To be honest, he is now less and less sure about the plan.

He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "If you encounter an attack later, I will take the responsibility. If you make a mistake in making a decision today and encounter an ambush, I will bear the responsibility alone."

"You carry out the transfer according to the original plan, just go to the Toya base to move the rescuers."

As soon as the words fell, he speeded up and moved towards Andre's vehicle in front.

At this moment, Andre's escort car moved.

The Wesleyan who was originally in the co-pilot position seemed to regain consciousness, and an elbow directly hit Andre's Sun Six.The escort car instantly became unstable, twisting along the S-shaped curve.

This scene was seen by the surrounding organization, and the two of them wrestled in the fast-moving escort vehicle.

Andre, who was wearing a seat belt, had to drive and hit back with one hand. Naturally, he was not an opponent of Westland, and he was beaten all the way.

Seeing this scene, no one in the organization dared to move too far forward, even the Irish cars were farther away to avoid being hit.They all follow the development of the situation.

Immediately afterwards, Andrei, whose head was covered with blood, seemed unable to hold back, and took out a pistol with his right hand.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of gunshots continued, and several bullets grazed Westline's body, but missed his vitals.

In the constant scuffle, Westland won the pistol instead.

Another gunshot sounded, and the big man in the driver's seat was full of disbelief, and his body immediately went limp.

The escort vehicle immediately lost control and rushed towards the direction of the bridge.

The front of the car smashed through the railing. Fortunately, the free front of the car was just caught by two towing cables, so it didn't rush into the rolling river below.Immediately afterwards, the door of the passenger seat was kicked open!

Wiseline, who had deep nasolabial folds, got out of the car while clutching her wound.

With such a frenzied battle, the vehicles passing by had already moved out of the way, leaving a large space for them.

When the Dodge Viper drifted to a stop, Ireland took the lead and asked, "Whistlen, have you woken up?"

Westland treated the wound expressionlessly: "Yes, I woke up three days ago and have been pretending to be unconscious. I only heard about your actions when I heard the radio."

"However, I have never betrayed the organization, why would someone come to kill me."

Saying this, she pointed the pistol at the two people on the supercar.

Chianti raised his sniper rifle and confronted him, sneered: "Isn't this normal? Our style is like this. Besides, do you know how long you have been arrested? More than a month, more than a month is enough for many things to happen , You said you woke up three days ago, I don't believe it."

At this time, Bourbon's white Mazda drove past: "Don't fight among yourself, someone will come later, let's deal with the FBI first."

As soon as the words fell, a sniper bullet whizzed past!

The bullet directly cut through Wei Shilian's cheek, burning a scar, and almost detonated his head.

Fifty meters away, Akai Shuichi's escort vehicle had already stopped, and he set up his sniper rifle and began to snipe.

Seeing this scene, Ireland and Chianti temporarily dispelled their doubts about Westland and put away their guns.

"Washlian, get in the car, retreat first, the silver bullet still has some skills."

But Westland moved slightly, reached out to wipe the blood on his face, and sneered with dark eyes: "You dare to ruin my face, it's very good."

Her anger was completely real at the moment, and there was no disfiguring bullet in the plan.

Even though she is not good-looking, just like an aunt, but women do not pay attention to their own appearance.

Chapter 0227 Abortion Plan

Another sniper bomb struck, and the Dodge Viper immediately started to dodge it.

Chianti, who was sitting on top, was unsteady for a while, and a fierce look appeared in his eyes.

"Rye? I don't think there's anything special about him!"

Saying this, his arm swung round, and threw the disc bomb that he had been playing with.

Drop drop!

The sirens kept ringing, and Akai Hideichi, who was [-] meters away, couldn't help but his face changed slightly. He immediately picked up the sniper rifle and ran forward with all his strength.boom!

Chianti's bomb throwing technique was very accurate, and the disc bomb landed next to the third escort vehicle.

The explosion directly caused the black escort vehicle to flip over, igniting a raging fire.

The detectives inside were hit one by one, and most of them were unconscious.

Those who were not unconscious could not get out of the trap, and the car door was stuck dead by the explosion.

Akai Shuichi ran faster, but was also affected by the aftermath of the explosion, and his whole body was blown away, and he slid for more than ten meters before he stopped. "Bingo! Hahaha, Ireland, why are you running, go back and kill Akai Shuichi!"

Chianti patted Ireland on the head presumptuously, and commanded arrogantly.

Ireland's eyes were also full of excitement, giving Chianti a thumbs up, and another U-shaped drift turned around.

The Chianti on the passenger door picked up the sniper rifle and started aiming at Akai Shuichi's body on the high-speed supercar, muttering to himself.

