart.

Feeling ashamed, Qianying's expression sank in an instant, his eyes shot a fierce light, and his momentum suddenly rose: "Quick fight!"

Kaito, who had a bad premonition, had already oiled the soles of his feet, and Chikage immediately chased him out.

Looking at her son who was about to escape along the stairs, she directly pressed the mechanism of the underground base, and the iron gate fell instantly, blocking the exit.Then Qianying pulled out the long whip at his waist, rolled it up on the ceiling bracket, and immediately swung up.

The rabbit rises and falls, its body is light and agile like ordinary people!

Chikage's skills are much stronger than Kuai Dou's, and the earliest debut of the phantom thief lady is not in vain!

She subdued Kaito easily, tied him up in a ball with a long whip and hung him up.

"Kaito, why did you learn so badly? You can do things like prying into other people's privacy. What have you learned by leaving you alone all these years!"

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !

"You still dare to talk back, it seems that it is impossible not to teach you a lesson."

Chikage was completely unreasonable in his embarrassment, and kept beating Kaito with a stick at the end of the broom.

Kaito's muffled groans kept ringing out, and the scene was once very cruel!

After a long time, Chikage was almost exhausted from the beating, and Kogoro Mori came out with the poisonous snake.

"Qianying, forget it, children are ignorant, don't be as knowledgeable as him!"

Kaito, who was being hung up, kept humming: "Hey, hey, hey!" [I don't need you to pretend to be a good person! 】

But Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention to Kaito at all, instead he held up Chikage's delicate little hand and said, "I'm tired of beating you, I should feel sorry for you again."

These words made even Xiaolei and Xiaoai on the side feel sour, but when they saw Master's resigned expression, they couldn't help giving Xiaogoro a thumbs up.

Sure enough, this scoundrel is the only one who can coax Master well!

The eyes of Kaito, who was hung above him, almost burst into flames: Damn it!It's really becoming more and more blatant, more and more daring, and even dare to grab my mother's little hand, which is tolerable or unbearable!

Then he kept moaning again: "Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh!" (Put me down, I'll fight you for another [-] rounds!) But no one cared about Kaito's thoughts.

Qian Ying seemed to feel that this was not good in front of her son, so she blushed and withdrew her little hand, and quickly changed the subject: "Xiao Wulang, why did you bring him out?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "The interrogation is almost done, and it is no longer useful. I have to deal with him."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but twitch their brows, looking hesitant to speak.

Kogoro Moori noticed the expressions of the girls in an instant: "What are you thinking? I won't kill people. I have already told the police. This guy has human lives in his hands. I'm afraid he will be jailed."

Hearing this, all the girls breathed a sigh of relief, and each of them looked relaxed.

"Okay, it's time for me to go too, Qianying, you guys should educate this kid well, it's best to let him calm down for a while."

Before leaving, Mori Kogoro turned his head and looked at Kaito who was glaring at him: "Boy, don't blame me for not reminding you, this poisonous snake has been caught, but this guy said, their organization has a code-named 'Spider' The killer accepted the task of killing you, that guy is much more powerful than this poisonous snake, you can wish for luck!"

Hearing this, Kaito immediately frowned.

But he is not afraid, as early as when he used his father's title of phantom thief, he was looking forward to the opportunity to fight these enemies.

However, he still received Kogoro Mori's kindness, and couldn't help but look at this man with complicated eyes!

Returning to the coffee shop with the poisonous snake, Kogoro Mori didn't go ahead, instead walked along the corridor to the back door.

He opened the back door, and there were two strong men in black waiting outside, which were disguised by two robots.

What I just said in the underground base was naturally to coax Qianying and the others. Qianying and the others were all kind-hearted, and they didn't let her know anything dark.

We know.

Mori Kogoro had no intention of sending the poisonous snake to the police at all. The risk was too great. Once rescued, it would alert the 'poison' organization.Anyway, Dr. Jiang Gutian has been working hard to make a permanent antidote to APTX, and there is a shortage of materials for human experiments.

This kind of guy is naturally waste utilization!

Two robots took over the sluggish poisonous snake, put it on a hood, and drove it into the black car.

It won't take long for this guy to be sent to the space battleship as a material.

After sending off the poisonous snake, Kogoro Mori turned back to the coffee shop.

Xiaotong was walking among several tables, as if he wanted to ask some customer inside for information.

The three kittens rested for several days after the Fuguiwan battle, and they seemed to be regrouping and started to move.

In front of Lianhua on the booth, there are various cakes and drinks, all presented by Xiao Tong.

Seeing Moori Kogoro finally came out, Lianhua immediately stood up to greet him, put her arms around his arms, and couldn't help but coquettishly said, "Why have you been here for so long?"

"It's not so easy to ask for clues. Am I back now? Alright, let's get down to business now!"

