He even couldn't help waving his hands and said, "Then I'd better call you Aunt Youxizi!"

You Xizi couldn't help but give Kogoro a blank look. Originally, the relationship between mother and child was about to return to harmony, so why did she insert something out of nowhere?Immediately afterwards, Conan glared at Mori Kogoro, his whole body was like a fighting cock with its comb erected, and its momentum was high.

He also felt that he was not tall enough, so he climbed onto the table and stood on top of it, staring at Kogoro Mori.

"Uncle Mao Li, did you know my identity a long time ago, and you never revealed it, just watched the show by the side and played me for a fool!"

"Also let me go to winter camp, report me to classes, let me learn mathematics, force me to do exercises when I have nothing to do, beat me, kick me, scold me, and humiliate me in every possible way!"

Hearing this, Yukiko's expression became a little unkind.

This brat is very shady, and he complained in front of Youxizi as soon as he came back.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Xinyi, you have disappointed uncle by thinking so. I was training you, otherwise how would you have a strong body and a sharp mind."

"And I didn't really hit you. With my strength, if I really hit you, you'd be unable to get up long ago."

"And every time you are educated, there is a reason for it. It is because you are messing around as a child to educate you!"

Yukiko nodded in agreement, she did see a son at the scene of the crime who was not recognized by her relatives, so she naturally agreed with Mori Kogoro's words.

She couldn't help but said: "Xinyi, I want you to live here because I want you to learn more things. You should talk less, do less, watch more and listen more.

Come in disorder. "

Hearing what his mother said, Conan started to cry in his heart: Mom, you don't know what kind of miserable life I lived before you came. People and gods hate me, and even Xiaolan has no face for me!

Chapter 0204 abuse Conan bit by bit

Conan managed to get his mood together, and then asked, "Uncle Maori, when did you know my identity? My disguise should be perfect. You must have managed to see through it, right?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Thinking too much, I recognized you when we first met."

"I have a special relationship with Yukiko, and Yusaku is my good friend, so I watched you grow up."

"I'm a detective. I have good eyesight. I can recognize you as Xin when I was a child."

"Xinyi, don't you think that you can disguise your identity by wearing glasses? This kind of behavior is as stupid as those TV dramas in which women disguise themselves as men and just change into men's clothes."

Hearing that his behavior was judged as brain-dead, Conan's brows were constantly throbbing.

"At that time, I thought that you took some kind of medicine to rejuvenate your old age and live in my house wholeheartedly. It seemed like you had unreasonable plans for Xiaolan. The wolf was full of ambitions, so I was on every possible precaution against you."

Hearing this, Conan remembered the tragic experience of his first day in Mori's house. The steel brush was really scary.

"After investigation, I found out that you little brat caused such a big trouble, the Karasuma organization, and even brought such a big trouble to my house. It's really..."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro seemed overwhelmed, and hit Conan on the head three times in front of Yukiko again.It's been a long time since the familiar and addictive feeling!

Three big red envelopes popped out of the kid's head in an instant, and he squatted down again with his head in his arms, but he looked like he was wronged, and he dared not speak out: "I don't mean it, besides, uncle, you are so powerful."

Sure enough, Yukiko didn't care about Kogoro Mori's teaching Conan, instead she caressed Kogoro Mori's chest with her little hand, helping him to relax.

"Calm down, calm down, isn't it okay?"

Seeing this scene, Conan felt that the whole person was not well again.

Mom and uncle are so close, why do I feel that I am the outsider!

The little ghost climbed down from the table in disgrace, and then explained: "Uncle, I have hidden my identity well, and I didn't intend to attract the enemy."

"I just thought that Uncle, you are a detective, so you must have many sources of information. If you live here, you can investigate this Karasuma organization!"

"Hey, no, Uncle, you already knew my identity a year ago, what about Xiaolan? Does Xiaolan know my identity?"

[No way, maybe Xiaolan knows my identity too, then it's over!

At the scene of the crime, he rummaged through the hostess's underwear; was whipped by Yuanzi with a broom; peed in his pants in front of Xiaolan; from time to time, he praised his other identity, saying how good brother Xinyi was; and secretly followed Xiaolan. find her boyfriend...

There are so many unbearable memories, if Xiaolan really knows my identity, wouldn't it be impossible for me to pursue her?Fortunately, I still have Heiji, eh!

What the hell, I'm not gay, and what happened that night in London wasn't real, hallucination, it was hallucination! 】

"Little Lan"

Mori Kogoro also made a long sound, as if he was playing with this little devil.

Conan held his head and looked at Uncle Maori with hopeful eyes.

"I didn't tell her that you were Shinichi," Conan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, "She just thought you were a perverted, obscene boy."

Hearing this comment, Conan's heart spurted blood instantly.

A perverted boy who is obscene and pornographic?

puff! ! !

Mori Kogoro's mouth is full of mischievous smiles, it's no fun if you really tell the truth!

Torturing Conan is addictive, you have to do it little by little!

"However, I don't know whether she has noticed it herself. Anyway, I didn't say anything."

After hearing this, Conan looked hopeless and muttered a few words. "Wretched...pornographic...perverted"

After a long time, Conan, who had recovered a little bit, asked again with dead fish eyes: "Did Huiyuan make it clear to you a long time ago, did you both know my identity, but you teamed up to lie to me. "

Mori Kogoro is not happy to hear this!

