Hearing this, James in the main seat also nodded in agreement.

After all, Judy wasn't very sophisticated, and was confused by the combination of Shuichi Akai and Andre Kamel.

In fact, if there were only spies in this situation, and the arrest and transfer of Westland were carried out at the same time, the organization would definitely not be able to react.

The crisis can also be resolved, and one more member of the organization can be arrested.

But Belmode has come in, obviously Rum has noticed that Westland is here, so it is not a spy stage.

In this case, it would be much safer to follow Shuichi Akai's plan not to transfer, but to implement his established plan.

James said directly: "Arrange a few good people to monitor Nantian Ludao, and then we can discuss how to mislead him into thinking that Westland is not here."

Seeing that James spoke like this, Judy had no other opinions, so she could only discuss it.

Chapter 0211 I'm going to kill you

Inside the curtain of the consulting room, the place where Judy was originally was replaced by Belmode. This is a big ocean horse!

The blond ocean horse with fishnet stockings just now has become a silver-haired ocean horse wrapped in white silk, tsk tsk!

Belmore's little face was flushed, and he frowned, and couldn't help but said: "Xiao Wulang, I still have to go to perform the task!"

Mori Kogoro clung to his white silk thigh with a chuckle, without hesitation, and there were red marks underneath.

"At this time, I'm still thinking about the mission. If you meet me, the mission will be considered a failure. Just accept your fate obediently."

"The bomb exploded in the main control room, and the lives of critically ill patients in the hospital were in danger. I just dropped the bomb inside. It's useless for you to put it in the main control room now."

"When did you dismantle it?"

Belmode turned sideways in disbelief, seeing the scattered gift boxes on the table next to him, his face turned dark.

She hadn't noticed Kogoro's other movements at all just now.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and pecked her: "Just when you called me master."

"I didn't expect you to remember the last time when you disguised yourself as Gangben Azusa. It seems that next time I have to prepare handcuffs and anklets and a dog leash for you!"

Hearing this, his little face turned red instantly, and he couldn't help retorting: "Daba, don't even think about it, and when will I call you master, don't swear."

This woman is also very smooth when playing tricks, she doesn't even admit it!

Kogoro Mori wanted to say more, but he heard the sound of keys being opened outside the door.

He immediately pressed Belmore down on the hospital bed, covered his mouth, and prevented him from making a sound.

Belmode was also extremely flustered, her blue eyes were turning wildly, she was her original face now, so she couldn't be exposed!

Fortunately, the person who came was not from the FBI or the organization, but simply the medical staff of this hospital.

The group of guys were so tired that they sat listlessly on the office chairs and rested.

The high-intensity operation in the morning exhausted the medical staff.

"Hey, strange, who spilled water on my table"

"That's right, my chair is also wet. Could it be that someone has invaded the consultation room?"

"Don't worry, who will steal your doctor's things."

Someone else complained in a low voice: "I really don't know where Dr. Sawaguchi has gone. He has not been seen all morning. As a result, I have performed three operations on him. When he comes back, he must be killed."

"Yeah, Masako didn't come to work either, did any of you see her?"

"Could it be that the two of them ran off to fall in love? If the dean finds out, they will be expelled..."

Hearing the group of doctors chatting outside, he didn't think about opening the curtain at all.

Mori Kogoro smirked again, let go of Belmode's small mouth with his big hand, and became presumptuous.

Sensing the abnormal movement on his body, Belmode's green eyes widened. This guy, how dare he do this at this time?

He covered his mouth with his little hand, as if afraid of being overheard by the doctors and nurses outside.

In this situation, Belmore really didn't want to expose it, so he could only endure the mischievous Mouri Kogoro and let him bully him.

Soon, a little nurse ran in and started yelling.

"It's not good. There were fires, gas incidents, serial car accidents, and food poisoning in the nearby commercial circle. Now the first floor and the bottom are full of patients. The dean asked everyone to come out to save people."

Hearing this news, the group of doctors and nurses who had just sat down to rest began to scold their mothers one by one.

However, they were still very professional. They quickly got up, put on gloves, put on white coats, and rushed downstairs to save people.

It didn't take long for the consultation room, which was bustling just now, to return to calm, and the outside became empty again.

And Belmord struggled hard in the curtain, and finally broke free of Mori Kogoro.

His green eyes glared at Mori Kogoro, quite dissatisfied with him just taking advantage of the fire, so he hurriedly tidied up his clothes.Mori Kogoro was thinking, these incidents were obviously caused by Rum, and he wanted to fish in troubled waters.

But in this way, the plot will be all messed up!

Before Kusuda Rikudo had an accident, Rum sent people to invade Kudo Central Hospital. It seems that this incident will become more interesting.

Kogoro Mori, who was watching the movie, has no psychological burden at all. Even if something happens, the FBI can just step up.

All he wanted to do was to protect Judy and Belmode in the chaos.

