"But what about Marsala, did you invite us here to see the scenery?"

Keir couldn't help asking: "What's going on today, why is the action suddenly advanced?"

Rena Mizumu didn't take part in the battle at Kubato Hospital at all, but was called over suddenly, and she couldn't figure out the situation at all.

Bourbon, who was also unclear about the situation, looked at the crowd in confusion.

At this time, Belmode's cell phone rang, and it was a call from Marsala.

After connecting, Belmode turned on the external speaker without saying a word, and Marsala's voice came out.

"Everyone is here, and I will be in charge of the next mission. This viaduct is the only way for the FBI to transfer to the base in Toyacho."

"They have just been divided into five black escort vehicles. I have taken a satellite photo of the exterior of the vehicle and sent it to your mobile phone."

"Five escort vehicles are coming in this direction, and the manpower is estimated to be more than ten people, all of whom have guns."

"The task this time is to ambush them on the viaduct, annihilate the main force of the FBI, and save Westland."

Hearing this, the four people on the shoulder of the road frowned.

Keir couldn't help but said, "There are only four of us, and I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with so many FBIs. Besides, I came in a hurry this time, and I didn't have any weapons at hand."

Marsala's chuckle sounded: "Of course it's not just the four of you. My raptor team is already in place, three kilometers ahead." "They have already controlled the exit of the viaduct and set up roadblocks."

"I'm asking you to help me, of course it's not for death, but I just need your help to find out which car Westline is in, so as not to kill by mistake." The raptor squad, the elite armed forces in Marsala's hands, are all composed of Caucasians , easily one against ten.

Belmore remembered that Westline, who was in charge of the German infiltration and assassination work, had joined the Birds of Prey squad. No wonder Marsala had been trying to rescue her. It turned out that the old subordinates were here.

Chapter 0225 The most poisonous woman's heart

"As for the weapons, I've also prepared them. Ireland should be arriving soon."

Before the words were finished, a black heavy-duty truck stopped, covering the Chevrolet, Dodge Viper, and two motorcycles parked on the shoulder of the road.

The car window was lowered, revealing a ferocious face with upturned eyebrows. It was Ireland who was beaten to pieces by Kogoro Mori in the assassination of Kanghui Domon in Kubato Park last time.

After being treated by the organization, his body fully recovered.

After recuperating for a long time, his eyes were full of revenge fireworks, as if he had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and planned to give the group of FBI a good drink.As soon as the car stopped, the side compartment opened, and everyone saw a dazzling array of firearms and various new equipment.

Seeing this posture, both Rena Mizumusa and Toru Amuro's heart sank. It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable today!

In their position, although they don't want to ambush the FBI agents, seeing the situation, they can only follow suit.

Fushahui's voice continued to spread: "You are all elites in the Japanese war zone, don't let me underestimate you, don't hold back today, please go all out, you must know that the boss is also paying attention to this battle .”

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but shudder, and they all had to be serious.

Bourbon shrugged his shoulders, boarded the truck and began to pick out the weapons he had in hand: "The good vacation is wasted again, Marsala, don't catch me next time when you catch the strong man, I still have my own tasks to do!"

But Belmode couldn't help asking: "This viaduct is so close to the Kuwano Central Hospital, and there will be a lot of ambush later. What if hundreds of police officers gathered at the hospital come over?"

Fushahui on the other end of the phone laughed softly: "Don't worry, they are too busy to take care of themselves now!"

Fushahui looked down at her watch, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.


Among the unconscious patients who were transferred to the square outside the hospital, another explosion suddenly occurred. This time it was a real human bomb!

The explosives exploded from the stomach of the human body, directly killing the comatose patients, splashing blood, and turning the surroundings into purgatory.

There were screams again and again, and Yazi's face darkened instantly.

There were three explosions in total, killing three people. Fortunately, the explosion was slightly less powerful and only affected a few reinforcements who were undergoing emergency treatment.

Just a doctor.

This is the backhand of Fushahui's arrangement. In the serial car accident she planned, several specially made bomb vegetatives were stuffed into it, and they were also sent to the hospital. The wrapped time bomb was surgically inserted into the abdomen.

Fushahui is good at seizing opportunities and making them!

She was not optimistic about Rum's plan, and it was normal to add more private information.

After all, the British area that she was in charge of had all fallen, and it was occupied by Sherlock Holmes, the CIA, and a mysterious force. It would not be easy to rebuild.

It would be easier to seize power directly, stepping on Rum to take over the Japanese region, and become the person in charge here.

After all, in Fushahui's view, this Rum is really nothing special, he is not worthy of virtue, he has been in operation for a long time and has raised countless undercover agents, and the position of the second in command of the organization should be given up.

But Fushahui didn't know that there were three rums in total, so she still didn't know that a misjudgment had occurred.

"I will blow up the entrance road of the viaduct after the five escort vehicles drive on the viaduct, and the iron fence at the exit will be stretched. They can come and fly in if they can. This time we will catch the turtle in the urn!"

"Also, we have other helpers."

Hearing this, everyone had no objection, and Marsala had already arranged it well enough.Next, this viaduct standing on the river will become the Shura field!

Relying on the thousand paper cranes on Belmode's shoulders, Kogoro Mori felt a bit of a headache when he heard Marsala's whole plan.The paralyzed Dr. Ali's first love is too dark, what kind of vision is the doctor, this guy even made a real body bomb.

Even Mori Kogoro was negligent this time. He didn't check carefully the comatose patients who were brought in, and was taken advantage of.

The next situation will be difficult. Judy is in the FBI, and Rena Mizuna and Belmode are in the organization.

