Immediately afterwards, Reina slowly leaned against Mori Kogoro, her voice became deeper and deeper.

"Kogoro, there should be an undercover agent arranged by the Nikkei TV station. After what happened on Wednesday, I immediately felt prying eyes around me."

"If my younger brother's background is revealed, and my father Yi Sen Hontang's identity is also found out, then my identity may also be revealed."

"Dad's going to die for my identity is also a loss, so in case something happens to me, you must take good care of my brother, he is my only relative."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned, and wrapped his big hands around Reina's soft shoulders.

"Say something stupid, you will be fine, don't you know my ability? Even if you really die, I will drag you back from the hand of death. What are you thinking? Last time I gave you Do you have your natal doll close to you?"

Lianai nodded, and patted the sachet hanging on her waist, the little doll was inside.

"It's fine if you have it, it will protect you."

Lianai has never seen the ability of the natal puppet, and she is still a little skeptical.

His body was leaning against Kogoro Mori, he took out his mobile phone, and without speaking, he opened a text message for him to read.

There are only a few instructions above.

"Keel, stand by Lodge R at 303:[-] pm! - Rum!"

Seeing this instruction, Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly, and his light flashed faintly.

He instantly saw through the meaning of the code name!

Mabinogi comes from a collection of Welsh tales, and the word means the stories sung by the bard's apprentices.And R is the same code as last time, P refers to the park, B refers to the bridge, and R naturally refers to the road.

The only mountain that meets Rocky in Tokyo is the Goddess Peak!

There is not only the legend of the goddess singing in winter, but also a monastery at the peak. The children's choir inside is very famous in Tokyo, which fits the meaning of Rocky.

The road leading to that mountain is called Jianlin Road. In autumn, the road is covered with red maple leaves, which will be very beautiful.

"So is he going to start his move today? He's going to Jianlin Road!"

Lianai nodded, then put the phone away after changing hands.

"Because of so many things happening in Tokyo, Rum's way of doing things has changed. In the past, he would meet first and explain roughly what he was going to do, but now he is called directly to the mission location and will act according to the instructions when the time comes. That's why people Worried, I don't even know how many people will be involved in this operation."

Kogoro Mouri said, "Don't worry, I'm here, I'll be waiting for this order!"

"Many people are waiting for Rum to do today, and the target should be Whistlen."

"The organization's spy Kusuda Rikumichi has been admitted to the Kubado Central Hospital, and the FBI is ready to fight."

"So today's good show is the confrontation between the FBI and the organization, but I have already opened the net and waited for it. If Rum shows up, it will be time to close the net. It depends on whether the turtle shows up or not. Definitely can't escape."

Lianai frowned involuntarily: "Could it be too soon, will the net be shut down before the BOSS shows up?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said: "Reina, I'm afraid you haven't heard the news yet. Sherlock and Yusaku Kudo in Eagle Country have already lost. She took her own life and escaped. The remaining members And the base is more ominous than good."

"The third person in the organization is no longer a good person, and Gin has become a traitor again. Now as long as the second person Rum is captured, the remaining bosses are nothing more than bare-bones commanders. There is no way to make waves."

Hearing this, Lianai's expression was very shocked, and the cat's eyes were still a little unbelievable.

Such good news is a bit dreamy, and he can't help but feel excited.

It took a long time for her to calm down, and she couldn't help asking: "Who is that Yusaku Kudo, Sherlock, I know, it's the detective who lost to you!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Don't underestimate him, he is Kudo Shinichi's father."

"You have to know that a person who has practiced the evil sword manual, has a tough heart, is extremely intelligent, and is dedicated to revenge, his potential is infinite!"

In fact, it is normal for them to achieve such great results.

You Zuo has worked hard abroad for nearly [-] years, and has close ties with most of the secret service organizations in the world, and he also holds certain forces in his own hands.This time, it is cooperating with Sherlock Watson again, and Conan and Hattori Heiji are the two little ghost heads, which can be called a golden luxury lineup.And Maria's partner, Moriarty was imprisoned by McCoff, and Irene was dragged by Mori Kogoro for three days.

She can't support herself alone, and it's normal to lose.

If this is the case, and she can still win against this kind of opponent, then she can only hang up.

"Nani? Sword manual? Is he a swordsman?"

Xiao Lianai obviously didn't know about this stalk, so she looked puzzled.

Mori Kogoro didn't tease her any more, instead he chuckled and said, "Okay, everything is almost over, after the Karasuma organization is cleaned up, you can quit the CIA in the future, restore your original identity, and be good to me." woman!"

Hearing this, Lianai's face turned red a little, but she also nodded obediently: "Yeah!"

At this moment, the door of the rehearsal hall was pushed open, and the familiar voice of the little ghost came in.

"Is this the rehearsal hall? Mr. Jianqi, thank you for bringing us here."

Hearing this voice, Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows slightly, turned his head, and saw a few familiar people.

Conan the little ghost, Hattori Heiji the black Tantou, Xiaolan behind, the two daughters of Sonoko, and Jian Qixiu who led the way.

Conan and Hattori Heiji, the two little devils, have returned to China. These two little devils are not honest. In fact, they returned to China yesterday, but they don't know where they went.

But I heard Yusaku's phone call yesterday, the two of them had a lot of things happened in London this week!

