And in front of the display screen, there are three ipads plugged in, and inside are the silhouettes of three people, which are in a remote meeting.

Because of the use of special software, all the videos on the iPad were shadowed, and it was pitch black, with only three silhouettes, and people's faces could not be seen clearly.This can only barely recognize two with long hair and one with short hair.

Belmode also appeared on the ipads of the three people opposite, and her picture was naturally just a black silhouette.

Among them, the short-haired silhouette spoke: "Belmode, why did you come back so late?"

Belmode still had the face of Masako Shimizu, but he adjusted his posture as soon as he sat down, and finally adjusted his buttocks more comfortably. Then he raised his legs, lit a lady's cigarette, and took a puff before calmly Reply.

"I was taken to the operating room to perform an operation on a patient, and I accidentally put him to death, which wasted a little time."

Hearing this, the screen froze for a moment, and was instantly embarrassed for a few seconds.

"Then have you installed the bomb?"

Belmode laughed softly: "Aren't you worried about my work? Rum!"

At this moment, she was quite flustered, but Kogoro Mori asked her to say this, she couldn't do anything, she could only trust her enemy completely!

Chapter 0216

"Lum, you can talk about the whole plan, so there's no need to hide it from me now."

Having said this, Belmode took another puff of the cigarette and exhaled the smoke, looking contented and lazy.

"There is no need to hide it from you, but the action has failed!"

During the teleconference, a long-haired silhouette patted the table, and a gloomy female voice came over.

"Lum, I will pay you the liquidated damages in full, but I have to keep them for us to deal with ourselves."

After saying this, Yu conveniently cut off the video connection.

The ipad turned black in an instant, and after a short while there was a slight electric current and black smoke, and it was directly burned from the inside.

"I'm afraid it's impossible to leave it to you to deal with." Rum said in a low voice.

Another long-haired silhouette spoke: "I said that outsiders are unreliable, and it is true. Do you need me to take action?"

Hearing the female voice, Belmode laughed: "Isn't this Marsala who was driven back? Why, she regained her strength so quickly?"

Naturally, the Witch with Thousand Faces has always been at odds with the women of the organization, especially Marsala, who has a high position and authority, and often bullies Belmond on weekdays.Now that she has suffered such a big loss, and even her old nest has been copied, it is not in Belmode's nature not to take this opportunity to taunt a few words.Marshala was not affected at all, and continued to speak to Rum: "The main force of my subordinates has withdrawn with me, and they can take action at any time if necessary."

"Belmode, I was a little injured in the Eagle Country, but rebuilding it is not difficult. You are alone, so be careful when you are walking in the dark!"

Hearing this, Belmore blew a smoke ring in disdain.

In the organization, as long as the boss doesn't speak, no one can really hurt himself.


When Rum's voice sounded, the two women stopped arguing.

"Belmode, did you meet a guy in the hospital who called himself 'Doctor'?"

Speaking of this, Rum directly sent a video clip, which was the surveillance of the corridor on the third floor of the hospital. Kogoro Mori grabbed the hired killer and threw it to the ground like a sandbag. The picture was very brutal.

Seeing the man in the video, Belmore's green eyes shrank, and he recognized him at a glance.

Nonsense, I just came into contact with it at a negative distance, and of course I can recognize it when I put on clothes.

Fortunately, Belmore destroyed the surveillance outside the consultation room when he disguised himself as Shimizu Masako. Naturally, Rum monitored the scene of her entering the consultation room and staying there for a long time.

"I haven't seen it, who is this?"

"It's the one who sabotaged our plan and captured the killer I invited. He looks physically strong, but it doesn't matter, he will die soon."

Hearing this, Belmore couldn't help but feel his heart tighten, and couldn't help asking: "How did you die?"

Rum then sneered: "Everyone will die today, Marsala, you don't need to take action this time, I will let the boss know who is his real helper."

"Then I'll wait and see." Marsala's voice was as calm as ever.

However, Belmode couldn't help frowning, and was a little worried about Kogoro Mouri.

On the other side, Mori Kogoro on the rooftop threw the knocked out Robert onto the invisible Quinjet fighter, and the phone rang.This is Judy's call, and she asked straight to the point: "Xiao Goro, did you help the one at 305 just now?"

"It's really smart. Just now, a killer, Yi Rongcheng, a nurse, wanted to silence her, but I caught him."

"Xiao Wulang, where are you then? I'll come to you."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "You guys should deal with the turmoil in the hospital first. Those bombs are all real. If they really explode, it will be difficult."

Judy nodded. Standing at the corner, she saw Andre Kamel rushing over, so she quickly put down her phone: "I'll talk to you later!"

Andre Kamel looked at her suspiciously, but didn't ask any more questions, and rushed downstairs with her to dispose of the bomb in the express delivery.

The director of the hospital didn't care about revealing his identity anymore. He obeyed James' instructions and asked all the nurses in the hospital to join in the search for bombs, and the efficiency continued to increase.

As soon as Kogoro Mori hung up the phone with Judy, another call came in, which was from Yazi.

At the moment, Yazi is in the residential apartment directly opposite the Cupido Hospital, holding a telescope to watch the chaos on the opposite side.

Standing behind him are two girls, Xiao Ai and Hui Xiang.

"Xiao Wulang, the police officers I sent found that there was a bomb delivery in the hospital, should we do it now!"