"Finally having some fun, my gun isn't for killing bums, silver bullets? Go to hell!"

But before the words fell, the figure of Westland appeared in the magnification mirror!

Taking advantage of the explosion, the German spy kept coming forward and approached Akai Shuichi.

Her figure just covered Xiuyi's body, so Chianti had no choice but to put down the gun fiercely.

And Akai Shuichi seemed to hear the footsteps, and barely stood up with a sniper rifle in his hand.

The howling wind rose, and the sniper rifle in his arms was kicked away with a whip kick.

Immediately afterwards, Westland kicked Xiuyi back to the iron fence at the edge of the viaduct.

Akai Hidemoto had the strength to fight back, but seeing that it was Westland, he pretended to be weak, panted and said, "I didn't expect to come to this point."

There was a mocking smile on Wei Shilian's face: "I didn't expect it to be so smooth!"

Saying this, the pistol in her hand began to shoot.

boom! boom! boom!

These three shots all hit Akai Shuichi's chest and abdomen, and the bullets passed through, spraying out waves of blood mist behind him.

Wow, what a waste of money, so many blood packs were used.

Mori Kogoro monitored this famous scene in real time through the thousand paper cranes that came out of the psychic.

Because he already knew in his heart that Akai Shuichi was acting, he naturally saw through the reality at a glance.

Then Westland went up and put the pistol on Akai Shuichi's forehead, and Xiuyi wore an exclusive green hat on his head.

Westland didn't say any more, and shot cleanly.


Another cloud of blood sprayed from the back of his head, Chi Jingxiu's eyes gradually lost his focus, and his body was unable to lean back, so he fell into the rolling river.

The plan finally succeeded, and Westland should be enough to remove the suspicion.

This re-pierced nail was deep enough, and finally made new progress!

Akai Shuichi, who kept falling from the viaduct, smiled slightly, waiting for the moment of entering the water.

Wait, what's that sound?

The roar of bullets sounded immediately!

After the play, she thought she was cleared of the suspicion, and as soon as Westline, who had just relaxed, turned around, a bright red appeared between her brows.

Immediately afterwards, his head burst open like a watermelon, and a penetrating wound the size of a bowl appeared on the back of his head.

She flew out and fell heavily on the ground with a look of death.

Westland was killed on the spot!

Snipe, see sniper again!

Akai Hideichi never imagined that the situation he and the two little ghosts had painstakingly arranged was aborted by a sniper bullet.He managed to find Westland's family in Germany, threatening her to cooperate with him.

He doesn't hesitate to fake his own death to confirm his identity and turn him into the most reliable nail in the organization.

However, at this moment, the nail was pulled out.

The members of the organization and the detectives in the two escort vehicles behind watched this scene helplessly.

Everyone's eyes were also looking in the direction of the sniper bullets.

—A Porsche 356A appeared in that direction like a ghost.

Wearing a black windbreaker, long silver hair, wearing a top hat, and holding a sniper rifle, this person is Gin who has disappeared for a long time.

Everyone's eyes could not help but be full of jealousy.

It finally came out, but it made people wait for a while!

There was a smile on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth. He had reminded Belmode not to change back to his original clothes. He kept wearing nurse clothes just to guard against this guy.

But Belmore is so disobedient, wearing a black leather jacket on a hot day, and riding an exaggerated motorcycle, Mori Kogoro can only come to protect her in person!

He had discovered Gin's activities earlier. Gin was alone and kept investigating the activities of the members of the organization. Basically, he had appeared around Bourbon, Chianti, and Rena Mizumura.

But Mori Kogoro has never been able to figure out what he intends to do.

Looking at this posture now, it seems that Qin Jiu really listened to what he said by pretending to be a magic stick, and started to become an enemy of the people in the organization.In the distance, Fushahui in the luxury Mercedes-Benz was watching this scene with a telescope, and saw her old subordinate, Westland easily

Being killed by a sniper, she couldn't help pursing her lips angrily.

At this moment, a text message appeared on her mobile phone.

And on this viaduct with four lanes, Qin Jiu's eyes were full of tyranny. He chose this time to appear because he came here for revenge. "Ireland, Chianti, Belmode, Bourbon, Kiel, great, you are all here!"

He was talking about the people who attacked him in the abandoned factory last time, although Gin has not yet investigated who framed him.

But as long as everyone who acted at that time was killed, the person who betrayed and framed him must be inside.

Saying this, Gin raised his right hand, and several gun barrels as black as ink emerged from his cuffs, aiming at the Dodge Viper.Bang bang bang bang!

Blue Flame Gatling began to roar, and the bullets poured out like a tide.

Ireland on the Dodge Viper cursed secretly, the car started immediately, and began to flick its tail again to avoid bullets.

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