Under her control, her three women are about to start fighting, which is very sour.

Originally, Kogoro Mori wanted to watch the movie in peace, to see how earth-shattering the "Shocking Project" jointly created by Akai Shuichi and Conan Heiji was.Looking at this posture, I have to play if I don't want to play. It's really hard for me!

Fortunately, the disguise was still there, and he didn't lose it. Kogoro Mori reached out and swung his white coat, ready to respond immediately.

Not long after, five black escort vehicles had just boarded the viaduct and were separated by vehicles on the road.

Akai Shuichi took the walkie-talkie and said: "After getting off the viaduct, all the cars will separate and leave according to the route I originally planned."

Originally, the cars at this moment should be divided into two groups, but the other viaduct is the one that Marsala designed the accident, and it is completely blocked and there is no way to pass through it.

So the five escort vehicles could only be forced to transfer to this viaduct.

Among them, Andre was in the second place carrying Westland, followed by Akai Shuichi's escort car, and Judy's escort car was the last one.

On the intercom, Judy spoke first: "Everyone pay attention, there is a situation, there is an abnormality behind the car."

In the rearview mirror, a Mercedes-Benz suddenly appeared. The Dodge Viper, almost like a lightning snake, overtook it in a few seconds and rushed to the front.

Immediately afterwards, Judy's green eyes couldn't help squinting, and her eyes fell on the woman riding a motorcycle behind her helmet with long silver hair fluttering in the wind.

Even though she didn't see her true face clearly, Judy recognized her instantly: Belmode!

His eyes were full of hatred: "Everyone pay attention, they are members of the Karasuma Group. Now I give them an order to disperse them. The main purpose is to transfer them. If the situation is critical, they can be killed on the spot!"

Hearing this, the detectives in the five escort cars sat up straight, with a murderous aura lingering around them.

And Akai Shuichi secretly complained, Judy's murderous intent is too heavy!

His plan was to send Andre alone on the way, and send Westland back without a trace.

But now it's too early to encounter people from the Karasuma organization, so it's a bit difficult.

At this moment, the sound of the engine of the white Mazda suddenly came, and Shuichi Akai saw the Bourbon driving side by side with him.

Toru Amuro opened the car window, and then an infrared heat detector was pulled out, and began to scan the entire escort car.Seeing this, the detective beside Xiuyi rolled down the car window without hesitation, and pointed the pistol out.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of bullets instantly pierced the tranquility of the viaduct...

Chapter 0226 The Violent Whislin

Gunshots sounded, Toru Amuro immediately stepped on the brakes, and the white Mazda retreated, but the car was still hit by several bullets.

Toru Amuro, who originally wanted to act, frowned immediately, and shot back without hesitation.

His marksmanship was much better than that of the detective just now, and the bullet hit the bulletproof car along the window gap, causing a panic inside.The detective in the driver's seat immediately raised the car window and took out the walkie-talkie to let the colleagues in the car attack together.

But this was held down by Akai Hideo with a big hand.

"not the right time yet."

"Nani!" The American agent was stunned.

"Firing now would give away Whistlen's position."

In the front direction, the speed of the Dodge Viper continued to increase, and this supercar had already reached the front of the first escort vehicle.The person driving this supercar is Ireland, with Chianti sitting on the door, and she is constantly scanning with an infrared thermal imaging device.

Chianti kept talking: "The second car is not, it is empty inside, and there are only two people in the driver's seat."

"The first one is possible. There are six people in the compartment, and one person is lying down. Including the driver's seat, there are eight people in total."

"If you want me to say that everything is blown up, what is Westland? After being arrested for so long, if you don't die, you will probably be instigated!"

Chianti, who is full of chaotic temperament, chews gum, hooks his feet on the car seat, and sits on the door of the supercar without any panic. He holds a disc-shaped bomb in his hand, and he is eager to stick it on the escort car.

Amuro Toru's voice also came from the earphones: "There are five people in the third car, two in the driver's seat, and the driver is Zhu Xingda, a traitor of the organization."

Then Belmode's voice sounded: "The fourth car has eight people in total, and two people in the driver's seat. Keel, how is the situation on your side?" Rena Mizumura scanned Judy's car and reported: " The last car was empty with only two people in the driver's seat."

Ireland on the Dodge Viper laughed loudly: "Shuichi Akai, if that guy is really as powerful as you say, then there are nine out of ten that Westland was personally escorted by him."

"In other words, the third escort vehicle is our target."

At this moment, Fushahui's voice sounded in the earphones: "No, not the third one!"

"It's the second car. The co-pilot of the third escort car just shot at Bourbon. That's definitely not Westland! With Shuichi Akai's temperament, Westland must be in his sight. I will rest assured."

"And what he can keep an eye on is the situation of the co-pilot and the car in front. If the co-pilot is not, then there must be only the car in front. Ireland, force the second escort car to stop, and the others assist, and we must rescue Wei." Shilian."

Hearing this, everyone moved away from the corresponding vehicles and gathered in the direction of the second escort vehicle.

Ireland is the craziest, turning the steering wheel with big hands, and making a U-turn directly by borrowing the shoulder of the road.

The sharp rubbing sound continued, accompanied by Chianti's shout: "Be careful, this is my car!"

The Dodge Viper made a smooth U-turn and started going the wrong way in the traffic.

The crazy driving caused the vehicles on the side to give way.

Ireland's driving skills are really good, and soon saw Andre's escort car.

Akai Shuichi saw the movements of the people in the organization, but he didn't know that Westland's position had been exposed, so he couldn't help frowning.

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