Kogoro Mori, who came back to his senses, saw Belmode distressed with the disguise mask, so he took the initiative to step forward: "Okay, let me pretend for you."

Saying this, he first tidied up Belmode's silver hair, curled it up and put on the mask.

Seeing that Belmode still had a skeptical expression, he said a few more words: "Believe in my skills, my disguise technique is no worse than yours."

"Can you tell me how you see through my disguise?"

Every time after changing his appearance, he feels that he is flawless, but every time he meets this enemy, he sees through him at a glance.

This is the skill that Belmore is most proud of, but he has been hit hard and has suffered many times because of it, so he is naturally very upset.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the psychic thousand paper cranes standing on his body, and said with a light smile: "Others say you are a witch with a thousand faces, but unfortunately you only have one face in front of me."

"This feeling has no reason. I think you are Belmode. As a result, I don't know why."

"Perhaps, you are destined to be eaten by me!"

Belmode couldn't help giving him a blank look, but he didn't believe his words at all.

It must be the taste of the ingredients!

She has already made up her mind to replace all the raw materials with similar raw materials when she goes back, and then make the disguise mask.

I don't believe that I can't fool this guy, and when I have fooled this guy, I can tease him well.

"Okay, don't reveal your identity today when Yi Rongcheng Masako Shimizu, the hospital is going to be in chaos later, you go directly from the underground parking lot."

"There is a bulletproof car I prepared in the underground parking lot. Take the key and leave first. Rum has other instructions. The hospital is not safe now."

Seeing that Mori Kogoro was already prepared and handed him the car keys, Belmore's mouth twitched into a half-smile smile again.

"Oh, you care about me so much, are you afraid that I will be caught by the FBI and confess something related to you? Or are you afraid that your agent Judy will turn against you?"

Seeing that the woman was still interested in teasing him, Kogoro Mori slapped her buttocks hard with his big hand.

Belmode frowned immediately, and gasped.

"Don't make trouble, the person you have to guard against today is not only the FBI, but also another difficult guy."

Chapter 0212 fat beat this disobedient girl

Speaking of this, Mori Kogoro had a playful smile on his lips, and his eyes were full of mischief.

Belmode stepped on the chair with her beautiful legs and rearranged the white stockings on her legs, not shying away from Mori Kogoro.

This scene is really attractive!

She couldn't help but turn her head to ask: "Who else should I guard against besides the FBI, it won't be your two brats, right?"

"I can tell you, if Shirley is really against me, I won't show mercy."

"you dare!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro pressed Belmord on his lap, and beat up the disobedient girl again.Bursting with pain, Belmode frowned and begged for mercy, and his unusually plump body immediately turned into tender fingers. "Okay, dare not, dare not, she is really against me and I will let her go, that's all right, my master." Speaking of this, Belmore straightened up, and lightly pecked Kogoro Mouri's lips a mouthful.

But Mori Kogoro took the opportunity to get into the pocket of his nurse's skirt and put something in it.

Immediately afterwards, Belmode picked up the makeup mirror to touch up the makeup on the disguise mask, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the disguise, he said goodbye. "I've been gone for so long, if I don't go back, Rum should be suspicious, Kogoro, I'm leaving first!"

Saying this, she blew a kiss to Kogoro Mori, then put on a mask, turned around and left the consultation room gracefully.

But as soon as he went out, Belmode couldn't help leaning against the wall to take a breath, rubbing his own buttocks with his little hands.

Really, it hurts, Kogoro is so cruel!It's always like this, it's disgusting!

Belmore had to slow down for a while, and while there was no one around, he leaned on the wall and went downstairs.

She still listened to Kogoro Mori's words, so she planned to take the elevator to the underground parking lot and drive away first, and then wait for Rum's instructions.For what happened next, Belmode also had some ominous premonitions.

In the FBI's conference operations hall, all agents received the message.

The downstairs of the Cupido Central Hospital has been overwhelmed by patients, and it is very chaotic.

The big Andre Kamel couldn't help but said: "How could it be such a coincidence, four vicious incidents just happened around, and they were all large-scale injuries."

Akai Shuyi clasped his hands together, and said with a gloomy face: "This kind of method must have been organized. In other words, the position of Westland has been exposed. This is really the worst situation."

Judy slapped the table and stood up, with an angry look on her face: "There is a ghost among us, otherwise how could it be leaked, and it's okay to live for so long, but it's just today."

Hearing this, all the detectives in the meeting room couldn't help but look at each other, and looked suspiciously at the left and right detectives.

James stood up as a good guy: "Judy, don't be so assertive, this kind of talk will demoralize, I think it is most likely because you investigated Kusuda Ludao and found out about Westland, which attracted people in the organization of."

Judy became even more angry: "I said just now that Nantian Ludao should be controlled first. What did you say? Now that this situation has happened, what do you think should be done?"

James was about to speak when there was a knock on the door.

An FBI agent rushed in with a pot of pansies.

"Sir, someone at the front desk brought this potted flower over just now, and asked to give it to you by name."

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