Mori Kogoro replied: "It's not the time yet, if you catch the net too early, you won't be able to catch big fish."

Yazi frowned immediately: "But the situation is too critical now. If it explodes, the consequences will be disastrous. How about I send plainclothes in to evacuate the patients and doctors inside?"

"This doesn't work either. Too much movement will disturb the instigators behind the scenes and detonate the bomb in advance."

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's mind was connected to the thousand paper cranes on Belmode's shoulders, and he was looking at the three ipads in front of him.

He couldn't help feeling that the old guy Rum hid so deeply that he didn't even show his face.

Facing and monitoring Rum like this, everything is under control, and Kogoro Mori is naturally not worried at all.

"Don't worry, Yazi, trust my judgement, besides, I'll let Xiao Ai come over, absolutely nothing will happen."

"Yazi, go and check the couriers who just delivered the bomb. They have the same uniform and belong to the same company."

"The current express delivery is only delivered after inspection. Now that there are so many express delivery problems, I think the company has a big problem."

Hearing this, Yazi immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and gave instructions.

"Group A, Group B, you immediately send plainclothes to track down the courier who just came out of Cuphu Hospital, investigate the origin of this courier company, and mobilize the police from the headquarters to surround the company first."

At this time, Huixiang who was looking around with a telescope exclaimed: "There is a situation!"

She immediately snatched the mobile phone from Yazi's hand, and said to Kogoro Mori, "Kogoro, look in front of the Kabano Central Hospital, there is a man with a bomb strapped all over his body approaching the hospital, take a look."

Mori Kogoro looked down, and his hawk-like eyes instantly caught the figure of the man.

The man was dressed in rags, his long hair hadn't been washed for several months, and he was a homeless man.

His body was still shaking, holding a mobile phone in his hand, trembling all over.

Even though it is summer, it feels like it was fished out of a winter glacier, with fear in its eyes.

"The current express delivery is only delivered after inspection. Now that there are so many express delivery problems, I think the company has a big problem."

Hearing this, Yazi immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and gave instructions.

"Group A, Group B, you immediately send plainclothes to track down the courier who just came out of Cuphu Hospital, investigate the origin of this courier company, and mobilize the police from the headquarters to surround the company first."

At this time, Huixiang who was looking around with a telescope exclaimed: "There is a situation!"

She immediately snatched the mobile phone from Yazi's hand, and said to Kogoro Mori, "Kogoro, look in front of the Kabano Central Hospital, there is a man with a bomb strapped all over his body approaching the hospital, take a look."

Mori Kogoro looked down, and his hawk-like eyes instantly caught the figure of the man.

The man was dressed in rags, his long hair hadn't been washed for several months, and he was a homeless man.

His body was still shaking, holding a mobile phone in his hand, trembling all over.

Even though it is summer, it feels like it was fished out of a winter glacier, with fear in its eyes.

As soon as the sound image came out, the anxious patients in the hospital were all attracted, and they all looked at the screen indignantly.

"...Don't blame me, it's not my intention, I can only blame you for being unlucky and appearing near this hospital."

Hearing these proud words, those patients who were burnt by the explosion, hit by the car accident, and the patients who were poisoned and vomited and diarrhea became more and more angry. "Get out, you little man who hides his head and shows his face."

"Why do you do this, my mother is still in the ICU!"

"Medical expenses, you must compensate us for the loss."

Others found the homeless man reading from the script outside the hospital, and rushed forward angrily, intending to subdue him.

Seeing this, the homeless man screamed and backed away: "Don't come here, don't come here, I have a bomb on me, you will all die when you come here." I didn't do it, I was forced, I just followed the phone Just read the words. "

His emotional agitation did not seem to be fake, and the people around him also backed away in horror when they saw the rows of bombs under his tattered clothes.

At this moment, a sniper bullet shot from a building five hundred meters away, and directly blasted the homeless man's left palm.Blood mist erupted, and five fingers collapsed.

He immediately lay on the ground in pain and turned over and howled, his severed hand dripping with blood.

Presumably this is his punishment for leaking other information!

This scene instantly scared all the patients and their families in front of the screen.

Mori Kogoro's eyes were slightly fixed, looking in the direction of the bullet.

There happened to be the sun in that direction, which was facing the light, and it was extremely dazzling!

But Mori Kogoro's eyesight is different from that of ordinary people, and he still saw Chianti on the top of the residential building, and the phoenix butterfly in his left eye was waving its wings.It is unusual for Chianti to appear here. She is Kogoro Mori's undercover agent, but she did not send any information before the operation.

Of course Kogoro Mori does not believe that anyone can instigate the brainwashed Chianti again. The only possibility is that all her communication tools are taken away by Rum.

The homeless man howled on the ground for a long time, but there seemed to be a sound coming from the earphones he was wearing under his long hair, and he struggled to his feet with a look of fear on his face.His face was pale, and regardless of his bleeding right hand, he tried to pick up the phone and continued to read.

"Just a little joke, of course it's not because you are unlucky."

"Actually, what I want to deal with is the people in the hospital. You just suffered an innocent disaster."

Hearing this is even more annoying!

"Don't think that the people in this hospital are purely medical staff. The dean and even the doctors and nurses here are all FBI, and the Yiqiao I want to deal with is this group of people."

Hearing this, all the patients looked at the medical staff beside them in shock.

But the group of medical staff hurriedly waved their hands in denial, but they looked flustered.

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