What is the relationship between the two of them?Could it be that he has a leg?

On the other hand, Yoko had a familiar expression. During the process of learning acting with Yukiko, she had known the relationship between Yukiko and Kogoro for a long time, so she naturally didn't show any abnormalities.

Lianhua quickly realized, bowed immediately and said, "Miss Youxizi, I am your die-hard fan. I have watched all your movies carefully, and I hope to study with you."

Seeing that the little girl had such a good attitude, You Xizi didn't put on any face.

His little hands pinched Mori Kogoro's back secretly, and then smiled.

"Since it was commissioned by Kogoro, why don't you come over and have a class with Yoko. It just so happens that Yoko is short of a co-star."

Hoshino Terumi at the side raised her hand and said, "Senior, can I also come and listen?"

Yoko quickly echoed: "This is my sister Hui. I used to be the captain of the Earth Lady team when I debuted. She helped me a lot. If you have sister Xizi, let her listen to it together!"

Even if Yoko said so, Yukiko still shifted her gaze to Kogoro Mori: The guy you brought here must also be your woman, right?

The tacit understanding was perfect, and Kogoro, who had already connected with him, shrugged his shoulders, answering his relationship with this woman.

But he chased after him: "Keeping one sheep is also driving, and driving three sheep is also driving. It doesn't matter, let's teach together."

Hearing this, Yukiko gave Mori Kogoro a deadly look.

I really thought it was herding sheep. It was tiring enough to train one Yoko, but I also taught three at once!

But Yukiko didn't refute Mori Kogoro's face, she smiled at Terumi and said, "Terami? I know you. You've become a popular actress recently, and your detective is very good."

Huimei hurriedly humbled herself and said, "Where, where, it's all about Detective Maori. The image of Detective Maori is too good. We only got so much attention because of the popularity."

Hearing her praise Mori Kogoro, Yukiko's smile became warmer.

"Huimei is really too humble. She has become a popular actress, and her acting skills must be very good. How about this? I don't think my skills are too old. Let's talk together."

Hearing that she agreed, Hoshino Terumei immediately burst into joy, holding her mouth still: "Where, where, senior, you call it a classical technique, how can you get old, that is a classic."

"Thick and thick, I love to listen to what you say!" You Xizi, who felt a little better after being flattered, couldn't help but reveal her true nature, covering her mouth and laughing again.

However, Kogoro Mori pinched his buttocks heavily, and he became serious in an instant, turning into a serious mentor.

Mori Kogoro said, "Okay, Lianhua, you should study hard. I'll be walking around the TV station."

When Yoko heard that Mori Kogoro was going to leave as soon as he arrived, he couldn't help pouting.

But You Xizi said: "Don't leave, Xiao Wulang, we still need a playmate here!"

"In Yoko's script, it is written that the female general rides a horse to call out to the army, but Yoko has never been able to act out that momentum. I think there is a lack of a horse, Kogoro, you play a horse and let us ride it!"


After hearing this, Mori Kogoro's brows twitched, this guy is completely messing up.

Seeing his provocative expression, Kogoro Mori wrote down a note in his small notebook, and will show it to Yukiko when he gets home.

Lianhua and Yoko on the side also felt that something was wrong, although both of them had ridden Mori Kogoro before.

But now this kind of riding as an animal is too insulting, Kogoro will be angry!

But before the words of persuasion from the two women came out, You Xizi added another sentence: "If you want to hang out at the TV station, you might fall in love with some beautiful girl again, tell me, maybe I can introduce you to her! "

Hearing this, the two girls swallowed the words again: Well, it would be better for Kogoro to stay here as a training partner!

"How is it possible? I am not such a person!"

Mori Kogoro leaned close to Yukiko's ear and whispered to him, "Did you forget the letter you brought me last night? I'm going to find Reina to find out about the situation!"

Youxizi's elf-like eyes are full of cunning: "Reina is recording a show now, you can't find her if you go, and I told her secretly when I came here in the morning, she promised to bring a lunch box, and in half a day It's been an hour, you, wait here obediently, don't run around and make friends."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was lost.

Having known and loved each other for more than [-] years, You Xizi knows herself so well that she has thought of everything!

Kogoro Moori pinched Yukiko's hip again, and then smiled: "Okay, since you really need a supporting actor who can help you, I can act in anything."

Hoshino Terumi on the side felt that what he saw today was extremely exciting.

She knew about the relationship between Detective Mori and Yoko, and then Detective Mori had an ambiguous relationship with Senior Yukiko. Now such a famous detective is willing to agree to the request of Senior Ukiko to act as a horse for Yoko to ride.

It's really one thing and one thing, senior Youxizi is amazing!

Seeing Mori Kogoro coming to the middle of the venue, Lianhua was about to stop him.

But seeing the next scene, the cheeks of the four girls present instantly turned red, and they couldn't help but spit.

I saw Kogoro in the middle of the field leaning back, pressing his hands on the ground, facing up, his waist and abdomen exerting force, and his hips arched directly: "Okay, you can ride now, should you ride together or take turns!"

This sentence is really too bad, and this gesture is too ambiguous!

Only the top crotch is flat, and the rest are sloped, as if they will slide down when you sit on it.

Chapter 0201 This picture is terrible!

Moreover, it was already very big, but now this posture made it stand out even more clearly.

Hoshino Terumi blushed slightly, her eyes were erratic, she couldn't help but glanced a few times, but quickly looked away.

Seeing Kogoro in this state, Yukiko forcibly tensed up, and spoke to the third daughter with her usual expression.

"As an actor, the most important thing is to break the shame, don't be shy, and devote yourself to the role wholeheartedly, Yoko, try it!" Yoko was scared in an instant, and it was really embarrassing to act like this.

