Their identities were exposed in a straightforward manner, and they didn't know how to deal with it.

The complexions of James and the director of the hospital darkened.

"Don't think that the person who captured me can threaten me. She is just a helper dispatched here, and she is not considered my subordinate. It is ridiculous to threaten me with her."

"This time I just want to teach you a bunch of little bugs chasing after my ass a lesson."

"Unlucky ghosts, let me tell you some unfortunate news. I have dropped dozens of remote-controlled bombs in this hospital by courier."

"And in the center of the hospital, I also sent someone to install a special bomb. Once it explodes, the entire hospital will be destroyed."

Belmore smiled awkwardly, this must be the one he should have installed!

"In order to avoid your unbelief, I will give you a meeting gift first."

As soon as the voice fell, the boom sounded!

It was the parking lot. Five or six cars were directly blown away, and a bomb buried deep in the ground exploded, creating a deep pit.

The family members of the patients who were still talking about it fell silent when they saw the scene cut out on the screen. They all believed it and were shocked.

"Trust me, don't try to escape, because I have already sent people to guard the front and rear doors of the hospital."

Saying this, the two buses stopped at the front and rear gates of the hospital respectively.

The car door opened, and ragged homeless men stepped out tremblingly.

Like the bums who act as megaphones, they are strapped with rows of bombs.

One by one, they walked forward slowly, with fear on their faces, but they didn't dare to retreat.

In the end, they held hands like this and blocked the front and rear doors of the hospital with their physical bodies.

In the form of a human bomb!

The homeless man with a broken arm who had lost too much blood was extremely pale, and he was still speaking weakly.

"I am monitoring the entire Kubado Central Hospital. If I find out that one person escapes, I will detonate all the bombs. At that time, everyone in the hospital will die."

"However, I am still kind-hearted. Unlucky people in the hospital, it would be a pity for you to die under my hands like this. I am willing to give you a chance to live. It depends on whether you cherish it or not?"

"You can choose to play a game with me. It takes about 10 minutes to get here from the Metropolitan Police Department. It is now 23:[-]. I will give you [-] minutes."

"I just need to grab the American agents in the hospital and tie them to the open space at the door, so I can consider not detonating the bomb."

"You have nearly a thousand patients, doctors and nurses in the hospital, plus foreign agents, and they don't exceed a hundred and twenty at most. It's actually very simple for you to swarm up and catch them."

"You only need to grab them and throw them out to survive, otherwise, you will be buried with them."

"Want to die or live, choose!"

After saying this, the atmosphere in the whole hospital changed.

All the patients and their family members looked at the white-robed doctor or white-skirted nurse beside them with strange expressions, flashing malicious lights.

Chapter 0217 sold the Belmode organization

Suddenly the situation reversed, and the special agents, doctors, and nurses who ran around the hospital to detect bombs became the targets of the families of these patients.

They were originally the umbrellas for these innocent patients, and they wanted to treat them, or search for bombs to prevent them from being affected by this turmoil.

But now the agents looked at the unfriendly faces on the left and right, only to realize that they were in a very bad situation.

The rumors of the tramps continue!

"Don't worry, they are essentially spies who have sneaked into Tokyo. If you catch them, you don't have to bear any legal responsibility, just like doing what is right."

"In order to prevent you from passively sabotaging your work, every five minutes, as long as there are no extra spies in the open space outside, I will randomly detonate a bomb!"

"I wish you good luck. By the way, if there is any unlucky person who can't help but want to escape from the hospital, this is your role model."

As soon as the words fell, another sniper bomb pierced the sky.


The head of the homeless man who sent the message exploded like a watermelon, releasing a large cloud of blood.

His whole body twitched twice like an earthworm, and then stopped moving.

Witnessing the death of the homeless man on the screen, the patients and their families in the hospital couldn't help shaking, terrified, and feeling cold all over their bodies.

This is not a prank or a joke.

If you don't do something, you will really die!

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other, swallowed, and their eyes fell on the doctors and nurses next to them again.

In the abandoned RV, Belmord looked at the laughing Rum in the video, and couldn't help but say, "Rum, your plan is too radical."

"Such a big momentum does not conform to the organization's usual low-key characteristics. It will definitely cause a lot of turmoil. When the Japanese police search us, it will be difficult to act in the future. I do not agree with this approach."

Rum's laughter on the screen stopped, and his voice became extremely cold.

"Belmode, you have to remember that I am the commander in chief of this operation."

"Besides, isn't this very interesting? Without a single soldier, the hospital will become chaotic by itself, and they will kill each other."

"When no one threatens them, everyone wants to be a good person and be a saint, but human nature is evil. When their own lives are endangered, everyone will only run towards their own good side."

"We don't need to do anything to watch them self-destruct."

"But all of this is in vain. The final explosion will still take everyone to hell."

Hearing this, Marsala couldn't help but also mocked.

