James frowned, and couldn't help asking, "Who sent it?"

"Anonymous delivery!"

James was about to take the delivery, but Hideo Akai stopped him half way.

"The flower language of the pansy must be obtained. This is their challenge to us. Sir, it seems that your identity has been exposed." After saying this, he uprooted the flower without hesitation, and put the flower pot Take out the soil one by one.

Not long after, a small bomb appeared in his hands.

The faces of everyone present couldn't help but change drastically, and James even shouted at the detective who brought in the flowers: "Didn't you check it beforehand?"

"I'm sorry, I was negligent." Hearing this, James' face darkened immediately.

But after all, it is a temporary helper, and it is normal for the quality to vary.

It's just that the bomb pot really angered him, and he said with a dark face: "It seems that this organization is very arrogant. It gave me such a big gift as soon as it came here. How embarrassed it is not to pay back."

"Judy, lead the team to capture Ludao Kusuda, this time I will interrogate myself."

"Kamel, your driving skills are very good, and you are familiar with the surrounding road conditions. This bomb is handed over to you. You can find an unmanned place to deal with it."

"Xiuyi, contact the people in the office to prepare the car, we have to transfer Westland immediately."

Xiuyi obviously had objections and was about to raise them.

But James, who was furious, made a decision directly: "That's it, everyone takes action, and I want to see the result immediately."


Everyone agreed with one voice, and then they filed out to start their own actions.

Groups of detectives in suits ran out from the third floor, some followed Judy upstairs to make arrests, some followed Kamel to plant bombs, even Shuichi Akai also left.

For a moment, the defense on the third floor suddenly became very empty.

As for Akai Shuichi, who had just gone downstairs, he rushed towards the parking lot after a little thought.

He frowned slightly, but couldn't help but make a phone call.

At the same time, Conan, who was running around looking for an undercover agent in Nikmai TV, received the call and stopped immediately.

He picked up the phone, and his expression immediately became serious.

The two met because of Yusaku Kudo's bridge.

Akai Shuichi couldn't trust Conan at first, but Yusaku Kudo had introduced Conan's true identity.

In addition, last night Conan and Hattori Heiji came to Kubado Central Hospital once, and gave an astonishing and feasible suggestion, which made Akai Shuichi change his mind.

After listening to the call, Conan immediately put down the task assigned by Mori Kogoro, quickly called his good friend Hattori Heiji, and rushed to Kubado Central Hospital by car.

Kogoro Mori's calculation to isolate him from this incident naturally came to naught.

After Akai Shuichi came to the underground parking lot, he got into his Chevrolet car and began to wait.

If he was right, Judy's trip should be in vain.

At this moment, a ghost-like figure appeared in the corridor on the third floor, wearing a nurse's uniform and a mask, like a nurse, but it was not.

One look at the thick leg hair under the white nurse's skirt, and you can tell that this is a man pretending to be. This disguise is really crude.

The male nurse's dark eyes flickered with a frightening light, and he slowly headed towards room 305 where Westline was lying.

Chapter 0213 Goodbye Tyrannosaurus Rex

The male nurse approached room 305 with a cart, and the detectives guarding the door immediately became vigilant upon seeing this.

There is no way not to be vigilant!

This kind of camouflage is like a joke, and there is a problem at first glance.

The FBI agent pressed his hand on the pistol behind him, and immediately shouted: "What are you doing, who sent you here?"

The male nurse didn't answer, and the FBI agent drew his gun and threatened, "Hold me up!"

The male nurse obediently raised his hands, which were still turning over, indicating that there was nothing in his hands.

Immediately afterwards, the male nurse said: "People often only see what they want to pay attention to, and don't pay attention to what is around them, so sometimes, killing people is as simple as that."

Before the words finished, two silver threads appeared on the detective's neck.

I saw the male nurse put his palms together and pulled it suddenly.

After a distance of three to five meters, the tall detective's neck was strangled, his head couldn't stop falling back, and his neck was directly strangled with blood

The detective's eyes widened in horror, and he wanted to raise his gun to kill the male nurse, but when he saw one of them in front of him, he kicked the pistol away.Then the male nurse came behind the detective and strangled him against his back.

Fierce struggles continued to appear, but unfortunately it still had no effect.

Not long after, the detective who was strangled by the neck stretched his hands and feet, his eyes protruded, and he couldn't die anymore!

The male nurse slowly lowered the dead body on his back, retracted the silver thread, and hid the body in the cart.

This guy still had time to tidy up the nurse's skirt and cap on his body, and felt that everything was in order, so he opened the door and entered the 305 ward.

There were no other detectives in the room watching, and the one who caught his eyes was Westline lying on the hospital bed!

"Tsk tsk, I haven't woken up yet. It seems that this operation went well!"

"Patient, are you awake? I'm going to give you an injection, and you're about to take off your pants!"

But Wiselian on the bed didn't react at all, and was still unconscious.