"Who lied to you, Shinichi, don't get the order upside down, it was you who first concealed your identity and deceived us first."

"I didn't bother with you. I thought you had some last resort to cooperate with you in acting so as not to expose your identity."

"Don't be ignorant of good people and talk nonsense instead!"

"But Xiao Ai is much smarter than you. She noticed that I discovered her identity early on, and she had a showdown with me early on."

"On the contrary, it's you who have been pretending to be smart all the time, thinking that you've disguised yourself well!"

"Many times I almost pointed it out directly, but seeing your complacent appearance, I gave up again. Shinichi, you have to think about your own problems."

Hearing this, Conan was hit and bruised all over again.

Be smart!Complacent!It's almost like a jumping clown.

It's true, I have reminded Uncle Maoli many times that it is possible to find out my identity, but I just can't listen.

I still treat everyone as idiots, it turns out that the most idiotic person here is myself!

Thinking of this, Conan felt like crying again.

Being crushed in terms of IQ is completely torture-like feeling for him!

"Okay, it's been so long since we talked about the past, did Yusaku ask you to tell me something?"

It wasn't until the little devil's face became serious that he couldn't be careless when dealing with the organization. He took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Kogoro Mouri.

"Yes, uncle, my father asked me to give you this USB flash drive, which was confiscated in the largest base in Karasuma, London."

"The most important ones are the two technologies of the Karasuma organization, 'war weapons' and 'genetic repair' technologies."

"After breaking into the organization in London, I encountered many terrorist killers who transformed their bodies into thermal weapons. If Mr. Watson hadn't triggered the base's self-destruct device, it would not be so easy to remove them in one fell swoop."

"These two technologies were downloaded by my father who sneaked into the base and took advantage of the chaos, but they were too dangerous. He didn't dare to hand them over to the Eagle Country CIA, so he entrusted me to hand them over to you."

Mori Kogoro took the USB flash drive with a calm face.

These two techniques have been seen for a long time. Last time, Gin had seen Gatlin's arm inlaid, so it was nothing.

As for the 'genetic restoration', Rena Mizumu also said that the last time Ireland suffered such a serious injury, he was able to perform the mission alive and kicking within three days after returning home. He must have used this so-called genetic restoration agent.

From the perspective of others, this is quite high-tech.

But in the eyes of Mori Kogoro, who owns an aerospace aircraft carrier in the Marvel world, it is too low, and taking out a pulse laser gun casually is enough for them to eat a pot.

Chapter 0205

Immediately afterwards, Conan said with a serious face: "Uncle, I know you are also dealing with the Karasuma organization, and I have been investigating the Karasuma organization. Can you let me join the action?"

Mori Kogoro smiled and refused: "No, you have become a child, what's the use, don't think that you can fight these ruthless killers with the inventions of Dr. A Li, they don't even let children go passed."

"Yusaku entrusted you to me, not for you to die, you are his only thought."

"What you should do now is to go to Didan Primary School honestly and wait for me and Xiao Ai to develop the full version of the antidote."

When Conan heard it, his head turned into a rattle.

"How can I do this? Those guys made me suffer so badly. Besides, uncle, I am very useful. I am a high school student detective."

"Besides, I'm still a child now. Ordinary people won't take any precautions against me. I can help you investigate and save you a lot of effort."

Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing. In that case, Conan's effect is really not as powerful as the thousand paper cranes that came out of the psychic!

"I can really help, uncle, just trust me!"

"Nonsense, this is not a child's play, Shinichi, when you were dealing with Marsala in London, did your father tell you to face the members of the organization head-on?" Conan was dumbfounded for a moment, of course not!

Yusaku Kudo regards his son as his lifeblood, how could he entrust dangerous things to him.

"Your father didn't ask you to really help, how could I put you in danger, and how would I explain to him then?"

"And you said that you have been investigating the Karasuma organization. It has been almost a year since you became a child. Have you found anything?"

Hearing this, Conan was stunned again, he did not find anything.

The full moon event was absent from the beginning, and I couldn't keep up with the rhythm later!

The little ghost head had a look of prayer on his face, and couldn't help but grab Mouri Kogoro's pants: "But uncle, I really want to do something. In the end, this incident was caused by me, if I hadn't been forced Adding poison and shrinking your body will not affect you and your father. Dad, a novelist, has been thinking about it for me, planning for a long time to remove the Karasuma organization in the Yingguo area, and now you are going to deal with the Karasuma members in the Japanese area for me , I don't want to stay out of the matter and be a useless person protected by you, uncle, just let me help!" The few words that the little ghost said were so sincere that even You Xizi was persuaded.

It's a pity that this is purely because I feel too good about myself. Who is doing it for him?

Yusaku planned painstakingly to avenge his eunuch [-] years ago.

And Mori Kogoro dealt with the organization, it can be said that it was for Xiaoai, for Mingmei, for Mary, and for Reina, and it was impossible for this little devil.

But Yukiko couldn't help but said: "Xiao Goro, Shinichi has said so, you can let him help you."

After saying this, Qi Meimou looked over with full eyes.

Yukiko's face must be given, but Mori Kogoro really doesn't need Conan!

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