Hearing this, the figure paused, put down his hands, and turned around slowly, his eyes were full of cold light.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Should I call you James, or should I call you another name, Rum?"

The man in front of him had short gray hair, two thick gray beards, and glasses. He was Judy's boss, James Blake!

"Who are you, which action group do you belong to, why haven't I seen you?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, his voice still changed: "I am not the FBI, but a kind-hearted person who likes to save lives and heal the wounded. You can call me 'doctor'."

As soon as the words fell, the gunshots rang out!

At some point, James had an extra pistol in his bloody hand, and shot Kogoro Mori without hesitation.

The bullets came lasing, but Mori Kogoro looked calm and breezy.

There was a small and exquisite scalpel in his big hand, which he had just picked up when he was treating someone.

Mori Kogoro raised his whole body's attention, and the speed of the fired bullet seemed to slow down, and the trajectory was captured by the naked eye.

The scalpel fluttered like a butterfly. Pressing the back of the knife with his thumb and exerting strength with his wrist, he directly cut the designed bullets in half from the central axis, without the slightest smell of fireworks.

This is almost like Ishikawa Goemon's slashing with his hands, amazing skills, and a certain aura that there is nothing that can't be cut.

Chapter 0220 the so-called rum, sacrifice!

The cut bullets continued to shoot left and right, blasting holes into the wall.

James was horrified when he saw this scene, and couldn't help shouting: "Iai Zhan, who are you, Ishikawa Goemon?"

"Just know it!"

Mori Kogoro didn't say much, the scalpel was flying, but his body kept approaching.

James was already on the edge of the roof, and there was no way to retreat. If he really used the rope to escape, as long as the doctor cut the rope, he would definitely die.

He has no choice at all, facing this inhuman monster, he can only choose to fight to the death.

After the bullet was empty, he threw the pistol at Kogoro Mori, followed by a majestic whip kick.

It's hard to imagine that this old guy who is nearly half a century old is so good, and his strength is not inferior to Akai Shuichi.

But the black leather shoes kicked Mori Kogoro's waist, but he couldn't shake his body.

Under the mask, Mori Kogoro's mouth curled up into a playful smile, and with a flick of his wrist, a circular arc of cold light flashed past!

The speed is almost as fast as a thunderbolt!

James didn't have time to react, his hamstring was cut off directly, and blood spurted from the back of his ankle.

Under the severe pain, James' face immediately turned pale, cold sweat fell down, his body lost his balance, and fell to the wall of the roof.Finally, panic appeared in his eyes: "You, who are you?"

Mori Kogoro did not answer, and the leather shoes under his feet stepped heavily on his chest.

Hear a 'click'!

That was the sound of bugs being crushed, and the sound of sternum being crushed.

In the abandoned RV, Belmord could clearly see Rum Silhouette pulling something out of his ears, then put his hands together and put them on the table, his whole person became much more gloomy.

After confirming that there was no wiretapping device on his body, Kogoro Mori had time to speak.

"I've said it all. I'm a kind-hearted 'doctor' who saves lives and heals the wounded. Why do you need to ask me who I am again?"

"James, you hide really deep. I have been staring at you for a long time, and I was almost deceived by you. I almost failed the mission."

James stared fixedly at the doctor in the white coat in front of him, trying desperately to recall the personnel he had transferred, the personnel in the base, to recognize him.

"Remember the new Zhiming incident? This plan was supposed to be foolproof, but Belmore was supposed to be captured in one fell swoop at the pier, but it was inexplicably leaked ahead of time."

"Then Belmore disguised himself as Judy, and easily coaxed all the agents back, but I remember that you were the person in charge of the operation at that time, right? No one asked you how Judy could get everyone to obey orders and go back. ?”

"At that time, I suspected you. The agents in Tokyo were exposed and attacked one by one, and many of them were lost. They happened to be the agents who acted that night. I am more and more sure that you have a problem. After all, all of them Only people with your identity can access the address information."

Leaning against the wall, James didn't say a word, with scarlet blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and he didn't respond in any way, for fear of revealing even a little more information.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but shook his head: "You are really powerful. I suspected you half a year ago, and I have been watching you for more than half a year, but I haven't found even a trace of your connection with the Karasuma organization."

"No meeting, no phone calls, no emails, and no codes. I can't find anything suspicious about you at all. I thought I made a mistake in my judgment."

What Mori Kogoro said is naturally true. Since the full moon incident, James has fallen into his field of vision.

He sneaked into James' residence to install monitoring equipment, and also used hacking techniques to hack his Internet traces, text messages and calls, and monitored him for more than half a year, but found nothing abnormal.

"If someone reliable hadn't told me the rumor about Rum, I would have almost let you go."

"The rumored Rum is a big man, or a man like a woman, or an old man, and even said that these are his substitutes, but they all have one common feature, that is, his left eye was injured. It's a prosthetic eye."

"And I, Yiqiao, know that there are three types of rum, silver rum, gold rum, and black rum." Mori Kogoro laughed: "Oh, then why'big man, a man like a woman, come on Old man' can't it be all rum?"

"It's only now that I understand why Rum can become the second leader of the Karasuma organization. It turns out that he is not just one person, but three people!"

Hearing this, James' pupils shrank sharply, cold sweat kept oozing from his forehead, his chest heaved and heaved, and he was panting with difficulty.

