"You are just a good magician. You are far from being a good criminal. Just like your ridiculous magic, it is also second-hand. It is not original to other people. It is really boring!"

Hearing this, endless anger appeared in Robert Angel's eyes, and his body couldn't help struggling, as if his scars had been exposed.Mori Kogoro held his ankle again and gave it a hard shake, and he calmed down.

It's just that his honest appearance is a bit miserable, blood is oozing from his nostrils and ears, his face is also bleeding from grinding, and his whole body is in a state of slump.

There were bloodstains on the ground, which looked quite strange.

Mori Kogoro dragged him forward: "The principle of the escape magic you performed after you came to Tokyo is actually very simple. It is to train a substitute who looks like you, and coax him to jump into the water tank to perform."

"You will tell him that the people who bound him in the venue are trustees, but you have replaced all the mechanism chains behind your back, so that unlucky ghost who gave you a substitute was cheated to death by you."

"After the curtain falls, the water tank mechanism will open, pour everything in the water tank into another water tank downstairs, and then refill the water, which is why the stage floor will be wet."

"Then the subordinates in the utility room downstairs will pick up the corpse of your body double, wrap it in a quilt, and transport it to the garbage passage of the hotel and throw it down. The garbage truck below is ready early, and then If you find the body, just leave."

"This is your entire performance process. Unfortunately, even killing people is imitating others. Painting a tiger is not like a dog! I checked the information and found that you are an orphan from the Peter Orphanage in East Germany."

Hearing this, Robert's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart was terrified!

He was sure that all traces of his original identity had been wiped clean, so how could he be found out by this guy.

"Fifteen years ago, two young magicians came out of your orphanage. One was you, and the other was a Jew named Kadem. I heard that you were a racist and hated the Jews the most. Unfortunately, there is no Hitler now. .”

"Cadm rose to fame for the 'Apparition' magic, performed much like yours before, but he died young."

"It's ridiculous to say that you, who hate the Jews, killed Kadim, but didn't force you to find out the pass. You can only seize the leftovers of the Jews as treasures. I think you haven't been able to reproduce Kadm's. That magic trick?"

Provoked again, Robert straightened up angrily, like a dehydrated fish.

"I want you to die, all of you will die, and none of you will fall."

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Roaring is the most useless thing, I still think about how to die easily next, I can guarantee that the next

You will be very unforgettable in the years. "

The words were serious, and Robert felt chills all over his body after hearing this.

"Ho ho ho!" Robert laughed out loud, bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

"Someone will come to save me. You don't know what role you have messed with. Doctor, no matter how good your medical skills are, you can't save yourself." Kogoro Mori pressed the button leading to the rooftop, and the elevator door slowly closed.

"Really, your moody boss who hides his face and shows his face? It's too late to count on him. You'd better enjoy the rest of the time. The days to come won't be on the ground."

In the corridor outside the ward where Ludao Kusuda was located on the fifth floor, the nurses and passers-by were all sent back to their rooms.

Judy and her agents all drew their guns. Outside the door, Judy made a gesture of 'action'.Then a tall detective kicked open the door, and everyone entered with guns.

"FBI, put your head on your hands and get down!"

It's a pity that no one was in the room, but the sound of laughter came from the tape recorder.

Immediately after a flash of red light, Judy reacted immediately and shouted: "Everyone get down!"


The hospital bed immediately exploded. Fortunately, it was a small bomb, not very powerful. Only the detective who rushed to the front was injured.As for Judy, an invisible barrier flashed past her body, and even the broken iron pieces couldn't get close to her body, so she was naturally safe and sound.When her two big white legs were carried on the shoulders by Mori Kogoro just now, it was not in vain.

Seven or eight amulets were pasted on her body, all of which were high-end products drawn by Fusang himself.

She is the safest person in this hospital!

"Damn it, someone must have tipped off the news, it's impossible to run so fast."

At this moment, there was a sharp knock against the railing outside the window.

Judy quickly ran to the window, and saw a white car start up in a panic.

His blue eyes were slightly focused, and he saw Ludao Kusuda in the driver's seat in a patient suit, and subconsciously wanted to raise his gun and shoot.But seeing that the downstairs was full of patients, Judy could only withdraw the pistol secretly.

At this time, a Chevrolet sedan flew out of the underground parking lot, chasing the Nantian Ludao ahead, and galloped away.Only then did Judy breathe a sigh of relief, and she was relieved to hand it over to Akai Shuichi.

At the same time, there was a loud noise from the distant sky, and a cloud of fire exploded in the sky.

It was a small bomb that was handed over to Andre Kamel, and its power was really frightening!

However, the bomb was thrown into the sky and exploded. Apart from making the noise a little louder, it had no other effect.

Judy calmed down a bit, turned around, glanced at her subordinates with cold eyes.

"Leave two people here to watch, and the others will go back with me."

Every action is seen through, and even the arrest of Ludao Kusuta has caused so many troubles, the inner ghost is not eliminated, there is no way to feel at ease!

Chapter 0215

But when Judy led the team back to the third floor, seeing the blood stains left in the corridor, her expression changed drastically.

She immediately rushed to room 305, which was in a mess and there were signs of fighting.

She saw Westin that seemed to be wrapped in silver threads on the hospital bed.

All the FBI rushed forward, and they were relieved to make sure that Westland was not injured or dead.

