After the members of the organization captured by the police were silenced last time, James dispatched many experts from the United States to guard the hospital, and the security was even tighter.

Westland was transferred to the general ward on the third floor, and the entire floor was occupied by these American agents.

But even if the security is tight, Kogoro Mori will not be troubled.

At this moment, he was wearing a mask, gold-rimmed glasses, a white coat, and gloves on his hands, coming out of the operating room, wandering in the corridor on the third floor like a stroll.

He disguised himself as a doctor in the hospital, and sneaked into the third floor without anyone noticing.

Just now, he played a cameo role as the attending physician and went to the operating table to help patients with surgery.

He would naturally do the surgery, but it was too time-consuming, so he just pretended and performed a rejuvenation technique.

After the anesthesia, the patient was alive and kicking, and the nurses in the operating room were all amazed.

Yi Rongcheng, the surgeon, has a purpose.

Belmode accepted Rum's order, disguised herself as a nurse in the surgery, called Masako Shimizu, and also sneaked into the Central Hospital

This girl doesn't stop, she is her own woman, and she doesn't report to herself when she does things, so she needs to be trained severely.So what's the use of being heavily guarded, and what's the use of having more agents, no one should get in.

Mori Kogoro was dragged into the operating room as soon as he arrived, and Belmode hasn't been seen yet.

At this time, the familiar footsteps of high heels came over!

Kogoro Mori saw Judy in a gray trench coat, and she seemed to be the only one.He hurriedly said hello: "Judy!"

Hearing an unfamiliar voice calling her, Judy couldn't help but stop, and looked over suspiciously, and saw a tall male doctor wearing a mask beckoning for herself to go over.

Frowning slightly, Judy also leaned over, but the little hand in her pocket couldn't help but clenched the gun tightly, ready to explode and subdue him at any time.After approaching, Mori Kogoro did not use the voice change technique, and returned to his original voice: "It's me!"

Changing to a familiar voice, Judy looked surprised: "Xiao Wulang?"

"Yes, go inside and talk."

After saying this, he pulled Judy into the surgery room and closed the door.

There was no one in the consulting room. For some reason today, there were too many car accidents, and the surgeons were all crazy, running around in the operating room and the medical room.Seeing that Mori Kogoro took off his mask, revealing his iconic beard, and taking off his reflective glasses, Judy recognized it as Kogoro.She couldn't help picking up her glasses: "What kind of glasses are these? I can't even recognize you when I put them on."

"It is made of refractive material, which can distort the light. After using it, the shape of the eyes and the size of the pupils will change, which can be used as a good camouflage."

Judy couldn't help but plucked Mori Kogoro's hair again with her little hand: "Even your hairstyle has changed, why are you pretending to be like this?"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "I just beat Akai Hideichi, it's not good to be recognized by him."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro sat on the office chair with his plump Judy in his arms.

Judy sat on his lap, hugging his neck with a light smile: "So you did it, I saw his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and I thought he had encountered some difficult enemy!"

"Xiao Goro, you can't be so stingy. Although I'm his ex-girlfriend, it happened many years ago. Don't hit anyone because of me." Qi Suzhi gently stroked Mao Li Xiaogoro's beard, and whispered softly to persuade.

Mori Kogoro laughed dryly, but didn't explain too much.

You can't tell Judy that you got into a fight with Xiuyi's mother, right? If Judy misunderstood, just misunderstand!

"Okay, okay, as long as he doesn't mess with me, I won't beat him up."

Mori Kogoro caressed Judy's beautiful legs with his big hand, pecked her little face lightly, and assured Judy.

Then he couldn't help asking: "What are you doing in such a hurry just now?"

Judy frowned: "The nurse at the front desk called just now, saying that there was a lame guy asking around and asking if there were any German patients on the third floor."

"I suspect that someone in the organization has found out that Westland is here. If it is true, then we will be transferred to another hospital."

"I just asked the nurse. The nurse said that the man kept his head down, and she didn't see it clearly. I went to the patient center on the first floor to check the information and see who the lame patients are. I will send someone to investigate one by one later."

"Hey, here's the information."

Saying this, Judy took out a list from her arms, which was the list of all the lame patients in the hospital, a total of more than [-] people.

Mori Kogoro saw the name of Kusuda Rikumichi in it at a glance.

"Simple, this is easy to find out."

Hearing this, Judy's blue eyes lit up, her proud chest pressed up, and she said coquettishly, "Xiao Wulang, then tell me quickly!"

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "I can tell you, is there any reward?"

Before the words fell, Judy's red lips were printed. Mua! Mua! Mua! Mua!

She kissed Kogoro Mori all over his face, and then kissed his lips.

After a passionate kiss, Mori Kogoro remained indifferent.

Judy patted his chest unhappily: "Xiao Wulang, this is a very urgent matter, please tell me quickly."

"Don't stop helping me because our people clashed with yours last time, and I didn't command it."

Mori Kogoro walked slowly with his big hands: "I didn't care about what happened last time at all, but this is just a spy, and he asked so bluntly, it means that he didn't find anything, otherwise he wouldn't startle the snake like this. "

"On the contrary, if your FBI starts to investigate, it will make the other party confirm that Westland is here."

"So there is plenty of time now, and the most important point is that this reward is not enough!"

Indeed, there is still plenty of time, as evidenced by the text message to Mizurunai.