This girl is also smart, so she said directly: "I don't think it's right for me to act like this. I want to figure out the role again. If there is sister Xizi, you can demonstrate it first!"

Lianhua's eyes lit up, with a small expression of admiration: "Senior Youxizi must be very good to play."

Hoshino Terumi also echoed again and again, for fear of being caught up to demonstrate: "Yes, I have been waiting to observe senior's acting skills for a long time."

Hearing all the girls say this, You Xizi's expression collapsed, she was shooting herself in the foot.

Mori Kogoro also shook his body: "Come on, the horse is already in place now, what are you waiting for!"

Seeing that all the girls had little expressions of admiration, You Xizi was too embarrassed to say no.

How can a group of little girls show timidity in front of them, I have never seen anything.

She gritted her teeth, turned over and rode on Kogoro Moori. This scene was really terrible, and she was so angry!

However, Yukiko is worthy of being an international super movie star, she has a strong psychological support, and she can force herself to cope with this scene.

A pair of elf-like eyes can switch freely, and instantly become extremely resolute, like a female general on the battlefield, instantly bringing people into the play!

His little hands were still doing a non-physical performance, and he rolled up the cloak behind him. He was very heroic, and he was about to call out to the enemy camp and read his lines.

But at this time, his body suddenly rose and fell, and he couldn't help but screamed.

Underneath, Mori Kogoro exerted force on his waist and abdomen, arching and falling continuously, shaking him so that he almost lost his balance.

Looking at himself in the mirror on the wall, the astonished little expressions of the three girls beside him are full of shame!

You Xizi couldn't hold on no matter how psychologically she supported her, her little face was flushed, and she twisted Maoli Kogoro's clothes with her little hands, and couldn't help drinking: "Xiaogoro, what are you doing?"

"Didn't I act as a horse? Of course the horse has to run, but this rehearsal room is too small to run, so I can only create some ups and downs for you. This is more realistic, and I can go faster!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro sped up the frequency, his waist was almost showing afterimages, and the blushing slaps kept ringing out!The three women were shocked when they saw this scene, their faces flushed.

Yuxiko's body almost went limp, she quickly rolled over and greeted Kogoro Mori with her little feet.

"You bastard, you deliberately sabotage, don't need you!"

Mori Kogoro got up straight away, clapped his hands, and smiled: "I have condescended to act as an accompanying actor for you, and even played a horse, you are not satisfied, hey, I really don't know Good people!"

Yuxiko, who became angry from embarrassment, couldn't help but kicked Mori Kogoro's calf and feet again: "Shut up!"

At this moment, the door of the rehearsal room was pushed open, and Rena Mizumus came in with a lunch box.

As soon as Lianai came in, You Xizi didn't have any more attacks, her beautiful eyes gave Kogoro Moori a hard look: I'll deal with you when I get home!

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows not to be outdone: It's not sure who will clean up when we go home!

After making eye contact, he turned around and greeted Reina: "Reina, why did you come here so early, You Xizi just said that your show is still half an hour away!"

Lianai smiled lightly and said, "My show was a prank show, and the guests were asked to jump long distances. In fact, there are traps under the sand."

"However, the staff who made the trap were a little careless. The guests were just preparing, and the trap was exposed by themselves, so there was no way to shoot."

You Xizi then said: "Okay, Liannai is here, you two go to the side and talk, don't disturb our teaching."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro took Reina's wrist and went to the corner.

Seeing this scene, Hoshino Terumi couldn't help turning her head to ask: "Yoko, didn't you say that Detective Mori is your boyfriend? Why do you feel that he is not clear with Yukiko-senpai and your best friend? "

There was a hint of color in Yoko's eyes, and he turned to smile dryly and said, "Kogoro is very attractive, it's normal for a few girls to like him, anyway, I don't mind."

Hearing this, Hoshino Terumi looked at the little sister in the previous group in surprise.

His eyes turned to Kogoro behind him, shining with a strange light.

"Hey, cheer up, I'm still lecturing!"

Hearing Yukiko's words, Hoshino Terumi hurriedly turned her head back and listened carefully.

Reina Mizumu and Kogoro Mori sat on the floor in the corner, and Reina whispered.

"On Wednesday, my younger brother Yinghai came to look for me, but he didn't know where he got my entry information from the TV station. He knew that my blood type was AB, and he remembered that I gave him blood transfusions before, and His blood type is type O, and type AB blood cannot be transfused to type 0 blood.”

"So he didn't think I was his sister, but thought I was a bad guy who had plastic surgery and pretended to be his sister, so he stopped me from making a scene."

Mori Kogoro knew the reason. Eisuke Hondo had albinism when he was young, and he was transplanted with Reina's bone marrow, which caused Eisuke Hondo's blood type to change from type 0 to AB.

"Xiao Goro, Ying Hai is still too young. I have been hiding these things from him all these years. Now I am under the surveillance of the organization in all likelihood, and I have no way to contact him in private. Help me protect him!"

Mori Kogoro frowned involuntarily. When he found out about this last night, he used his energy to investigate.

When Hondo Eisuke came to Tokyo, and where he lived, he quickly found out.

It's just that when Mori Kogoro sent someone to Hondo Eisuke's residence, it was in vain, and the person disappeared long ago.

If he didn't leave by himself, it was very likely that he fell into Rum's hands, and the situation would be a little bad.But seeing Reina's worried expression, Mori Kogoro nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely protect him."

Hearing this, Reina breathed a sigh of relief, she had seen Mori Kogoro's miraculous methods, so she could trust him.

Chapter 0202 hard work

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