An agent discovered his companion's body from the cart and couldn't help shouting: "Mr. Judy, Cam is dead!"

Judy turned around, and seeing her comrade died in battle, grief flashed in her eyes.

"It seems that this ward was exposed and attacked, but why didn't anything happen to Westland?"

When she thought of this, Kogoro Mori appeared in her mind. Could it be Kogoro who came to stop him?

Then Judy picked up the walkie-talkie.

At this time, an agent reminded her: "Mr. Judy, all the equipment in the hospital uses radio waves, and walkie-talkies are not allowed."

At this moment, Judy was very domineering: "Everyone is dead, what else can I do?"

After saying this, she pressed the channel button and said, "Leader, Cam is dead, shouldn't you be here?"

James, who was on the other side of the walkie-talkie, looked shocked, but couldn't help asking, "How about Westland?"

"She's fine!"

James heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly explained: "Xiu pushed the task of contacting the base to arrange the car to me, and said that he had something important to chase after people, and many couriers were found downstairs before delivering many bombs. Come on, I'm recovering all bombs right now."

Hearing that the situation was so serious, Judy's expression became extremely ugly.

She commanded the crowd to take Westland out of the large net entwined with silk threads, changed a hospital bed, and moved it to the new 303 ward.James on the first floor was talking on the walkie-talkie while putting the temporarily dismantled bomb in his pocket with a serious expression on his face.

"You wait, I'll go up now."

After saying this, he turned his head and shouted to the detectives who were acting together: "Be sure to disassemble all the couriers for me, and recover all the bombs. I will not allow any bombs present to explode."

The detectives beside him nodded one by one.

On the other side, Chevrolet chased the white car and kept moving forward.

Kusuda Ludao struggled to untie the bandage around his neck, and he was extremely depressed at the moment.

He didn't find anything in this investigation mission, so his identity was exposed.

If there wasn't a text message to remind him to leave, it would have been directly in the hands of this group of FBI.

"Damn FBI, wait until I give you a big gift."

After saying this, the bandage around his neck was still untied, and there were rows of bombs inside, which could be detonated just by pulling the fuse.Kusuda Rikumichi knocked down the window, then reached out and took the string of bombs out of the window, facing the rearview mirror to determine the position of the Chevrolet.At this time, a bullet shot past, directly passing through his wrist.

Kusuda Ludao was frightened, and threw the bomb with a flick, but it happened to be where the Chevrolet was.

However, Akai Shuichi's driving skills are really good, he reversed the steering wheel abruptly, stopped the car, and hit the front of the mountain.


Thirty meters in front of the bomb, it exploded directly, and the gravel splashed, with such power that two floors of the building would be flattened.

Tongues of fire rolled in, gravel and debris smashed the Chevrolet windshield into countless cracks, making it impossible to see the way ahead like snowflakes.

Seeing this, Kusuda Ludao in the white car sneered, and the car accelerated immediately.

But he didn't see that after the flames swept across, a figure walked out of the car with a sniper rifle and put the sniper rifle on the car door. Biu!

An orange sniper bullet shot away, ignoring the distance of three or four hundred meters, and directly penetrated the back seat of Kusuda Rikichi's car, piercing his shoulder blade.

A blood mist sprayed inside the car, and the white car immediately lost its balance, crashed out of the guardrail, and slid down the hillside.

Inside the car, Kusuda Lumichi looked in disbelief, staring at the turbaned man running towards him in the rearview mirror.

"Ho... ho, Chi... Jing Xiuyi, bad luck!"

With the last bit of his strength, he bit the poisonous sac on his teeth, and died within two breaths!

Akai Hideichi slid to the front of the car, and saw Kusuda Rikichi who died in the driver's seat, spitting black blood from his mouth, and couldn't help showing annoyance.

Failure to capture him alive is considered a failure of the operation, and only the living are valuable.

At this time, his mobile phone vibrated slightly. It was James' call.

"Xiuyi, what's the matter, has anyone caught it?"

"No, something happened. I knocked him down and committed suicide by taking poison."

Saying this, Akai Hideichi picked up Kusuda Rikichi's cell phone with a handkerchief on, just in time to see the undeleted text message on the cell phone.

"Identity exposed, run away!"

It was just a few numbers, but Akai Shuichi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Since that's the case, Xiuyi, come back quickly. There's a big commotion in the hospital, and the other party sent a lot of the same gifts as just now." Hearing this, Akai Shuichi knew it was a bomb, and immediately replied: "I Now go back."

After speaking, he hung up the phone and stuffed Kusuda Rikudao's cell phone into his pocket.

Immediately afterwards, he reached out and grabbed the hem of the dead body, and pulled the bleeding body onto his Chevrolet sedan.

After all, there is still some finishing work to be done, otherwise it would be troublesome for this dead body to appear here.

Akai Shuichi, who had been busy for a while, drove the Chevrolet to the fence that was knocked open, raised the sniper rifle in his hand, and aimed another shot at the fuel tank of the white car.


Another explosion sounded, and the white car was already on fire, while the Chevrolet turned around and headed for Cupo Central Hospital.

Belmode, who listened to Mori Kogoro's order to leave the Kubato Central Hospital, drove to an abandoned garage, and then got into a seemingly scrapped RV in the garage.

The inside of this caravan is different, it is extremely dark, one wall is full of display screens, piled up all over, emitting a faint light, the screen is the monitoring of Kuahu Central Hospital.

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