Lianhua changed her words docilely when she heard the words, and looked at Kogoro Mori with beautiful eyes.

Mori Kogoro kissed his pink lips directly, greedily snatching all the sweetness.

With the night and the bright moon, one after another fireworks bloom in the world outside the window, extremely gorgeous.

(Many words omitted here!)

At around nine o'clock the next morning, Lianhua, who was wrapped in a white sheet and covered in a spring sleep, woke up on the spacious big bed.

But she didn't open her eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her little hands began to grope and search on the bed.

Huh?Why is there no one on the pillow?

His fair and long legs kicked off the quilt directly, passed over it directly, and swept it several times, but there was still no one!

Lianhua woke up in an instant, sat up wrapped in a sheet, and looked around the bedroom, but there was no one there.

His originally joyful expression instantly pulled down, and his small mouth couldn't help but pouted.

She quickly got out of bed, wrapped in a sheet, and walked out of the bedroom to search for it.

It's sizzling!

Like the sound of some food being put into the pot, Lianhua seemed to smell the aroma of the kitchen area, so she couldn't help looking for it.Soon, she saw Kogoro Mori cooking in the kitchen, and it was reassuring to see his figure exposed in the morning.Lianhua's little face immediately turned from cloudy to sunny, leaning against the edge of the door and showing a bright smile.

"I thought you left me!"

"Fool, how is it possible, I will take you to the TV station later? I fell asleep so late last night, why don't you take a rest?"

This girl is really vigilant, she was almost discovered!

Last night he went home after putting Lianhua to sleep, there was no other way, he had to work harder to enjoy the blessing of being equal.

Mu Mulu and Kujo Reiko have both come over, so what if we don't go back?On the way back, he was almost spotted by Pusi Qinglan and Kasaka Natsumi who were staying in the same hotel.

It's so difficult for a man, especially for a man with so many women, it's even more difficult!

Lianhua shook her head, and leaned over to look at the dishes in the pot, with a curious look on her face: "No, I don't feel much, I'm not sleepy anymore, what are you doing delicious!"

"Black-bone chicken soup, fried eel, and a few stir-fried dishes, for you to replenish your body, Lianhua is a bit too weak!"

The little girl patted Moori Kogoro again in disbelief.

Chapter 0199 - Beautiful Breakfast

In the kitchen, Mori Kogoro directly embraced Lianhua, and kissed the little girl's pink lips, and the girl finally calmed down.

And his other hand was still frying the eel.

Although there is no way to give full play to the master-level cooking skills by being distracted and dual-purpose.

But at the level of Mori Kogoro, it is delicious enough.

Lianhua soon melted into the fiery kiss, her hands couldn't help wrapping her arms around Mouri Kogoro's neck, without even noticing that the sheet fell to the ground.The tenderness of a girl is always poetry, she wished she could stay with Kogoro all the time!

The nervousness and disappointment of not seeing Mori Kogoro just now is real, and now the joy of seeing him staying with him is even more real!

After kissing the little girl, he couldn't help laughing, and his whole body collapsed into Kogoro Mouri's arms.

"I haven't rinsed my mouth yet!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but patted his buttocks, obviously the atmosphere was so good, so he said something that would spoil the scenery.

"Anyway, I don't mind. Alright, the last dish of eel is ready, you can serve it up, and let's have dinner."

Smelling the aroma, Lianhua's mind was also attracted by the cooking, she nodded, and began to awkwardly put the dishes on the table.

Bathed in the morning light, the young lady squatted down, opened the cabinet and started looking for plates.

After finding it, I cleaned it again, picked up the spatula tremblingly, and started to pack the dishes awkwardly.

This scene is also very pleasing to the eye, and Mori Kogoro behind watched it with his index finger twitching.

Lianhua took out the fried fish carefully, followed by Kogoro Mouri with a smile on his face.

When she came to the dining table, Lianhua took off the heat preservation cover, and the aroma of several dishes rushed to her face in an instant.

"That's enough!"

The little girl looked amazed, but Mori Kogoro embraced her slender waist, pulled her to sit on his lap, and then began to have breakfast.

Sensing Kogoro Mori's evil hands, Lianhua realized her situation, screamed in shame, and struggled to run to the bedroom.

It's a pity that under the strange strength of Mori Kogoro, this struggle didn't even cause waves!

He greeted him with a fiery big hand, beat him twice, and said with a smirk: "Just eat like this, if you dare to escape, the family law will take care of you."

Lianhua naturally knew what family law meant, and she had already experienced it last night, so she didn't dare to resist anymore, and sat in his arms docilely and began to eat.

As soon as she raised her chopsticks and entered the mouth, all thoughts were forgotten by this girl, so she squinted her eyes in satisfaction, and exclaimed.

"That's enough, Kogoro, your cooking is too delicious, it's unbelievable that you, a big man, can cook good food!" After saying the words of praise, the little girl buried her head and began to inhale the storm, and even her body The big villain who made the mischief didn't care.

Sure enough, pretty girls are foodies!