"It's really boring and evil. I can't understand why giving thirty minutes is to satisfy the desire to torture others?"

"Since we have the certainty of victory, why not blow up the hospital in one go, kill them all, and teach the FBI a profound lesson."

"You must know that thirty minutes is a long time, and many accidents are prone to occur. If people from the Metropolitan Police Department arrive, or some computer experts track down your signal, wouldn't you just play it off, Rum?"

Rum's voice became more and more angry: "Shut up, Marsala, I don't need you to teach me how to do things. I am the person in charge of the Japan region. You don't understand why I give them time!"

Hearing this, Belmore shook his head wordlessly, folded his hands on his chest, and changed his legs to Erlang's legs.

Who doesn't know your intention, isn't it just to give your subordinates a chance to escape undercover?

But it would be miserable for Kogoro like this, this big pervert wouldn't foolishly run to save others!

Thinking of this, Belmode secretly took out his Apple mobile phone, put it on his lap, typed messages blindly, and sent all the messages he found.

This woman really didn't hesitate to sell the organization for her lover!

As expected, the hospital became chaotic. At the beginning, it was a few gangsters with tattoos on their bodies.A few big men started to attack Jiao Didi's nurse, thinking it was easy to catch.

Unexpectedly, the little rabbit turned into a cheetah all of a sudden, with extraordinary skills, and knocked down two of them.

But she hit the hornet's nest instead, and the family members around shouted.

"They are really conspiring. They are so skilled. Let's go together and catch them."

Once encouraged, most people started to do it.

Surrounded by several doctors and nurses trying to subdue them, not all detectives are as good as Xiuyi, after all, two fists are no match for four hands.

Soon, these doctors and nurses were captured and tied up with bandages.

This is also the main reason why they are not equipped with weapons. Although this Beihu Central Hospital is an FBI base, the people inside have also joined the FBI and undergone training.

But their job is hospital nurses. In the FBI, it’s just a logistics job. They help to heal the injuries of the agents and the surrounding residents along the way. They have the right to pretend.

They don't have weapons, so they will naturally be laid down by the crowd tactics.

On the contrary, plainclothes agents like Judy and Andre were not caught.

Of course, there are family members of patients who do not know what to do and want to subdue this group of obvious foreigners, but usually as long as the pistols are exposed, those family members of patients will calm down and dare not go forward.

Judy watched the nurses and doctors being tied up and dragged downstairs, her brows were tightly furrowed, and she was extremely irritable.

Now that the bombs have not been recovered, there is such a turmoil again that she doesn't know what to do.

Andre Kamel next to him hurried forward to save the people, but Judy picked up the walkie-talkie and began to ask James: "Leader, what should we do in this situation now? The patients rioted, and many people were arrested."

Seeing through the window family members of the patients kneeling in the open area of ​​the hospital with the doctors and nurses in distress, Judy's face became even more ugly.

The hospital lobby just now was the hardest-hit area, and nearly a thousand patients suddenly flooded in because of the four incidents around it.

The doctors and nurses who were conducting emergency rescue inside were in great distress at this moment, and they couldn't escape at all. All of them were uniformed, tied their hands and feet, and knelt down under the scorching sun without dignity.

"I'm discussing countermeasures with the dean now, don't act rashly."

Judy couldn't help roaring angrily: "Don't act rashly, the situation is urgent, if you don't act again, I'm afraid you won't have the ability to counter it. This is a riot, and the suppression should be stopped as soon as possible, and then we will look for bombs."

James on the other end of the walkie-talkie also drank loudly: "Do you want everyone to die? Someone outside will detonate the bomb inside at any time. If that guy is right, the most important thing now is to detonate the biggest bomb. find out."

"I'm discussing with the dean whether we can use the basement for emergency evacuation first, Judy, don't act rashly, wait for my order."

Chapter 0218 How many times you want to play cosplay I'm up to you

"Damn it!" Judy couldn't help cursing when she heard that there was no voice on the intercom.

Her green eyes looked at the doctors kneeling on the ground downstairs, she gritted her teeth and took out her gun, she planned to disobey her orders.

She couldn't wait for James' order. Now the group of innocent people had become hostile rioters. People were being escorted out every second. She had to go down and stop them.

Even if the doctors and nurses outside could not be rescued, at least more people had to be prevented from being escorted out, so as to prevent more people from being exposed to the sniper rifle.

Kneeling on the open space outside, it is really fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

But at this moment, his wrist was grabbed by a big hand, and a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Gold-rimmed glasses, a white mask, and a specially-made hairstyle.

The voice of Mori Kogoro appeared: "It's not the time yet!"

"Xiao Goro!" Judy's pleasantly surprised voice sounded, and when she saw him, she felt confident in her heart.

"Hush!" Kogoro Mori pressed his index finger on Judy's plump red lips.

"Don't call me by my name now, this time I can't reveal my identity, just call me a doctor."

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