Hearing this, Judy rolled her eyes speechlessly: "At this time, if you still want to play cosplay, you help me save people first, and then I will play cosplay as many times as you want, you can dress up as a nurse or as a maid pick."

Kogoro Mori patted Judy's buttocks heavily with his big hand.

"People will definitely be saved, but it's not now, it's not the time, you have to believe me and be obedient!"

"There is something urgent that needs to be done by you!"

"What's the matter?" Judy asked, frowning.

Mori Kogoro put Judy in his arms, put his lips to his ears, and whispered: "Do you really believe that no one entered the hospital when the organization said? The group of couriers who just delivered the bomb delivery did not After leaving, I asked someone to check the Hechuan Express they belonged to, and found that all the people of this express company were stunned in the company."

"And the keys, seals, and uniforms in the warehouse were all stolen from the company."

"In other words, these couriers are not real couriers at all, they are most likely members of the organization."

Hearing this, Judy frowned slightly: "There are members of the organization here, so it won't detonate the bomb, that guy lied to us."


Mori Kogoro shook his head: "According to my judgment, it is very likely that they are low-level members of the organization, that is, cannon fodder."

"Lum sent killers to kill Westland's mouth before, and the senior members with code names ignored the lives. It's hard to believe that he would consider the lives of these cannon fodder."

"I suspect that they were coaxed in. The riots were so easy to stir up just now, and the patients were so easily instigated. It is very likely that they are stirring up trouble among the crowd."

Hearing this, Judy's expression became serious.

"If you want to save the doctors and nurses outside, then you have to deal with the more than [-] couriers first, and I will leave this matter to you."

Judy couldn't help but grabbed Kogoro Mori's clothes: "Then how do I recognize them? It's impossible for them to still be wearing courier uniforms. If they are seen, they will definitely be surrounded and beaten."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Did you forget the crow-like color? Black, black trousers, black vest, as long as the whole body is black, it must be right."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to my little Judy, and tell your colleagues to take people together."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro grabbed Judy with his big hand, then turned and walked away.

Judy couldn't help asking: "Aren't you going with me? Why are you going?"

"I'm a doctor, of course I'm going to save people!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around the corner and went upstairs, leaving Judy staring at the direction he was leaving.

I don't know if it was calculated by him, but just as Mori Kogoro turned around, several footsteps came from behind Judy.

It was Akai Shuichi who ran all the way, and Conan and Hattori Heiji.

Before the body bomb wall formed by homeless people surrounded him, Akai Shuichi returned to the Kubado Central Hospital, and met Conan and Hattori Heiji who hurried over at the door.

The three of them had a tacit understanding and rushed to the Wisley's room on the third floor to make sure that Wisley was safe.

After all, Westland was the top priority of their plan last night, and there was no room for loss.

After confirming that Westland was fine, they also heard what the homeless representative organization said on the radio, and their faces became extremely ugly.The situation has become so severe, if this test is not passed, then the plan of last night will be impossible to implement!

However, Shuichi Akai couldn't contact James who was going to discuss with the dean, so he made the same choice as Judy, and went to the lobby on the first floor to prevent these FBI logistics personnel from being escorted out.

In addition, he also planned to kill Chianti who had just shot coldly.

Although that direction is towards the light, as long as the weather is perfect and an extra cloud temporarily blocks the sun, then there is a chance!

But here they met Judy in a daze, and the three of them stopped.

"Judy, what are you looking at here?"

"I'm the one asking you what you're doing, why this brat and Heitan followed you."

Hearing that he was called Heitan, the corner of Heiji's mouth twitched, and he was about to refute.

But Judy continued: "Forget it, it's not important, there is a very terrible thing to do right now, there are enemies lurking into the Cupido Central Hospital..."

Judy immediately repeated what Mori Kogoro said just now.

After hearing this, the three of them all came to their senses, and took this matter as their first task, and followed Judy downstairs.

The expression on Little Ghost Head Conan's face was full of excitement, and he was naturally extremely excited when he was finally going to fight hand-to-hand with the members of the organization.

With the help of the two brats Conan and Hattori Heiji, plus Akai Shuichi and other subordinates, it is naturally easy to deal with the cannon fodder in the organization.

Mori Kogoro wasn't worried that Judy couldn't handle it at all, but he was very troubled by Conan Heiji's sudden appearance at Kubado Central Hospital.

Withdrawing the monitoring of Conan in his mind, Mori Kogoro turned around and entered the ICU and intensive care room...

What he told Judy just now did not lie to her, as a doctor, of course he has to save people!

His rejuvenation technique was used recklessly, and all the spirits of plants and trees in the entire Kubado town were absorbed by him, filling his body with extremely cool spirits of plants and trees.

Mori Kogoro's witchcraft was used to the extreme, and he poured two more bottles of spring water for fear of lack of spiritual power.

He walked from ward to ward, and the patients in the ward were blessed.


Although they were stunned without seeing anything, they were immediately healed by the strong spirit of vegetation.Several terminally ill patients were even cured directly, which was considered a blessing in disguise.