"The sentence 'his left eye was injured and he was wearing a prosthetic eye' also woke me up, and I realized why you don't need to contact the organization, because you are in contact with them all the time."

"Great magic requires sacrifice, and a great undercover agent must also sacrifice!"

"The three rums all had their left eyes gouged out, replaced with specially designed prosthetic eyes, and shared vision from then on."

"The three people clearly understand what they see on the prosthetic eye. Naturally, they don't need the help of external objects to contact them, and they can share information without anyone noticing. It's really an outstanding method."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro squatted down and picked James' glasses away.

Then the scalpel plunged into the socket of his left eye without hesitation, and he picked it up vigorously!

Blood flowed horizontally, and James immediately screamed. His hands full of blood pushed Kogoro Mori's white coat with all his strength, and it was stained red.

boom! boom! boom!

A metallic prosthetic eye was picked out from James' eye socket, and landed on the gloved hand of Moori Kogoro.

Looking at these prosthetic eyes that can be faked, the bloodshot eyes on them are lifelike.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but marvel: "It's really an outstanding skill, but unfortunately, there will be one less in the future."

The screaming James' left eye socket was hollow, and blood was still oozing, very oozing.

Enduring the severe pain, he clenched his right hand and stretched it out, then dropped it heavily.

The sound of breaking wind sounded immediately, and a golden light pierced from a distance.


This is the sound of sniper bullets, the sniper dust from Chianti.

Chianti couldn't contact Mori Kogoro, and didn't recognize him as the doctor. Rum ordered, and of course she obeyed obediently.

In fact, James has been able to order the doctor to be sniped and killed, but he has been holding back until now, and he has been acting and screaming, just waiting for the doctor in front of him to think he has the upper hand and want to kill him with one blow.

Such sophisticated methods are easy to deal with ordinary people, but it is wishful thinking to deal with Mori Kogoro.

Kogoro Mori didn't turn his head, and as soon as he flipped his right hand, the scalpel flew up and hit the frantic sniper bullet directly, shifting its trajectory a bit.

The difference is a thousand miles away!

The wall three meters away next to it exploded in an instant, and the gravel continued to splash, which also made James stunned.

Chapter 0221 The Temptation of Eternal Life

Mori Kogoro grabbed Rum's skirt, and the two quickly moved to a sheltered place on the roof.

Chianti, who was on the top floor next to him, couldn't see the two of them, so he could only stop attacking resentfully.

Mori Kogoro pinched the metal prosthetic eye in his hand, and his heart was also very emotional.This mission of breaking the ring is really fucking dark, almost reasoned wrong, how did I know that Rum is a trinity, there are three people in total.

Fortunately, I was cautious enough not to submit the answer easily!

"Silver Rum, also known as White Rum, that man who looks like an old man must be you, James."

"A clever undercover agent only needs to penetrate deeper to play a greater role, and the value will be greater. You really did it to the extreme, James."

"If it weren't for the fact that another Rum who gave orders was too aggressive and wanted to blow up the FBI in Tokyo, you wouldn't have been exposed to me so early."

"You stopped Judy when she wanted to arrest Ludao Kusuda, and secretly sent a message to let him escape."

"Afterwards, when assigning tasks, remove all the defenses around Westland, leaving only one person to guard, and let the hired killer kill him."

"Just now, I even stopped the agents from resisting, pretending to discuss with the dean, and cutting his throat in a sneak attack. Everything is too obvious, but that's right, you are going to run away, so naturally you can't control so much."

James completely ignored Mori Kogoro's reasoning, his face was stained with blood dripping from his left eye socket.

With the other eye, he fixedly stared at Kogoro Mori, and couldn't help grinning a treacherous smile.

"The new Zhiming incident, heh, I sent a total of eighteen agents to arrest Belmode, and I borrowed it to fight back and killed seven of them, leaving eleven left."

"Except for Judy, there are ten of these ten. Four of them were purged by me on a mission. I have seen the remaining six today. You are not from the FBI at all."

"Judy, the new Zhiming failed because Judy has a friend behind her. I know who you are. You and I have cooperated in the Domon Kanghui incident. Doctor, should I call you Mori Kogoro? "

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help being amazed.

As expected of Rum, he was so old and cunning that he actually saw through his identity.

I pretended so well that I wanted to say that I was from the FBI, lurking and waiting for an opportunity to take revenge for the sacrifice of my colleagues, but I still didn't succeed.

Fortunately, the bug was crushed by himself, and the metal prosthetic eye that could share vision and information was also crushed by himself, but his identity was not exposed.

Mori Kogoro took off his glasses and mask, and showed his true face in front of him.

Seeing his true face, James couldn't help but sighed and spit out a mouthful of blood: "I really don't want this person to be you, Mori Kogoro, we shouldn't be enemies."

"Heh, the biggest rich man in Japan, the big man who controls the underground forces and countless high-level political figures, the well-hidden, well-known big detective, don't we all do our best?"

"We had the opportunity to cooperate, why, why are you against us?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "It's pretty powerful information, it's actually been able to find out to this extent."

"Since you can find out my identity, you should understand that this city is actually controlled by me, so why make trouble for me?"

As soon as the words fell, his big feet stepped directly on James' chest, and his chest sank a little.

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