There are two people in the organization, Rena Mizuna and Chianti.

If it's not enough, use your strength to find Belmode and Bourbon, and these two will definitely obey your orders.

In the residential buildings around Kubado Central Hospital, Yazi has continuously deployed police officers to enter and stand by.

Police vehicles and police vehicles have already been prepared, and the big net has already been pulled up.

There are also dozens of FBI experts that James has transferred from the United States in the hospital.

Although not allied with it, it can also be used as a help.

Even more, I was looking at the overall situation. In this situation, how could I lose!

The only problem now is that Lang Mulu doesn't show his face. As long as he shows his face, all the followers will be urged.

But if Rum doesn't end, Mori Kogoro will sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, letting Shuichi Akai and them fight to the death. How can Shinichi be used in this situation.

But soon Mori Kogoro thought of a solution, and then chuckled: "I really have a task for you!"

Conan's eyes lit up.

"Come here with your ears, I'll tell you..."

"...What, Ms. Mizumu is actually a member of the organization!" Yukiko couldn't help but screamed.

Mori Kogoro immediately covered his small mouth with his big hand: "What organization member, she is an undercover agent. She is an agent of the CIA, and she went undercover to the Karasuma organization to destroy this organization."

Yukiko hurriedly pulled Kogoro Moori's big hand away: "I'll just say, yesterday she asked me to bring you a letter, and you pretended not to know her, and since you came here today, you've had a hot fight with her, I thought you two had a relationship." As for the legs, I didn't expect this to happen!"

"Hey, it's not wrong to have a leg."

Hearing this, You Xizi frowned and couldn't help jumping up.

Immediately, the little hand pinched Kogoro Mori's waist, and began to twist it three times to the left and three times.

And Conan had already adapted to Kogoro Mori's flair, and asked directly, "Uncle, what am I going to do?"

Mori Kogoro continued to speak in a low voice, recounting everything that Reina Mizumu had encountered in the past few days.

"...Xinyi, what I want you to do is to find out who is the undercover agent of the organization in the TV station, and who has been monitoring Reina."

Hearing this, the little devil had a look of excitement on his face.

But Mori Kogoro didn't expect Conan to really find out who.

Rimai TV Station is too big, and there are hundreds of staff members in it, so a whole day's investigation may not be enough.

He just wanted to drag Conan and Heiji to the TV station, and not let them go to Kuwado Central Hospital to cause trouble.

That side is the stage where the curtain rises, and this side is at best a rehearsal hall.

Besides, this TV station is also its own property, and the security personnel listen to their own orders, and only need to order them to go down to protect Conan and Heiji. In addition, the two of them have better brains than ordinary people, so their lives will not be in danger.

As soon as Mori Kogoro finished speaking, the little ghost rushed out excitedly.

Presumably, I went to my good friend Heiji to discuss what to do.

As soon as Conan left, Yukiko's expression changed, and she said worriedly: "Kogoro, is the situation already so urgent?"

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro embraced him with his big hands, felt full of tenderness, and comforted him softly: "Don't worry, everything is under control, there will be no problem this time."

"Trust me, you teach your students well, after tomorrow, nothing will happen."

Hearing this, Yukiko nodded obediently.

Chapter 0206 more and more like Yingli's Lan

In the performance rehearsal room, Conan ran back excitedly and dragged Heiji to the corner.

Heiji squatted down and listened to Conan's words, his face constantly changing.

"...What, looking for an undercover agent, didn't you ask you to go to Uncle Maori to find out the news? What did we say last night!"

Conan frowned slightly: "Although that guy is my father's friend, judging by his appearance, he doesn't seem to trust us very much."

"And uncle knows a lot of clues. As long as we find out the undercover organization in this TV station, uncle will definitely tell us what he found out, and then we won't have to run around like blind men."

Pingji was speechless: "Okay, okay, it's up to you, I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman today, but where do we start the investigation?"

"Entry Time!"

There was a slight light in Conan's eyes, and it was obvious that he had already made up his mind.

"It's impossible that there were moles from the organization in this TV station before Ms. Mizumu joined the job. It must be that after Ms. Mizumu joined the job, the organization felt that there was something wrong with her, so they sent someone to monitor her, so the first thing we are looking for is personnel. Department." After saying this, the two quickly ran out of the rehearsal room to start an investigation.

Seeing the two rushing out again, Yuanzi said speechlessly, "These two guys have such a good relationship."

She glanced at Xiaolan, who was chatting happily with Lianhua, and immediately sighed, and started to think about Mouri Kogoro again.

Oh my, where should I go on my first date with my uncle? How can I behave like a lady?so annoying!

Xiaolan, on the other hand, was smiling at Yanyan, relying on her bright and cheerful smile, she quickly got in touch with Lianhua.

"...So that's what's going on. That secretary is not a good person at first glance. I didn't expect to do such a thing as kidnapping. It's really bad."

