James spat out another mouthful of blood, his remaining one eye was full of horror.

"Detective Maori, don't kill me, we only want to deal with the FBI, we don't want to be your enemy at all."

"Actually, we can cooperate to achieve eternal life. Our organization has deciphered the code of eternal life. You can join us and obtain eternal life."

"As long as you can continue to live, your wealth, your power, and your lofty status will be maintained forever, and you are the uncrowned emperor of the world."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but sneered.

Immortality, the dream of countless dignitaries and emperors, has no temptation at all for Mori Kogoro.

The well water rich in the fountain of youth has long reminded him that as long as he wants to, he can live forever.

What other people dream of is within reach for him!

"Do you really think that I am that Renye Karasuma who has been taken advantage of by investing money in you and turning into a pile of loess in the end?"

"James, I have shown you my true face, do you think I will let you live?"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro grabbed his skirt with his big gloved hands and lifted him up.

The old guy's legs were suspended in mid-air and kept standing in a daze.

His face was flushed red, and he was still struggling and shouting: "You can't kill me, you have to die if you kill me, you can't escape the explosion range, no matter who you are, you have to be buried with me."

Mori Kogoro didn't listen at all, and put on the mask and glasses with the other hand, and then used James as a human shield, holding him to the edge of the roof.

Chianti saw this scene through the lens of the sniper rifle, and there was no room for shooting, so he reported the information to Rum.

Soon, James, who was almost out of breath, was hung outside the rooftop.

At this time, the hospital's announcement sounded, and a voice that was obviously lowered and became hoarse sounded.

"The last thirty seconds, the thirty minute time limit is coming up, it's a pity you didn't bet all the FBI out, it seems the end is set

, cherish the last twenty seconds of your life, 20, 19..."

It was obviously another Rum's voice, but to Mori Kogoro's ears, he clearly wanted to threaten himself to let James go.

James, who was holding Kogoro Mori's big hand tightly, heard the broadcast and shouted excitedly: "Listen, listen, even if you kill me, what's the use, if you have to die, let's drop the rope and leave together, or you Just die with me!"

Looking at the hysterical James, his face was distorted.

At this time, Kogoro Mori couldn't help squinting his eyes, and he discovered the details that he hadn't noticed before, and he couldn't help but lose his mind.

"Five, four..."

Judy on the first floor kept calling Mori Kogoro, but couldn't get through;

On the other side, Belmord's eyes were also full of panic, and they kept blindly typing the information on the mobile phone on their laps. They all wanted to contact Kogoro Mori, and they were all in a panic.

Hearing the countdown approaching, Mori Kogoro finally came back to his senses, and turned to say goodbye to the organization's super undercover agent: "James, please reincarnate to be a good person in your next life!"

As soon as the voice fell, his big hand spread out directly, and James was thrown off.

"No!!!" A cry of despair came from his mouth.


The height of the thirteenth floor was fleeting, and James directly hit the ground on his head and fell into a puddle of mud, with countless blood oozing out.

All the family members of the patients in the hall on the first floor were trembling, listening to the sound of the radio, almost like the final judgment.Even Judy and Akai Shuichi looked extremely ugly, each of them didn't know what to do.

And at the penultimate second, with a bang, a man fell from the gate and fell to his death, which scared everyone present.Judy and Xiuyi even recognized James at the first sight, and their pupils kept shrinking.

At this time, another Rum, who had been giving orders, saw this scene in the surveillance, and the countdown couldn't help but pause for three seconds.Then he patted the table and stood up, gritted his teeth and said, "One!"

He directly pressed the remote control buttons of all the bombs to kill everyone.

But after the sound of 'one' came out, there was only a sharp chirping sound from the radio.

But nothing happened, the human bomb didn't go off, the biggest bomb didn't go off, and the small bombs in the delivery didn't go off. Everything was calm, so unreal!

Chapter 0222 Confident woman

Belmore in the abandoned carriage could not help but heave a sigh of relief when he saw that everything in the hospital was as usual and there was no explosion, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

This big pervert is really capable!

Only then did her tense body relax, and the mobile phones on her lap were also put away.

Qi Rum looked furious, and couldn't help cursing: "How could it not be bombed, how could it not be bombed?"

This Rum has been hit hard enough, and looks suspicious of reality.

And on the first floor of the residential building opposite the hospital, Hui Xiang and Lai Sheng Ai embraced each other and jumped up, bouncing around in circles, chest bumping against chest, looking very unhappy.

Yazi let out a long sigh of relief, she was also under great pressure.

If the Central Hospital exploded under her siege, she would have to take the blame and resign.

"Xiao Ai, you did a great job. I didn't expect your black box to be really useful."

On the table in front of the three women was a black box with a lever, which looked like it had been activated.

Xiao Ai looked like a stinky fart: "That's natural. I'm a genius inventor. The signal jammer I invented is of course useful. What remote control commands, wavelength magnetic field, all will be interfered by you."