The nervous Wiseline changed his rhetoric: "Whiteline, don't pretend, get up quickly, Rum asked me to rescue you." But Wiseline still didn't respond at all.

Saying this, his hands were still pulling out the silver thread, continuously connecting the railings of the hospital bed where Wiselian was lying on, interweaving it into a big net, overriding Shen Bing's Wiselian.

Seeing that there was still no response, the male nurse felt so bored as if discouraged.

His big hand couldn't help poking the corpse-like Weslin on the bed.

"I'm not going to hide it from you. I'm here to kill you. Just pull me and you'll be cut into pieces. Why don't you stand up and resist?"

"It's boring, it's boring, I thought I could see the regretful expression of being abandoned."

"Dying in a coma is really cheap for you."

After saying this, the male nurse was ready to pull the silk thread in her hand.

At this moment, a male voice came out from behind him.

"I advise you better not to do that, Nurse Robert!"

The male nurse wearing a mask immediately had a look of horror in his eyes, and immediately turned around, and saw a doctor in a white coat standing behind him.

He instantly felt creepy, there was no one in the ward just now, where did this guy come from.


And, how did he know the name?

"Wow, wow, wow, this is interesting. Who are you? Are you the FBI who wants to protect her? Haha!" Robert, pretending to be calm, shook his body frivolously, with a look of contempt for the man in front of him. Meaning, he covered his stomach and laughed while talking.

On the other side, Kogoro Mori, who was well disguised, said, "You can call me a doctor, Mr. Magician!"

This guy is Robert Angell, the fanatical magician who performed the drowning trick at Judy's Magic Troupe farewell show;

That is, the helper invited by Rum, a top killer, code-named magician, who is good at killing people with silk threads;

He is also a member of the force that Irene told him has been operating in Europe for a long time, and Fujiko Mine wants to deal with it.

Mori Kogoro had been waiting here for a long time, and knocked Westland unconscious, so Westland couldn't wake up no matter what.

"But you are a nurse now, so I will take care of you naturally. Listen to my orders, make fists with both hands, and step back slowly, otherwise you will be miserable."

A fierce look flashed in Robert's eyes, and he clasped his hands together again, and two silver threads rushed towards him, about to strangle Mori Kogoro.Kogoro Mori looked for an angle, tilted his head slightly, and avoided the strangulation of the two silk threads.

"Extended from the flying card magic, it's a very good killing technique, but it's too childish."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro approached directly, and hit Robert's abdomen with a fist, knocking him into the air.

Robert fell heavily onto the chair next to him, smashing the chair. He felt so uncomfortable that he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of sour water.

But even at this time, he did not forget the task, so he pulled the silver thread tied to the finger key heavily.

"Let's see who can save her!"

There was a 'squeak' sound from the whole hospital bed, the iron rods on the front and back of the bed were directly strangled, and the silk thread strangled towards Weslian.At this moment, Mori Kogoro made another move.

The big hand directly grabbed all the silk threads, and pulled them back abruptly.

Robert's eyes widened in an instant. This is a secret alloy material. It is easy to cut iron like mud, but now he can't even cut off a hand, and he can't even draw a white seal. How is this possible!

Seeing this monster-like inhuman physique, Robert made a decisive decision, threw two throwing knives from his arms, and took the head of Wesleyan lying on the bed.And he himself did not hesitate, and directly rushed out the door.

It's a pity that Kogoro Mori, who blocked the throwing knife, caught up with him before he could take two steps.

A heavy kick directly hit Robert's lower back, kicking him out again.

Mori Kogoro did not disappoint his physique of a humanoid tyrannosaurus, he directly grabbed Robert's ankle, used it as a sandbag, and threw it heavily on the ground several times, directly shaking him into a concussion, which is like dragging a dead dog Generally dragged it away.

The purpose of his coming here is not to help the FBI, nor is it to help Westland, he just wants to capture this guy named 'Magician' that's all.Fujiko was hard to find in European countries, but he has already caught one of the members, and he thinks he can help her a lot.

Chapter 0214 the safest Judy

Mori Kogoro dragged the dead dog-like Doctor Robert towards the elevator. The magician was no longer as personable as before.

His mask was worn off during the drag, and he obviously didn't have the strength to resist, but he was still sneering.

"Hehehe, do you think you can save people like this? Everyone has to die, everyone has to die, no one can be an exception."

"A 'doctor' wearing a mask, someone who hides his head and shows his face, are all the people who claim to be righteous now acting so badly?"

At this time, he still wanted to test the identity of Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro shook his head in disdain, turned it over, stepped on his chest with his big feet, and crushed the bug inside.

Rum's face on the other end of the bug turned gloomy for an instant, and when he took off the earphones that were about to scream, he took out the phone with gloomy eyes, and began to issue instructions again.

Looking at the great magician who looked like a dead dog, Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Did anyone tell you that the neuroticism deliberately imitated will only make people feel ridiculous, not scary."

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