Kataoka Lianhua laughed softly: "But he's fine now, he was sent to the police station, and I'm afraid he will spend many years in prison."

"Then Lianhua, you didn't go to the Yidong Troupe to perform as the heroine last night, oh, look at my memory, my father said that I went to have dinner with you, are you with my father?"

Lianhua nodded: "After all, Mr. Mao Li saved me twice, so I should entertain him with my father!"

Xiao Lan also laughed lightly, pretending to be calm and breezy, but in reality she was just trying to see her.

"So when I called last night, my dad was with you too, but I heard a girl's voice inside!" Lianhua replied subconsciously: "It's your phone, I thought it was Who will check the post!"

But as soon as he said this, Lianhua realized something was wrong in an instant, and as expected, Xiaolan's smile froze.

It was just a phone call last night, and it was almost twelve o'clock when I was riding on the bay window and looking at the rainbow.

At that time, I seemed to have made some noises, and Kogoro covered my little mouth!

Xiaolan's eyes narrowed immediately, a cold light shot out, and she spoke with a half-smile.

"Lianhua, you are so generous, you have entertained my father to such an extent."

Being caught out so easily, Lianhua wanted to die already!

Seeing Xiaolan's aura soaring, Lianhua immediately lowered her head guiltyly.

She didn't know what to say, and subconsciously replied: "It should, it should."

Hearing this, Xiaolan almost burst into flames.

It should be, then I really want to thank you!

Only then did Lianhua realize what nonsense she said again, and quickly changed her words: "It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be, oh, Xiaolan, don't get me wrong, we didn't know what happened last night, it just happened out of nowhere, you, Don't tell your mother!"

Seeing Lianhua with a frightened face and looking exactly like herself, Xiaolan couldn't bear to blame her anymore.

It's definitely not the girl's fault, it's all caused by this horny dad!

Fortunately, the two women were talking in whispers, very softly, so Yoko Reina and others didn't hear them.

"What are you talking about, so happy?" Mori Kogoro and Yukiko came back together.And Xiaolan's murderous gaze stared at Kogoro Mouri.

happy?Where did you see that we were chatting happily!

Seeing Xiaolan's appearance, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat.

Why is this girl's aura becoming more and more like Yingli, it's not easy to mess with, it's not easy to mess with!

Anyway, there are important things to do now, and it is not convenient to educate Xiaolan, so let's avoid the edge for now.

Kogoro Mouri said, "Lianhua, you are here to learn acting from Yuxizi. I have a very important case, and I need to deal with it first."

The expressions of Lianhua and Yoko suddenly became bitter: Kogoro is leaving, not happy!

"Xiaolan, Youxizi, you have to take good care of Lianhua and don't bully her."

Both women heard the hidden meaning, You Xizi smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry!"

Xiaolan smiled, with a dangerous gleam in her eyes: "Don't worry, Dad, I will definitely 'entertain' Lianhua well!"

This sounds very worrying!

On the other hand, Lianna stood up after hearing the words: "Xiao Wulang, the TV station is so big, let me see you off."

Mori Kogoro nodded, and finally told Yukiko: "If Conan and the others make any progress, tell them to call me." After that, he and Reina turned and walked out the door.

The two came to the corridor, and because they were worried that their relationship might be exposed, they walked a long way apart.

When she came to a corner where there was no one and no surveillance, Reina couldn't restrain herself, and directly pressed Kogoro Mori to the wall and kissed her.

His little hands held Kogoro Mori's body tightly, and he was reluctant to let go.

She always has an ominous premonition about today's actions, so she cherishes the time with Kogoro more and more.

This kiss can be said to be very obsessive, and she didn't let go of Mori Kogoro until she couldn't breathe.

Those cat eyes looked at Kogoro with tenderness, as if wanting to engrave it in his heart.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. I've made all the arrangements. Now I'll go to the Cuphu Central Hospital."

"Just go to the appointment, and nothing will happen. There are at least three people from our side in your organization."

Hearing this, Liannai's eyes trembled, and she was full of surprise again.

She knew Chianti before, but now it suddenly became three, and she couldn't help being amazed by Kogoro Mori's methods.Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly, and handed a Colt pistol to Reina.

"In case of any accident, shooting with this pistol can't kill people, but the plasma bullet inside can create the illusion of death."

Hearing this, Liannai nodded, then leaned her head over, and said softly: "Xiao Wulang, I love you!"

"I love you too, shit, how come it's like parting from life and death."

Saying this, his big hand directly patted Liannai's buttocks: "When today's matter is over, let's see how I deal with you!" Liannai laughed stupidly: "I'll wait for you!"

Chapter 0207

Kubado Central Hospital is also a stronghold of the FBI. The monitoring room is also guarded by FBI personnel, and there are security personnel disguised as special agents at each exit.

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