Sure enough, it was the right decision to let the two of them go to the corrupt country!

Seeing an outsider appearing, Rena Mizumu hastily broke away from Kogoro Mori's big hand, and immediately moved away from her.

However, this scene was instantly noticed by Xiaolan, who had sharp ears and eyes, and Xiaolan couldn't help raising her brows slightly.

It's just that his eyes shifted to another girl present in an instant, which was Kataoka Renhua who looked very similar to her own face.

As smart as she was, she realized something in an instant, and stared at her father with a cold light in her beautiful eyes: You are so angry, but you still have to keep smiling.

But everyone was not as reactive as Yukiko. Seeing Conan appearing, Yukiko turned to Mori Kogoro for help.

She also talked to Yusaku on the phone, so she naturally knew what was going on.

Conan suddenly appeared, she was not ready to face this child!

Chapter 0203 Conan's complaint

Mori Kogoro got up and said hello: "Conan, Heiji, when are you coming back? Why didn't you call first?"

Conan replied flatly: "The plane from last night just arrived this morning."

And Heiji looked excited: "Uncle, you don't know what happened in London, the two of us have solved many cases!"

Yuanzi directly complained: "Come on, stop putting money on your face, with Sherlock here, what's the matter with you two brats, it must be to help run errands!"

The corner of Heiji's mouth twitched, and Yuanzi's crow's mouth hit him again.

Although the two little ghosts participated in the case against Maria, their main output was Sherlock and Yusaku Kudo, who were indeed just running errands.

Immediately after, Sonoko jumped over the crowd and came to Mori Kogoro's side as if there was no one there, wrapped his arms around his arms, rubbed his little face, and whispered coquettishly: "Uncle, I didn't stay at your place last night, you Did you miss me when you went back?"

This girl purposely spoke so ambiguously, which made all the girls in the rehearsal room frown.

You Xizi couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and Xiaolan rushed forward, twisted Yuanzi's ear, and pulled him away.

Sonoko struggled and was dragged away from Mori Kogoro's side.

After all, Xiaolan was still domineering when she showed off her power, and she was instantly suppressed, so Yuanzi didn't dare to continue to act recklessly.

You Xizi asked, "Why do you come to the TV station?"

Xiaolan explained with a smile: "It's all Conan. After I got home, I clamored to see you. I said you work in the TV station. He insisted on coming to you, so I will come with him. I don't know if Dad will At this!"

Saying this, Qi Meimou couldn't help but stare at Mori Kogoro again.

Conan the Little Devil then said: "Auntie Yukiko, Uncle Maoli, I have something to say to you two alone, let's find a room where no one is there!"

You Xizi looked at Mori Kogoro in a little panic again, and then said forcefully: "All of you, take a rest and continue teaching when I come back."

"Hi!" Yoko and Lianhua nodded.

Xiaolan, Sonoko, and Heiji also sat down and joined the chat.

And Jian Qixiu left after bringing the person, he still has a show to be on later.

Yuanzi couldn't help complaining: "Really, the brat has a lot of things to do. If you have anything to do, you have to find Aunt Youxizi, and you even come here to delay other people's work. Xiaolan, you are so kind. According to me, this brat is It takes a beating to be honest."

Hearing this, the corners of Heiji's mouth couldn't help twitching, and he looked at Sonoko with a slightly unfriendly gaze.

But Xiaolan ignored Sonoko, and started talking with Kataoka Renka instead, and began to talk familiarly.

In the empty dance rehearsal room next door, Conan turned his back to the two of them.

He was obviously a little devil, but he showed an old-fashioned feeling.

Hey, this posture is obviously imitating the standing posture of Sherlock's veteran cadres. It seems that this little devil worships Sherlock very much, imitating idols in everything.You Xizi looked at Conan worriedly with her beautiful eyes, and then at Kogoro who was beside her. She walked a little slower, hiding behind Kogoro.

"Dad already told me everything, so, aren't you really my mother?"

Conan turned his head and looked directly at Yukiko, with tears in his eyes.

Knowing that he was an orphan and adopted was a huge blow to Conan.

Although he didn't reveal too much, deep down in his heart he very much agrees with the parents of Yusaku and Yukiko, and is very honored to be their children.

And all of this is false, and it took him two or three days in London to accept this fact.

"New One!"

"I am indeed not your biological mother, and I have no blood relationship with you."

Conan smiled miserably, and lowered his head dejectedly: "So I called you Aunt You Xizi right, and you are really just Aunt You Xizi!"

Seeing this, Yukiko quickly said, "No, Shinichi, although we are not related by blood, it is true that Yusaku and I adopted you. From a legal point of view, I am still your mother."

"As long as you still recognize me as your mother, then I will still be your mother."

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect!

You Xizi raised Conan, how could he have no feelings, and naturally he couldn't see his deeply shocked appearance.

Conan's eyes lit up, looking at Yukiko's smiling face, most of the feeling of being abandoned deep in his heart dissipated.

"Really, can I really call your mother again?"

At this time, Kogoro Mori interjected as if unintentionally: "Conan calls your mother, so what does he have to call me?" After saying this, his big hand directly wrapped around Yukiko's soft waist, as if declaring sovereignty generally.


At the thought of calling Mori Kogoro his father, the little ghost felt very tired, and his body shivered with aversion to cold.

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