The little girl pouted again, with an unhappy look on her face: "What's the matter?"

"Is it serious to eat you?"

Hearing this, and seeing Mori Kogoro's smirk, Lianhua couldn't help but coquettishly said, "I hate it!"

"Xiaotong, let's go first!"

Xiao Tong couldn't help pursing her lips slightly, she wanted to keep Xiao Goro here overnight.

But the family's daughters are all there, how can I say that, I can only watch him and the so-called 'Xiao Lan' leave.

Chapter 0198 young people really know how to play!

The presidential suite of the Mihua International Hotel, which is already the tallest hotel in Mihua Town.

From the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can overlook the night view of the entire Tokyo, and the scenery is very gorgeous.

A gorgeous movement played in this presidential suite, adding a bit of graceful atmosphere.

Lianhua wears a pink cherry blossom kimono on her shoulders, and the little white socks wrapped around her feet add a bit of cuteness.

His little face was flushed, his beautiful eyes were full of tenderness looking at Mori Kogoro, his waist-length hair was as smooth as ebony, very touching.

Under the warm and bright light, his angelic face is illuminated extremely.

The red wine glasses on the table next to them were all down, and the scarlet wine kept falling on the carpet, staining some wine stains.

The aroma of the wine also spread out, but it was really intoxicating!

Looking at the docile and abnormal girl in her arms, this girl is really drunk now, she drank too much red wine, and she couldn't stand drinking for the first time.Just now Lianhua was interested in standing on the mahogany table and dancing, but now she is not.

She really deserves to be a young lady who is dedicated to studying Youxizi and wants to develop in the entertainment industry. She is really talented!

The dances of the Japanese geisha dancers she imitated made Mori Kogoro appreciate the beauty of Japanese dance for the first time.

Wearing a kimono at the back, dancing a modern hot dance is full of contradictions, extremely spicy.

Seeing the dancing lotus flower in a cherry blossom kimono on the red table is a completely different feeling!

The three girls Xiaolan, Mira, and Qingzi don't seem to know how to dance. It seems that this time they picked up a little dancer.

Naturally Kogoro Mori couldn't help it, he pulled it down and let him sit on his body, and this is what it is now!

Lianhua's small hands tightly held Maoli Kogoro's arm, pursed her lips, but couldn't help but said: "Xiao Goro, are we going too fast? After all, we only met yesterday, do you think I A frivolous woman?"

This silly woman, she's too late to realize this!

Just now in the car, I was still asking which hotel to go to, and I was dancing on the table after drinking, so I was obviously very active?

It's all like this now, but I'm more reserved.

Heh, a woman's duplicity can't be changed. She is very happy in her heart, but she always thinks about something.

Mori Kogoro chuckled, pecked Lianhua's small face, and comforted him in a warm voice: "No, this only proves that I am very attractive. Besides, it doesn't matter if you are frivolous. Be frivolous to me alone!"

Lianhua couldn't help but patted Mori Kogoro, her face flushed, and she couldn't help but said: "Shameless, who said you are so charming, I always feel that I have been tricked by you."

Mori Kogoro laughed badly: "It's just a routine, and if you want to escape, that's not possible!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro put his hands through Lianhua's legs and hugged her.

Lianhua, who lost her balance, quickly put her arms around Mouri Kogoro's neck, and her delicate body was also pressed against her.

He hugged the koala-like lotus and came to the bay window next to the floor-to-ceiling windows, sitting on the bay window and admiring the beauty at night.

This girl Lianhua is not in the mood to watch the night scene, her eyes are full of Kogoro's figure.

The fingernails couldn't help scratching Kogoro Mori's arm, but they couldn't even scratch a white mark.

Xiao Nizi frowned, and couldn't help but snorted coquettishly: "Hmph, Xiao Wulang, you are such a pervert. I look so much like your daughter. Don't you think it's strange that you are with me?"

Mori Kogoro, who was leaning against the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window, stroked Lianhua's soft back with his big hand, and laughed frankly when he heard this.

"That's right, I'm a complete pervert, it's because Lianhua and Xiaolan look alike, that's why I like it so much!"

A strange look appeared in Lianhua's eyes again: "Then do I want to thank Xiaolan?"

"Then should I follow her example and call you Dad, oh Dusang!"

hiss! ! ! ! ! !

Are today's young people so good at playing?Kogoro Mori was also shocked that it was so easy for his father to say it.

Was he molested by Lianhua?

The girl in her arms snickered like a little fox, her little head couldn't help leaning over, and whispered into Kogoro Moori's ear, "It seems that Dusang likes it very much!"

Kogoro Maoli then gave Lianhua a big slap with his big hand: "Don't call me that, your father is still alive."

He didn't want Lianhua to stop at the beginning because of some strange attributes she awakened.

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