Chapter 0219

When Mori Kogoro was treating a group of seriously ill patients, everyone in the lobby on the first floor was also doing things very smoothly.

Conan, the little devil, used an anesthetic needle to stab people back in the corner, and kicked a few banana footballs from time to time, knocking out the standing man in black.And Hattori Heiji used a broom as a bamboo sword, attacking men in black one by one.

Akai Shuichi and Andrei's style was much tougher, like a tiger entering a herd, displaying their fighting skills, sweeping like a tank, subduing each member of the organization.

There are also men in black who continue to stir up trouble and instigate.

"They are also the FBI, they are all spies, let's go together, there are so many people, he dare not touch us."

boom! boom! boom!

The flames suddenly appeared, and the sound of bullets lasing sounded!

"I think who dares?"

A female voice scolded softly, and the domineering Judy stepped heavily on the information desk with her high heels, the windbreaker on her body was rattling, and her green eyes were full of fierceness.

The pistol in his hand was still emitting green smoke, and his power was so powerful that he instantly suppressed everyone.

"Don't look at her with a gun, if she doesn't dare to kill people, let's go together, what are we afraid of with a foreign woman?"

Before the words fell, Judy directly shot at the noisy and instigating guy with a gun.

Headshot with one hit!

Blood mist sprayed out from the back of his head, staining the white wall behind him red.

The man in black fell straight down.

The screams resounded immediately, and the family members of the patients who had just made a mess in the hospital hall did not see this scene.

They were all frightened and couldn't help but backed away a few steps, not daring to go forward at all.

dead!Really dead!

Human nature is like this. When their lives are threatened, it is difficult for them to make correct decisions. They will be surrounded by fear and easily incited and bewitched by others; under the herd mentality, a group of people can easily make self-interested choices. At this time, they will be like wolves In general, it can almost swallow everything, which is probably the case in ancient uprisings.

But when faced with the fear at a closer distance, it will be frightened by the closer source of fear, so it surrenders and becomes docile like a sheep.

Judy has been doing a lot of troubles today, and finally got the name of Kusuda Ridao, but was stopped when she wanted to arrest him;

Afterwards, he led a team to arrest him but was escaped. When he returned to the third floor, he found his colleague killed in battle;

Seeing the hospital support staff belonging to the FBI being escorted out one by one like prisoners, exposed to the enemy's guns, my heart became more and more evil;

But the most important thing is that half of the work was interrupted by a little nurse, and I was already dissatisfied with my desires;

In addition, Kogoro Mori told her that these people were members of the organization, and she completely believed in Kogoro Mori's deduction.

He completely hates Judy, a member of the organization, and naturally kills people without hesitation.

This is both impulsive and patient who wants to deter this group of rioters.

People are afraid of death!

Killed by one shot, the whole hall gradually fell silent, and no one dared to stand up.

But even if Judy made the most correct choice, Akai Shuichi, Conan, and Heiji could not agree.

Although they understood why Judy did this, if the talkative person had nothing to do with the organization, he just happened to be dressed in black, instigated by the homeless man's statement, and hated the FBI.

Judy's shot was a complete murder.

As a result, Conan's eyes on Judy became a bit unkind.

Shuichi Akai always knew the overall situation, so he also threatened with a gun: "Now this place is under our jurisdiction, immediately loosen the doctors and nurses who are tied up, and if they are still obsessed with helping terrorists, they will be charged as terrorists and executed on the spot. "

Hearing this, there was a commotion among the crowd.

Under the threat of hot weapons, no one dared to stand up to resist.

The family members of these patients stretched out their hands one after another, and untied the doctors and nurses who had been subdued but had not had time to escort them out.

The group of doctors and nurses came behind Judy and Akai Shuichi, and followed them to maintain order in the hall.

Just at this moment, a tattooed man in black in the crowd suddenly stood up, grabbed the small bomb in the express box with his big hand, and rushed towards the hospital stairs. It seemed that he had some mission to do!

Conan, who reacted quickly, immediately chased after him, and Heiji and Andre also hurriedly followed after seeing this.

After all, Conan the Little Devil's short legs are three steps away from being an adult, and Heiji quickly caught up with him.With a big hand, he picked up Conan, and chased the man in black along the stairs in front of him.

Judy and Akai Shuichi were still stabilizing the situation in the lobby on the first floor.

Mori Kogoro treated all the way, all the way up, and soon cured all the seriously ill patients in the hospital.

He then took the elevator and came to the highest floor of the hospital again, the twelfth floor.

Glancing at the dean's office, the door was ajar, and when he opened it slightly, he saw the dean of the hospital lying in a pool of blood. He had just died, and his body was still warm.

Mori Kogoro patted his head lightly, then walked up the stairs to the rooftop.

This is the second time he has come to the rooftop of Cupo Hospital today.

The wind on the roof was so strong that it made the white robe on my body rattle!

With just one glance, Mori Kogoro saw a figure on the edge of the roof struggling to tie the rope, his hands were still stained with blood. "I'm leaving so soon, don't you want to stay and watch the show?"

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