"Xiao Goro, don't you want to eat? Are you not hungry?"

Mori Kogoro smirked: "It's okay, this is specially prepared for you, you eat yours, I eat mine."

After saying this, with Lianhua's astonished expression, Kogoro Mori began to operate.

"Daba, how can this be, I'm still eating!"

The small exclamation was quickly drowned out, and another gorgeous movement resounded throughout the presidential suite.

At around [-]:[-], Mori Kogoro and Kataoka Renka appeared on Nikkei TV.

Lianhua followed Mori Kogoro step by step, like a little daughter-in-law.

Along the way, the two met many celebrities and stars.

That's right, Mori Kogoro saw another female celebrity, who was still an acquaintance.

It was the very handsome Hoshino Terumi with short black hair, walking windy, and smoking a cigarette.

A member of Yoko's debut team, the Earth Ladies Team, met once before in Kaoru Kusano's case.

However, Terumi Hoshino showed a guilty expression when she saw Mori Kogoro: "Mori-kun, why are you coming to the TV station too? I haven't heard of any reasoning programs recently!"

"I'm here to find a teacher for this child. This is Terumi Hoshino, the lead actor in "Super Female Detective"!"

Hearing this introduction, Hoshino Terumi laughed even more guiltyly.

"Super Female Detective" is the hot TV series right now, and it tells the story of a female detective who disguises herself as a man.

It's just that when the protagonist in it is dressed as a male detective, he will put on two mustaches and use the alias of 'Xiao Wulang' to reason...

Moreover, the crew adopts the mode of broadcasting while filming, and the script of each unit can be replaced at any time.

The most recent plot happened to be a cruise ship robbery, and a big showdown between detectives in the northern and southern hemispheres.

This is why Hoshino Terumi felt guilty when she saw Mori Kogoro.

But Mori Kogoro didn't take this matter to heart, he just nodded and then gently revealed it.

Hoshino Terumi turned her head to look at Lianhua, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Lan, do you want to develop in the entertainment industry in the future?"

Lianhua quickly explained: "Sorry, I'm not Xiaolan, my name is Kataoka Lianhua, I just look like Xiaolan."

"Oh, let me just say, your hairstyle has changed, so it's not the same person." Hoshino Terumi laughed awkwardly.

Mori Kogoro said, "Okay, we're here to find Yukiko, Terumi, do you know where the actor's rehearsal room is?"

"Of course I know, I'll take you there. It just so happens that I'm free today, and I'm also here to listen to Senior Yukiko's lecture."

"Speaking of which, Nikmai TV is developing better and better, not to mention the number one ratings, but it can also invite a senior like Yukiko to come out, and the new mysterious chairman is really capable!" Saying these words , Hoshino Terumi led the way ahead.

And Lianhua's little hand tightly hugged Mouri Kogoro's arm.

Really going to meet her idol, this girl became a little nervous and excited, and even her physical and mental fatigue was dispelled.

Soon, the three came to the rehearsal room on the third floor.

The door opened, and there were only two people inside, and they saw Yukiko and Yoko Okino sitting on the floor, discussing the script.Seeing Mori Kogoro appear, Yoko's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help standing up to meet him.

But Lianhua next to Kogoro Moori couldn't help screaming excitedly, jumping up and down with excitement, which made Yuxiko a little confused.Originally, You Xizi wanted to ask Xiaolan what was wrong, but after taking a look at her hairstyle, she instantly noticed something abnormal.

After all, she has lived with Xiaolan and Mira for a long time, and Yukiko herself has summed up a set of rules of distinction.

The difference between Qingzi depends on the hairstyle, Qingzi has short hair; the difference between Xiaolan and Mira depends on the color of the holes;

This girl obviously doesn't fit the three characteristics, and You Xizi knows that this is another girl who looks like Xiaolan.

Chapter 0200 you play a horse let us ride

But it seems that the girls who look like Xiaolan have been misfortune by Kogoro.

So is Aoko, and so is Mira!

Aoko was discovered by Yukiko when she was in the skyship, and Mira was more straightforward, living next door to her, and last time she and Eri dragged her to a big party!

As for this girl?

You Xizi's scrutinizing eyes scanned it, and saw that he was bouncing around, but his little hand was still holding Kogoro's arm, and he reacted instantly.

It seems to be close to ten!

His beautiful eyes glared at Mori Kogoro: What a vicious guy, where did he get so many girls who looked like Xiaolan.Eh!Something's wrong, Kogoro is targeting girls like Xiaolan, so he must have awakened some incredible attribute!

Thinking of this, You Xizi frowned.

Kogoro Mori saw Yukiko's expression, but stepped forward to put his arms around her soft shoulders.

"Yukiko, this is the special child I told you about yesterday."

"How is it? Does she look very similar to Xiaolan? She admires you very much and wants to take you as her teacher to learn how to act!"

Kataoka Renka and Hoshino Terumi were stunned when they saw this scene!

This familiarity, hooked shoulders and backs, and the body is still so close, Senior Youxizi didn't refuse at all.

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