Others didn't know how powerful she was, but in fact, it was urgently produced by imitating Kogoro Mori's design drawings, and even this operation was arranged by Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro had anticipated Rum's whole plan long ago, and if he wanted to wreak havoc in the hospital, he would have to resort to explosives.

The types of explosives are all remote-controlled bombs, and Rum personally controls the mechanism.

He just wanted to create a large-scale fireworks, destroy the FBI's main force in Japan in one fell swoop, and revive the prestige in the organization, that's why he made such a huge momentum.

Presumably, it was also because of the failure of Gin Jiu's betrayal in the last operation, which caused him to be harshly criticized by the boss, and he was under tremendous pressure, so he made such a choice!

It is also knowing that the signal jammer will be activated, so Mori Kogoro went to various intensive care units to treat a group of patients.

Many therapeutic instruments in the hospital are electromagnetic, and they will also be affected by this jammer.

If a patient died because of the signal jammer, it was really Boren who died because of me, and Mori Kogoro would naturally not let this happen.

As for the FBI, Mori Kogoro only cares about Judy, and he doesn't care about the life and death of the others.

To be reasonable, Mori Kogoro came to Kubando Central Hospital this time to watch a play, mainly to protect Judy and Belmore from accidents.Originally, he wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, waiting for the oriole to come and catch them all.

Unexpectedly, I became the master C, desperately working hard, exhausting my life.

This group of American elite agents was of no help at all.

But there is no way to do it. Their top leaders have turned their backs, and the agents below naturally have no way to exert their strength.

As for the member of the organization being chased by Conan and Heiji, it seems to be the dead man arranged by Rum.

He was going in the direction of the control room in the center of the hospital, which is where Belmode installed the bomb. He probably wanted to detonate the bomb with his body.

This is Rum's backhand, this guy still knows how to be sure.

It's a pity that it's useless, the heavyweight bomb of Belmode was dismantled to pieces when Mori Kogoro advanced aggressively, the dead man must have been dumbfounded when he ran to the control room!

No, he couldn't get to the control room before he was stunned by Conan's canned football.

Seeing that Conan in the mind monitoring finally made a little contribution, Mori Kogoro nodded in relief.

After all, Rum calmed down and sat back on his seat, his voice getting colder and colder.

He picked up the communicator and spoke again: "Chianti, you shoot me the letterbox in front of the hospital. There are also buried explosives in it."

But what followed was a sharp beep, and the signal couldn't get in at all.

This Rum angrily hammered out fist holes on the table in front of him.

"Enough, Rum, you are too impulsive now, and you are no longer suitable to be the commander-in-chief of this operation."

Rum ignited like a volcano: "Why, do you want to take my power? Marsala!"

"This is the meaning of the boss, you look at the phone yourself!"

Rum looked down at the phone, and his figure froze instantly.

Even if it's just a shadow, Belmode can see that its body is full of anger.

Immediately afterwards, he lifted the table, and the image from the ipad flipped for a while, and then turned into pitch black.

Marsala said proudly: "Belmode, I will be responsible for the next actions, this is what the boss means!"

Seeing the boss text message on his mobile phone, Belmode nodded.

But she couldn't help but ask: "Marshala, the situation has become so corrupt now, shouldn't we retreat temporarily? If we continue to confront it head-on, I'm afraid it won't be good!"

Marsala laughed softly: "No, it's our chance when they think they have an absolute advantage."

"The FBI will definitely not be able to continue hiding in the hospital. They will definitely transfer it. Since we have been exposed this time, we must achieve results."

"The goal is to wipe out the FBI as much as possible and save Westland!"

"Let me clean up the mess left by Rum, and I will let the boss know who is the most capable general under him."

Mori Kogoro, who monitored her deployment in real time through the thousand paper cranes on Belmode's shoulders, couldn't help laughing when he heard this. This Marsala is really confident!

This group of people didn't know that they were still burdened with a huge trouble!

"I have already mobilized Keele, Ireland, and Bourbon in advance, and Chianti will be in place soon."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help being startled, and when he turned his mind, the image of Keir appeared in his mind.

She had indeed left the TV station, changed into a black leather jacket, and rode a motorcycle to a certain place.

It's only past eleven o'clock, and Shui Wurenai was dispatched so much earlier, it's too early for Marsala to plan for a rainy day, what a skill!

The number three person in the organization still has prestige, and he was able to mobilize so many people smoothly.

"Belmode, you go to this place to meet me now, I have sent you the location, and I will listen to my text message later."

After saying this, Marsala hurriedly got up and left her seat to arrange the next battle.

Belmord let out a long sigh, turned around quickly and entered the toilet of the RV, and started editing text messages to inform Kogoro Mori again.

Not long after, Belmore, who had changed into a black leather jacket and regained her original appearance, came out. After she got off the car, she lifted off a tarpaulin, got on her exclusive Harley motorcycle, and went to the place Marsala ordered.

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