The real action should start after three o'clock in the afternoon, and what Kusuda Rikudo and Belmode are doing now should be just preparatory work.

Hearing his well-founded words, Judy was also persuaded, and she rolled her eyes at Mori Kogoro angrily.

But I have to say, Mori Kogoro looks very handsome in this white coat, and his masculine temperament is beyond the list.

Judy got up straight away, tugging at the hem of her skirt with her small hands: "Go, go to the hospital bed inside, and I will give you a good reward."

After that, she licked her lips, her eyes full of provocative colors.

Sure enough, the big girl from the United States is straight and unrestrained. After being developed, she changed her shyness, but she is very wild.

Chapter 0208 damn, this woman is so cheap!

Holding a gift box in his hand, Belmord, disguised as a hospital nurse, walked slowly, but glanced at those FBI agents disguised as security guards from time to time.

She was silently recording the time for these agents to switch defenses, but soon, a man with a bruised nose and a swollen face appeared in front of him, it was Akai Shuichi.

Afraid of being recognized by him, Belmode turned around and went back to the surgery room: Strange, it looks like this guy has been beaten up!

As soon as he entered the consulting room, Belmode heard a strange sound.

"Oh! Xuete! Kamo..."

Sentences of cursing in English came from behind the curtain.

The corner of Belmode's mouth twitched, he didn't expect the hospital system to be so chaotic.

But she didn't want to bother too much, she leaned against the door and listened, and continued to investigate after Akai Shuichi's footsteps passed.

But very soon, Belmode noticed the abnormality, the female voice seemed very familiar.

A figure of a person appeared in her mind instantly, and she couldn't help sneaking forward, and secretly lifted the curtain to take a peek.

The blond American girl, it really is her, Judy!

Damn, I didn't expect this woman to be so cheap that she messed with the doctor in the hospital and gave Kogoro a cuckold.

Really, how could Kogoro fall in love with this kind of woman!

Belmord's eyes were filled with contempt immediately, but he was complaining for his own man in his heart.

But at this time, Judy obviously noticed someone peeping on the hospital bed, and couldn't help but exclaimed, then lifted the thin quilt to cover herself.There was immediate chaos inside the curtain!

Seeing that the good thing was ruined, Belmode didn't have the mood to continue watching, put down the curtain, and returned to the door with his arms folded.

Through the small glass window on the door, she saw Akai Shuichi stopping at the vending machine outside, and she didn't want to leave.

As soon as Hideo Akai stayed outside, Belmode was also trapped here.

Soon, the curtain was lifted, and Judy and Mori Kogoro appeared after finishing their clothes.

Mori Kogoro was wearing a mask, glasses, and a different hairstyle. At a glance, Belmore didn't recognize him at all.

Judy was still hastily putting on her high heels, without even putting on the fishnet stockings. Under the windbreaker was a pair of snow-white thighs, her little face was full of panic.But even though she was extremely panicked, Judy didn't forget the list she was about to ask just now.

She didn't dare to reveal her identity when there was an outsider, so she asked softly, "That, doctor!"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Go back and look at the medicine list I gave you, it has already been marked."

After hearing this, Judy stuffed the list of suspects into her arms.

Then he lowered his head to cover his face, stepped on high heels and quickly walked past Belmode's side, and opened the door directly to go out.

It's so embarrassing, so embarrassing!

Kogoro Mori only thought it was funny when he saw this scene. The enemy Judy thought was right in front of him, but unfortunately he met but didn't know each other, tsk tsk!Akai Shuichi outside the door saw Judy coming out of the surgery room, so he couldn't help asking, "Why did you come out here?"

I have to say that women are naturally good at acting. Judy's expression returned to normal in an instant, and she casually said: "Just ask the doctor how to deal with some injuries, so be prepared!"

Akai, let's go back to the meeting room first. I have some discoveries and I want to tell you and James.

Akai Shuichi waved his hands, and said, "You go first, I'll smoke a few cigarettes before going over."

Saying this, Akai Hideichi lit his cigarette again, leaned against the vending machine and began to puff.

His eyes were flickering, but he still looked disappointed. He thought about his mother and third sister again.

Judy felt that Xiuyi in this state was very strange, and she looked depressed, but she didn't pay much attention to it, and turned around and walked quickly to the temporary meeting room

One of the names in that list was heavily scratched with a fingernail, and it was Kusuda Rikudo's name.

This is the information she has worked so hard to get. She has to report it to James first, and then discuss what to do.

After Judy left, Akai Shuichi was still guarding outside like a door god, which made Belmore annoyed.

At this time, a male voice came from behind. It was the voice of a master-level voice-changing technique, and Belmord naturally couldn't recognize it.

"Masako, don't misunderstand what happened just now. The patient said she had a backache and asked me to massage her. I used the secret massage method handed down in my family. Nothing happened to me. Don't go there. Talk nonsense to people outside!"

Hearing this, Belmore couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This could still be called a misunderstanding, this doctor is too shameless!

But after all, she remembered her identity, she was the youngest nurse in the consulting room, so she also used the voice change technique, and said in a warm voice: "Doctor Sawaguchi, don't worry, I will definitely keep the secret and will not tell outsiders of."

Belmord, who said this, didn't look back at all, it was completely perfunctory with words.

She just waited for Akai Xiu outside to leave as soon as she left, Belmode also felt very uncomfortable staying in this consultation room.

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